Sequel: Something Else

And if I Die Before I Wake...

Morgan's POV

A female vampire took me from Lucifer’s grasp. I was aware that I could talk again, but I didn’t feel like it. Besides, talking would cause conversation and that would mean I would have to socialize with the low-lives that called themselves vampires. I had better things to do, like figure out how to get to Dracula.

“I will take you to the king. He will decide what to do with you.” She recited, after my silence was mistaken as fear. I guess I might as well make my opinion known.

“You do that. But put me down you stupid moronic piece of crap. I can walk just fine.” I hissed, sticking a stake through her back. It was a long shot but I chuckled in satisfaction as she crumpled into a pile. She wasn’t particularly strong was she?

Ah well. She had been alone. Those fools thought that she could handle a weak little human. I thought it would be best to take the body with me, just to prove I wasn’t messing around. So with a vampire body tossed over my shoulder I proceeded down the hallway. A few minutes later I reached an ornate door. I decided it had to be the throne room, as it was where the hall ended.

I adjusted my grip on the vampire girl and pushed the door open. It wasn’t a room, but a courtyard.

“What took you so long? How much could one human…well, well, well, look at what we have here.” The thing who was talking was wearing a black suit. His hair was black and hung around his shoulders.

This had to be Dracula. How do I know? Well, everyone bowed when he stood up, and he was wearing a crown.

I glared at him and threw the body of the girl towards one of the guards, who caught her delicately. I couldn’t help but let out a short laugh when I saw this. Don’t even pretend you care, you monster I thought spitefully.

Dracula descended form his pedestal with a smile on his face, “How wonderful! You are no average human are you?” He asked.

When he was close enough to me I dropped to my knees, as if to bow. In a quick practiced movement I pulled my favorite dagger out from under my skirt and threw it straight in Dracula’s heart. Instead of crumpling into the dead heap that I so lived to see he just grimaced and pulled the knife out. He looked at it, twisting the weapon in his grasp, observing it.

He giggled, it was a sickening sound. No man, or vampire, should giggle. Ever.

In the blink of my eye, stupid human reflexes, I had one hand chained to a wall. Dracula returned to his chair, still observing my knife.

“Give that back to me, you filthy monster.” I hissed, straining against the locks. There were three males, sitting on chairs beside the throne, they were looking extremely bored. And I only noticed them because one of them spoke up.

“You are a bride aren’t you? Of the man you were with.”

I hissed and narrowed my eyes, “What’s it matter?”

He giggled again, “I’m curious. Few of our kind would allow such fury in their brides. You have such spirit.”

I shrugged, “I wouldn’t care even if he didn’t let me. He doesn’t control me. Lucifer is nothing but a fool and a coward.”

Dracula smiled, “Lucifer? Maxen’s son? Send for him immediately!” He looked positively elated. I just raised my eyebrow at the foolish creature’s excitement.

“You see,” he explained, approaching me again, “Maxen is my right hand man, my trusted advisor. In fact, he’s my designated successor, should I meet an untimely fate. However, he hasn’t been seen in a few days. I’m sure his son can pass on a message for me.”

I snorted, apparently my works had not been reported yet. Ah well, I didn’t expect many of their kind to pay mind to each other. “I doubt that.” I patronized. Dracula looked alarmed at the drastic change (I had reverted back to monotone.)

“You doubt a lot of things.” Lucifer said, entering calmly. He was wearing a suit, and in my opinion he would’ve been quite handsome if it weren’t for the fact that I know he is a pompous bastard. Funny what things like that due to one’s opinion of another.

I sneered at him, “I don’t doubt that I can kill you. Or any of these idiots.” I glared around the room.

Dracula stepped towards me once again, with curiosity in his eyes, “You’ve killed a vampire before, haven’t you?”

I couldn’t stop the proud smirk that crossed my face, “407, thanks to her.” I waved my hand towards the female’s body.

He was either horrified or a very good actor, but Dracula still approached me. Once again I swooped down and this time grabbed a gun, lazor as a matter of fact (not laSer). I blasted a hole through Dracula’s chest. And through the heart of a vampire beside him. They both fell over dead. However Lucifer had taken it from my hand and pinned my free arm before I got a chance to make this a massacre. Damn him.

“You stupid girl. I really don’t understand why you’re so impulsive. it’s going to get you killed.” Lucifer stated, crushing my gun in his palm.

“This is problematic. Now we really must speak with your father, as he is the new king.” A man who had been sitting behind Dracula spoke up.

“Who the hell are you!” I asked.

Lucifer smirked, “One of Dracula’s bride.”

“But he’s MALE.”

“It is the twenty-first century.”

Before I had a chance to say everything else, the world went black. I was not moving, but I was sure I was falling.


Lucifer released Morgan’s neck and she collapsed, her eyes glazed over in a look of permanent disgust.

“I told you you would get yourself killed.” Lucifer smirked. Then he stood up straight and addressed the gathered court, as they could be called.

“You ought bow before your king,” he demanded.

“King? You’re nothing but a bastard son!”

Lucifer smirked, “I may be, still, my Father was Dracula’s successor, and as you can see, Dracula is dead. However, so is my father. It was the only useful thing that bitch did for me.” And while saying this Lucifer kicked Morgan’s body, “and since my father had no chosen successor, the position fall on me. I am, after all, his only son.”

The court, realizing they were bound by ancient laws, bowed low to the floor. Lucifer nodded in satisfaction, “Is Alexa still living here, by chance? I must speak with her.”

A few moments later a women with a harsh face entered the courtyard.

“You called for me?” She asked, bowing.

Lucifer chuckled, “Do you recall the daughter of yours? The one who witnessed your attack.”

Alexa bit back a sigh, “My poor girl.”

“You’ll be interested to know that I am aware of what became of her. She became a vampire hunter, a fairly good one. I suppose she went insane near the end though. But she never stopped looking for you. She was obsessed with avenging you murder.”

Alexa’s eyes widened, “When you say ‘near the end’?”

Her fears were confirmed, when Lucifer pointed towards Morgan’s body. Alexa broke down sobbing and rushed to the body, clutching it to her like a doll.

“Morgan, my precious Morgan. What did I do to you? Oh my baby…” Alexa cried.

“Get them both out of my sight,” Lucifer ordered. Two vampire bowed and removed Alexa as well as Morgan.

Lucifer smirked one last time and spun around. He sat on the throne and surveyed his newly aquired servants.

“After all, who could deny the prince of darkness?”
♠ ♠ ♠
And it's over. *sigh* but if you actually care the two of us will be creating another story together soon.

So the mystery of Morgan's mother was finally solved *pretends to cry* Such a beautiful ending. It's like poetry.

I'm kidding. Isn't it obvious?