A Vampire's Pawn.

Lycans. Part One

Three day time skip!

Valen's POV:

Amy had been avoiding me since the first night at my house, of course I brought that upon my house. Since I grabbed her wrist and drank from her again, let’s just blame that on my bloodlust.

So we had emerged ourselves in our job instead of relaxing, it had taken us only a day to find out where this traitor vampire was going. Apparently the court house held vampire family trees, since vampires were always welcome in Russia. One of the many reasons why I moved here instead of London…where vampire ground was still shaky.

“ Do you see him?” Rycan asked scanning the crowd below us.

We were on one of the old churches looking into the crowds of people. No one took notice of the three black clad figures on the roof of the old church. But instead they hurried through each other, ether late to work, or meeting family or clients.

“ No. What about you Valen?” Alex asked quietly.

I shook my head, “ no. So far everyone here has a beating heart.”

We all stayed quiet after that, we couldn’t afford to keep talking and get distracted. Who ever was letting the press here know about a big vampire movement had to be stopped. That and he was stealing family trees, which meant he knew every person in Russia who was connected with vampire blood.

“ Found him.” Rycan stated proudly.

I looked where his gaze was directed and found the same guy. His bright red hair stood out against the duller colors of the people near him, his pale skin also stood out. He glanced around as if he knew we were here, but didn’t spot us somehow.

“ There’s three of them.” Rycan said suddenly.

I frowned and looked at our guy, he had walked over to two other vampires and began to talk to them, “ does he know about the hit then?” Alex asked sounding annoyed.

Rycan shrugged, “ their minds are closed…what do we do?”

“ Follow them, their going into the subway.” I hissed.

They nodded as we all jumped down from the side of the building, I think one lady noticed, fainted causing a few people to rush over to her.

“ Are we sure this is the guy?” Rycan asked as we walked down the steps and intot he subway.

I nodded, “ he fits the description perfectly, be quiet, their not getting into the train…their going somewhere else..” I muttered as they jumped off the little ledge and into the tunnel.

“ Are we following them?”

I nodded, “ we have to.”

All three of us jumped off the ledge and made sure to stay quiet, the group ahead of us didn’t seem to be bothered by us. Almost like other vampires would be here and we were just another group. I shook the thought out of my head and kept my hand on my gun ready to pull it out at a moments notice.

All three of us cast confused glances as they climbed through a crack in the tunnel wall, we followed and were greeted by heat slamming into us. We walked in farther and just as I thought, there were rows and rows of vampires sitting down. They didn’t yell or do anything to us, it was just like we were part of their group.

“ What do we do?” Alex asked.

“ Find seat and see what the hell is going on.” I answered.

We all found a seat in the back row, giving us a good veiw of everyone. A few people were whispering, while everyone else sat there in silence. After a few uncomfortable minutes the doors in the corner opened, one of the vampire Princes walked into veiw. He wasn't related to Hope at all, he was the King's brother's step-son...and he and him didn't get along to well.

" All fo you are gathered here for one reason. Your all the strongest of our kind." He stated looking at us. His eyes skipped over me luckily.

" Many of you are upset over the King's rules, and we believe we know how to stop him." He continued, my eyes narrowed. " I would like you all not to attack these people, if we want to take over the races on this filthy earth."

My eyes narrowed along with Rycan's and Alex's as the doors opened again and ten people walked in. All fo them smelling of blood and guts, and all ten had blood lusting eyes and matted hair.

Fucking Lycans.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes i know cursing...oh well lol.
Comment...next part will be up later. Along with Love Hate's update..