A Vampire's Pawn.

Your lucky your immortal.

Amy's POV:

I groaned feeling my head throbbing against my pillow. I rubbed my hand against it slowly and for some odd reason I felt oddly cold..

" About time you woke up." A smug voice laughed.

My eyes shot open, and landed on, well you guessed, Valen. He grinned and crossed his arms eyeing me slowly...ew.

" I was beginning to think your body rejected the change."

I frowned, " what the fuck, you bit me!" I yelled using a pillow as a projectile.

He let it hit his chest, and watched it fall back onto the bed, I whimpered and looked at my wrist which was covered in a piece of torn shirt.

" Yes I did." He added like nothing, " but only enough to make you pass out."

I frowned, " why? Why not just kill me right away?" I asked sitting up better.

He shrugged, " I could say you appealed to my better nature, but that would be a lie. Plus I just needed you to pass out so I could run a simple blood test."

" Blood test? For what?"

He smiled, " something in your blood has the vampirisim gene, I noticed it when i was sitting near you." He laughed before continuing, " and I was hungry."

I stared at him in shock taking it in slowly, " the vampire gene is in me?"

He nodded slowly, " it's dormat, like it hasn't been used since a few ancestors ago." He tossed the pillow back to it's place next to me, " I'm surprised why you haven't asked why Mia didn't save you."

" Why didn't she?" I asked trying to hide the hurt edge in my voice.

" Mia is a halfling, her Mother vampire, and her Father human then turned." Valen added with a hint of disgust, " she can read minds, but there's a limit on her power. If she uses it to much it hurts her, and also she can't hear thoughts out of a ten foot range." He finished.

" Wait, what about Hope then?"

He shrugged, " she doesn't have the power to read human minds. It's a rare case in vampirism, but she can do other things to make up for that....like kill you with the thought of it." He was smirking like it was the greatest gift ever.

No wonder Alex said she was different from them earlier

" Thinking of my dear brother?" Valen laughed, " he should be home in an hour."

I cast him a glare, " I can think about whom ever I want."

He laughed, " I don't think I've ever know such a firey human." He laughed again, " maybe your vampire side is acting up a bit."

I rolled my eyes, " your insane you know that?"

He nodded, " and I love every minute of my insanity Love."

Valen's POV:

I smirked as she rolled her eyes, how a human has the vampire gene was beyond me, but I had a gut feeling she was going to be dragged into the case we were working on right now.

" Stop smirking you stupid vampire." She hissed throwing the pillow at me once again.

I caught it this time and set it down on the bed next to me, " I guess your Mother never taught you manners."

She scoffed, " my Mother." She hissed the word with venom coating it, " never taught me anything."

I laughed, " no wonder your such a bitch. Your own Mommy ignored you." I mocked.

Before I could even understand what happened she reached over and slapped my face, my head was actually spinning for a few seconds. " Don't ever mock me." She hissed.

I raised my eyebrow as i wiped at my bleeding lip, " hm. I believe I will be doing more tests on you."

She scowled, " your lucky your immortal and can't die." She growled.

* Leave her alone Valen.*

There you are Alex, what's wrong? I can't play with your pet?

* She's not my pet! She's a friend damnit, I won't let you murder her like you did to Liz.*

I smirked, What ever you say Alex, get Rycan and meet me in your office...we have matters to discuss privately.


I smiled, " well good-bye love." I stood up and walked out of her room leaving her confused.
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any questions?