A Vampire's Pawn.

Sulfuric Acid

I sat there looking at Mia explain how they found her, what happened to her clothes, what the doctor said…basically telling her everything was going to be fine..although she looked like she was close to fainting a few times.

“ If you don’t mind us asking, where were you going?” I asked crossing my arms.

Amy looked at me, “ I was going to Helsinki.”

I tried to see if her mind was open, but just as I thought it was closed…so no way for me to tell if she’s lying.

I nodded, “ we’re only about an hour or two away…the river carried you really far.”

She looked shocked for a few moments, “ I should be dead then.”

Rycan spoke before I could, “ the doctor said you only passed out, you occasionally got washed up on land, and then floated back into the water…but it is still a miracle your alive.” He added.

“ How would he know so much?”

“ He guessed.” Mia answered, “ so do you have an apartment in Helsinki?”

Amy stayed quiet, a look of embarrassment and shame crossed over her face slowly, “ no…I was so excited about leaving my house I guess I forgot.” She buried her face into her hands.

I grinned a sudden thought popping into my head, “ well…you can stay here..on one condition.”

Amy looked at me as the others, except for Hope who was to busy playing with Amy’s hair to pay attention. “ And that would be?” Rycan answered clearly interested in my thoughts.

“ You can live here, but work with us.” I answered out loud for her.

* What the hell Alex?!*

*Let her stay here with us, you know Mia can’t help me on my missions…it feels to awkward to act like we’re dating.*

*Alex, she’s a human. Do you know what your brother would do?* He shot back.

* He won’t find out if we don’t tell him, my parents wont tell him ether.* I hissed

He looked at me for a few moments and finally sighed slowly, “ I agree with Alex…we can’t have you running around Helsinki without a place to stay.”

She looked at us for a few seconds, “ what’s the catch?”

“ You have to work on me, just running errands for my Father.” I answered smiling gently.

She looked at me for a few seconds and seemed to be in deep thought, as usual her mind was closed which was starting to bother me…I was usually able to read other’s minds, but I couldn’t break through into hers. It was like she was a vampire, although her blood purely smelt like human, although their was this soft sweet scent in it…which I shrugged it off knowing it was probably soap or something…

“ I guess I could, but only until I can find a stable job, and an apartment with good enough rent.” She answered after a few minutes of silence.

I grinned, “ perfect, Mia go show her the room she’ll be staying in.”

Mia nodded and grabbed Amy’s hand and pulled her out of the room, just as I thought Hope ran after them obviously not wanting to be with Rycan and me.

“ Alex what the hell are you thinking?” He hissed once they were out of hearing range.

“ She needs a place to stay, and I cant work with Mia you know that.” I shot back looking at the anger in his eyes.

“ Valen will have your head and hers if he finds out!” He yelled.

I grimaced, “ Valen will not find out, he never visits me or the family.” I reminded as I stood up and walked towards my study.

“ But there is always a chance. Are you saying you’d put this girl’s life on the line?” Rycan argued following me.

I sighed and pulled out an old book on how to make sulfuric acid.. “ yes I admit there is a chance, but if he does both he and I are equally matched you know that.”

He sighed, “ alright…do you need help with anything?”

I nodded getting all the ingredients for the acid, “ yes, make sure Amy looks nice tonight, and get me the file on the hit.”

He nodded, " just be careful Alex, I don't think I could ever handle living with the fact I was a girl's death."
♠ ♠ ♠
ooh what's guna happen?

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