A Vampire's Pawn.

Thoughts making kisses.

“ Valen…are you awake?” Will asked walking into our room an hour later.

Amy had stopped screaming about ten minutes ago, begging for it to stop burning so badly. And all I could do was promise it was almost over. She finally just laid there next to me breathing slowly, not much had changed about her really. Her hair was darker, her nails a bit longer, and of course her skin was paler.

I finally looked back at Will, “ she’s just tired.”

He nodded, “ I just wanted to make sure she was.”

I nodded as he walked out of the room, shutting the door as softly as possible so Amy wouldn’t wake up. I sighed and laid back into the bed staring at the roof.

“ Valen?”

I looked over to my side, “ hmm?” Amy blinked twice and then sighed, “ how are you feeling?”

“ Tired.” She replied softly, “ I’m sorry I screamed at you.”

I laughed making her frown, “ Amy…you were in pain, it’s understandable.”

She smiled weakly and moved closer slowly, “ I still could have been a bit nicer..”

I rolled over onto my side and stared at her, “ no.”

She frowned.

“ You were in pain, and me being an asshole recently didn’t really help..I should have been nicer to you actually. And I am sorry for being well…a stupid, arrogant, annoying vampire.”

She laughed making me frown this time, “ you are stupid and arrogant, but not annoying.”

I laughed, “ so how do you like being a vampire?”

She shrugged, “ I don’t feel any different. Just really thirsty.”

I laughed and reached over to the beside table and picked up the glass I had gotten for her, filled with blood obviously. I held it out to her smirking as she paled slightly.

“ Um, I was just kidding.” She managed to choke out.

I frowned, “ no you weren’t, drink it or I’ll bite my own wrist and shove it against your mouth.”

She paled even more as I said that, and just as I hoped she grabbed the glass and sat up. Although letting her drink from my wrist couldn’t be that bad…

“ See? It’s not that bad.” I commented.

She looked at me from over the rim of the mug, “ okay it’s not bad…but it’s not great ether.”

I chuckled, “ obviously, canned blood never tastes as good as fresh.” She raised an eyebrow, “ after blood sits for about three days they can it. I mostly get mine from the blood bank, I didn’t have time to go get you any…I’m sorry.”

She smiled and handed me back the cup, “ stop apologizing today…it tastes fine.”

I smiled and pulled her back onto the bed, “ fine. But you really do need your rest, you had quiet a night.”

She smiled and stared at me for a few seconds, and suddenly the happiness faded away. I frowned as she looked down and pulled the blankets back over herself, and then she rolled over.

“ Amy?”

“ Hmm?” She was avoiding talking,..something was bothering her.

“ Is something wrong? Do you still feel sick?” I asked sitting up on an elbow.

She shook her head inching away from me slowly, “ just tired.”

I growled and grabbed her shoulder and rolled her back over, “ what is wrong with you?” I asked through gritted teeth.

My anger slowly ebbed when I realized her eyes were tearing up slightly, I loosened my grip slowly and sighed, I finally let my hand slid off her shoulder, “ I’m just tired.”

“ No your not. What’s wrong?” I asked resting my head on her pillow.

She seemed slightly annoyed by the sudden closeness, “ I was just thinking that’s all.”

“ May I ask what about?” I asked trailing my fingers along her arm, she let out a shudder making me smirk suddenly.

“ Nothing really important, just random thoughts I have.”

I sighed, “ if you don’t tell me I’ll bite your neck.”

She gulped, “ your only being nice because I’m a vampire now.” As soon as the words left her mouth she just laid there blinking every few seconds.

“ That’s not true.” I defended sitting up and pulling her up with me.

She frowned confused, “ yes it is, you hated humans and right before I changed you started to act nice to me!”

I let out a low hiss earning a scared expression, “ that is not true.” I said a bit louder, “ the fact you were about to change meant nothing to me!” I growled pulling her onto my lap suddenly.

“ Liar.”

I let out another growl and pulled her face to mine suddenly, making her eyes dart wide open
♠ ♠ ♠

Yeah this was a filler chapter...kinda having writers block since i usually type with music...my Ipod is dead...sadly