A Vampire's Pawn.

Valen's Story (2)

He sighed again and rubbed the back of his neck, “ I’m not sure what year it was really, I have a horrible sense of time when it comes to my past…of things I want to forget.” I stared at him, “ I do remember that I was in Paris, barely a hundred and seventy years old.

“ The big city excited me, my senses were never so attuned to things before, the drunks passed out in the streets, the whores walking around like nothing. The landscape, everything held me captive, my own mind wandering even during my work…as a lawyers assistant. Funny, I’m a blood sucking vampires, and most people consider lawyers blood suckers.”

I laughed softly.

He stayed quiet for a few seconds, and finally started to speak again, “ her name was Jenny, she was a can-can girl at one of the local bars. I remember going in with my boss to drink over some new case, and for a few moments I thought I had died and was in heaven.

“ She looked so different from the other girls in the bar, not as much make-up on, she seemed uncomfortable with people staring at her really. I honestly thought she was an angel, which helped ruin my good mood. But after a few drinks of brandy I finally worked up the courage to talk to her.” He sighed.

“ At first I thought she would just laugh at me, another drunken man trying to work my way into her heart. But I don’t know how, I managed to make her laugh and smile, as if I was giving her one of the best nights of her life.” I smiled at the thought of Valen drunk and flirting, “ so I actually went to the bar more.

“ I would sit there and watch her dance, and take her out afterwards, trying my best not to ever let my blood lust show…I couldn’t bear the thought of losing her somehow. As the weeks went on, my feeling seemed to go deeper than just a crush. I cherished her as much as possible, spending huge amounts of time with her.”

“ What happened?”

“ When I first told her what I was…I expected her to run from me, alert the police, and have me put to death. But instead she stayed, she seemed interested in the fact my heart didn’t beat. You can probably imagine how happy I was, I was able to bring her around my kind without fear. The other vampires excepted her, including my best friend Marcus, he seemed to be perfectly fine with the fact I loved a human.

“ So Jenny and I remained together, my bloodlust was never a problem for her, she’d simply hold out her wrist and let me drink..,I didn’t think my life could get happier, I had the most gorgeous girl on my arm, a wonderful career.” There was an odd tone in his voice, almost like he was about to cry.

“ Valen..”

“ I’m fine.” He shot back instantly, “ I still remember that night perfectly, I made sure I looked perfect for her, even bought her the type of flowers she adored..it was cold so I knew I should hurry home, and just surprise her by the fire asking for her hand.” I gulped against the lump, “ when I got home…it was quiet, there was a fire already lit so I figured she was asleep.”

“ Valen you don’t have to finish,” I mumbled, “ I don’t want you to cry.”

He laughed softly, “ I’m fine trust me..” He let out a sigh, “ so I went up to the bedroom. I could hear her heartbeat racing, but I merely thought she knew I was home. So I smiled, hid the flowers behind my back and opened the door.” He paused rubbing the back of his neck again, “ I would have never thought my own best friend and my love would hurt me.

“ They had to explanation on why they were naked and on each other, they just merely stared at me..I guess after that I thought all humans were disgusting little creatures. Bent on making their men worship them and then pull out their hearts.” He mused.

I crawled back over him to study his face, he was frowning and looking at the floor, while his eyes seemed sad, almost depressed. “ I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have forced you.” I sat on the edge looking at him.

He looked at me for a few seconds, “ you really should lay down, I’m not sure how bad it will hurt.”

I gulped, “ I’ll be fine…it’s just the thought of turning into a vampire that scares me.”

“ Why is that?” He asked amused.

I shrugged, “ I’m afraid I won’t be the same, somehow who I am inside will change…I wont be the same Amy.” I answered looking at the pattern of the boxers.

“ It won’t change you, just your outside maybe.” He said smiling, “ I have to admit I am glad I finally told someone what happened with Jenny…other than Will.”

“ Do you still love her?” I asked glancing at him.

He shook his head, “ no. I respected her choice to stay with Marcus, I left Paris afterwards and came here to Russia..started over.”

I stared at him for a few seconds, I opened my mouth to speak but my jaw tensed as did every muscle in my body. He frowned confused as I laid back and let out a scream, my blood felt like it was pure fire running through me. It felt as if every bone in my body was breaking slowly, only to have it mended and snapped over and over.

“ WILL! GET IN HERE!” Valen bellowed. “ Amy come on breathe.” He ordered grasping my hand.

I couldn’t help but scream, the pain felt so horrible, my teeth were beginning to ache, my eyes seemed to be burning up as the light of the room got brighter, it felt like my body was expanding and contracting, making room for something I didn’t know.

I was aware of the tears streaming down my face wetting the comforter underneath me, my head felt like it was being stabbed in random places, as if trying to unlock something deep in my mind. Will had entered the room and was now pressing something cold and wet against my head, while I grasped onto Valen screaming with each new pain. Each new eruption of fire in my blood, I wanted it to end so much.

“ VALEN MAKE IT STOP!” I screamed closing my eyes.

“ I cant I’m sorry.” He replied rubbing my cheek.

“ TRY DAMNIT!” I yelled.

“ I can’t do an-” He was cut short by my scream filling the whole house, it felt like someone had started a fire in my stomach, and slowly my insides were being burned to a crisp, it spread closer to my heart making my screams become more pain filled. I wasn’t aware of anything, but my brain sliding me into a dark oblivion away from the pain.

“ Amy…everything will be alright, I promise you.” Valen mumbled before I passed out
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