A Vampire's Pawn.

The family business.

I smiled as Rycan walked into my room slowly, he grinned once he noticed I looked completely comfortable on the huge sofa in front of the TV.

“ Hey, Alex wanted me to help you pick out a dress for tonight.” He smiled walking towards me.

I frowned confused, “ what’s going on tonight?”

He laughed realizing he hadn’t said something, “ your going to help Alex out on an errand, and it’s at a formal dinner so he wanted to know if you needed help.”

I nodded, “ I don’t have any clothes…”

“ I figured that much, so I borrowed a dress from Mia until we can take you shopping tomorrow, would you like her to help you?”

I laughed and sat up, “ yeah, no offense but she’s a girl…and you’re a guy…”

He laughed and shrugged, “ okay, she’ll be right here.”

He disappeared and a few seconds later Mia came in wearing baggy pajama pants and a loose black tee shirt, she smiled, picked up the borrowed dress and motioned for me to follow her with a simple wiggle of her index finger.

“ So what type of errand is this?” I asked as Mia started to do my hair.

She looked at me through the mirror for a few seconds, “ I’m not sure really, usually I help him but lately we’ve been kinda arguing.”

“ Over?” I asked knowing it wasn’t my place. I just hoped she wouldn’t yell at me even though I would if I was her.

“ He fights a lot with his brothers, and we’ve been telling him just to let the past go.” She answered as she smoothed back a small stray hair.

I nodded slowly, “ maybe, unless it’s something unforgivable.”

She laughed, “ that’s exactly what he said.”

I looked at myself in the mirror slowly, I was wearing a pale beige dress that went a bit above my knee, it did look okay on me, although it had a V-neck which I didn’t like, I felt like I was showing to much. Mia had pulled my hair up into a elegant bun and put a few pins with fake pearls in it, I smiled and spun around once and stopped.

“ Amy? You ready?” Alex asked knocking on my door softly.

“ Yeah, come in.” I called back smiling.

The door opened and he smiled softly at me, he himself was wearing a blood red silk shirt, black slacks, and black dress shoes. He smiled and walked towards me holding a small vile filled with a disgusting purple looking liquid.

“ What’s that?” I asked pointing to it curiously.

“ What the errand is about, you may want to sit down.” He gestured to the armchair not to far away from me.

I walked over feeling slightly scared, I finally sat down and crossed my legs still feeling nervous, “ ok.”

He rubbed his head, “ well my Father was a hit man.” I raised my eyebrows, “ and he passed the business onto my brother and I,” He started to pace in front of me. “ And tonight I have a hit to get, and that is where you come in.”

“ How?”

He sighed noticing I didn’t have an emotion in my voice, “ the hit, Frank has a thing for young girls, and your job is to act as my mute wife, you’ll flirt with him underneath the table,” I grimaced in disgust, “ and excuse yourself to go to the bathroom…hopefully he’ll escort you…and well.”

“ Well?”

“ Let him kiss you, and when he does pour this sulfuric acid down his throat…but you have to keep the vial in your mouth.” He finished.

I felt my jaw slack as I stared at him. “ won’t it kill me?!”

He shook his head, “ no, you shove it down his throat with your tongue, and his stomach acid will do the rest…will you do this please?” He asked staring at me with hope.

I stared at him to shocked to move, he was a hitman, he wanted me to help kill someone, his family business was killing people....Dear God.
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hehehe Dear God by Avenged Sevenfold is awesome! ^_^