A Vampire's Pawn.


“ I’m not sure I can do this.” I said as we drove towards the restaurant.

“ You’ll do fine, just flirt as much as possible.” Alex smiled hoping to make me calm down.

I sighed and struggled to keep my breathing normal, but it wasn’t going okay so far..i didn’t know if I could handle knowing I killed someone…he could have a family who loved him, a wife, a few kids, hell maybe a few grand kids for all I know…and I was just going to kill him like nothing.

“ If you don’t mind me asking, why are we killing him?” I asked looking at Alex out of the corner of my eye.

He turned down the radio, “ he’s a pedophile, his wife brings little girls to their house.” He answered with no emotion in his voice, “ we’re not sure how many girl’s he’s raped, but we know that he kills them afterwards.”

I gulped, “ well if he likes children…how do I come in?”

“ Your supposed to be sixteen, just act like your some crushing teenager.” He laughed looking at me.

I smiled weakly, although my insides were doing flips. “ So how long have you been doing this?” I asked hoping to get rid of the uncomfortable silence that went over us again.

“ Since I was sixteen, my father has been sick so my brother and I took over.” He answered taking a left.

I nodded, “ it must be different from being a lawyer or something.”

He laughed, “ yeah. Well come on Darling.” He said as we pulled up to the restaurant.

I laughed as he grabbed my hand just as we walked into the restaurant, he walked up to the podium and smiled at the man, “ Hello, I’m Adam Leos, and this is my wife Amane, we’re here to see Mr. And Mrs. Bartly.”

The man smiled, you know the ones they give when they think if they act nice they can get a tip, “ right this way Sir. Your guests barely got here a few minutes ago.”

Alex nodded and started to follow the man, “ it’s not confusing that we have code names is it?” He asked softly enough for me to hear.

I shook my head, “ I’m not dumb.”

He laughed, “ okay, now silence and put the vial in!” He ordered as we got closer to a table.

I nodded and slipped the small vial into my mouth slowly, as soon as we got closer to the back table I grimaced. The guy was old enough to by my father, and the woman was old enough to my sister even. He stood up, shook hands with Alex and started to talk about how excited he was to be working with Alex’s “ Only Girl Boarding school.” Ew much.

“ Oh, and this is my wife Amane.” Alex said pushing me forward.

The woman scowled at me and sat down like nothing, while the man grinned, “ lovely to meet you Amane, I am Frank.”

“ Oh, I almost forgot, I’m terribly sorry but my wife is a mute.” Alex apologized smiling at me, “ I’m sorry dear.”

I made random symbols with my hands, “ she’s very beautiful…I’m sorry to say I don’t know sign language.” Frank smiled.

I nearly gagged when he called me beautiful, but I knew I might have swallowed the vial, and then I would be dead…we all took our seats and they began talking about what the school was like. I could tell Frank was getting excited about this since his breathing was getting labored. His wife on the other hand merely shrugged it off and continued to flirt with Alex…which actually made me jealous….calm down Amy.

I rolled my eyes once I realized the sooner I started to flirt, the sooner I could get out of here. I slipped off one of my high heels and did something I wish I would never do again…you know that nasty thing in movies were the girl slips her foot into the guys crotch? Yeah…it’s not really fun.

He looked at his wife obviously thinking it was her, I rolled my eyes again and leaned over the table and batted my eyes, I could tell Alex was smiling at how well things were going..and I was just glad the guys wife didn’t notice and kick my ass.

I leaned back into my seat and continued my disgusting under table PDA for him, he looked at me straight on and smiled widely. I turned to Alex and pulled on his jacket softly, he looked at me, “ yes Darling?”

I made up random symbols and used my other hand to point to towards the bathroom incase he was stupid. “ I thinks he has to pee.” The wife added rather loud.

I shot her a glare and quickly smiled, “ oh yes, sorry darling.” He started to scoot back his chair, “ wait, Frank would you mind taking her?”

“ Not at all!” He replied rather quickly making his wife roll her eyes.

“ I had no clue you were into older men.” He growled playfully as we passed the other tables.

I bit my cheek knowing I couldn’t say anything sarcastic or else everything would be ruined, I just hoped I didn’t throw up when he kissed me, that would be funny but horrible at the same time. As soon as we were in front of the bathrooms I was shoved against the wall.

I grimaced as his hands rested on my hips and he started to kiss and bite at my neck, I’m glad no one can friggin see this…

“ You know, I think it’s kinky that you cant talk.” He growled against my skin.

I rolled my eyes and grimaced as he bit down far to hard, but I quickly plastered on a fake smile as he started to kiss his way back up. Just like I hoped his mouth landed on mine next, for a few seconds it stayed closed, and then he started to lick at my bottom lip.

I opened my mouth and just as he was about to shove his tongue down my throat I shoved the vial into his mouth, he instantly swallowed like an idiot and pulled away. He held onto his throat and looked at me with shock written across his face. He collapsed onto the floor and started to gasp and claw at his throat and stomach, I looked away from the scene to freaked out to continue.

“ Hurry Amy, before his wife comes!” Alex said appearing out of no where.

I nodded and followed after him as we quickly left.
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