A Vampire's Pawn.

I wish...

I laid there, listening to the same mindless arguments from downstairs. Both parents drowning themselves in alcohol and then screaming at each other, I had listened to it ever since I understood what the words ment. Both of them blaming all the drinking, gambling, and then of course me on one another.

" WHY THE F*** CANT YOU PLEASURE ME THEN?" My Mother screamed.


Those had to be my favorite insults, both would use the card. While the other just turned redder and changed the subject...funny really. But I knew any moment I would be dragged into the argument.. and I didnt want to hear it again.

I finally stood up and looked around my room for the last time, the boring white walls that had a few rock posters taped up. Dirty clothes in the corner, the messy bed i loved lying on. And a few books scattered around the floor, nothing i would miss.

" Where's my other shoe..." I grumbled trying to find the other black Converse. " Aha, found you, you sneaky bastard!" I snatched it up from underneth the bed.

After making sure that everything i needed was in my backpack i smiled. No more listening to arguments, no more annoying parents asking me why I couldn't be normal...just a nice long walk into town where I could start over.

" Bye-bye bed." I laughed as I opened the window and slid out like usual. The cold air didn't really bother me that much, I grew up in London, I loved the cold air...the nice summers...everything really. But then we moved to Helsinki, which I loved more...especially the little town I lived in.

I stopped on the same old bridge that led into town, the familiar beams looming over me almost making me frown. The cold water rushing below heading off into the forest, I smiled faintly once I remembered I would be in the big city soon. Away from all of this...

" About time Lexie." I laughed, I grinned and started to walk trailing my hands along the edge of the bridge. There were hardly any cars in this town, otherwise people just walked. I think my parents owned the most cars...stupid old ones.

I was shocked the old bridge hadn't caved in from their weight, it was made purely of wood and old iron nails..hell i was surprised it could hold anything.. Not really paying attention i stepped down on an old rotted piece of wood. The sound of it crunch sicked me and then the feeling of my body flying through the air made me scream. I managed to grab onto a piece of good wood and there i was dangling above the water.

" HELP!" I screamed hoping someone would hear me.
A few seconds later, no one had answered.

" PLEASE I'M SLIPPING!" I cried. I looked at the water and suddenly wished i had stayed home...in my nice safe room taking the abuse...but no... my fingers started to slip and finally the last three slid off. I let out the loudest scream possible, fell towards the freezing water....and then everything went dark.
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