A Vampire's Pawn.

Is this your pet?

I sat there in my bed looking around, I suddenly realized how lucky I was right now. They gave me somewhere to sleep, otherwise I'd probably be wandering the streets of Helsinki cold, tired, and hungry.

They were actually nice to, like i had been with them for years. Rycan was the type you could sit down and probably talk to about serious things, like a war or something..But then again he was also playful around the girls, but less so around Alex...

Mia was just hyper as hell, she would run through the hall yelling something in German, she even stood up to Alex which scared me...he was like two times bigger than me..

Hope was just adorable, she was one of those little girls who you'd love after talking to her maybe once. The kind that would walk into your room crying since she had a bad dream, and even walk around the house clutching a teddy bear to her.

And then there was Alex, he confused me, one moment he would act nice, then the next he would have this huge ego and act like an asshole..

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair slowly, I had been laying in bed for almost an hour. Just listening to everyone talking downstairs, for some reason i just couldn't bring myself to get out of my room.

Come on Amy, you don't want themt to think your insane..

I nodded to myself and scrambled out of the bed, I took a quicky shower and then changed into a white tee shirt and a pair of jeans Mia had boughten me...guess we really did wear the same size..

I smiled after i pulled up my hair and put on a bit of eyeliner, I didn't want them to see how pale I really looked without my make-up on.

I walked out of my room taking in my surroundings for a few seconds, there was something different about the house today. Like there was a chill that couldn't be escaped, I shrugged it off and continued to walk.

Just like I thought all of them were in the kitchen, Hope smiled and ran over and tackled me into a hug, " your awake, now you can meet the meanie Valen!" She giggled tugging at my hand.

I frowned and looked at Mia and Rycan confused, they nodded their heads over to the corner making my eyes dart over there. He looked almost exactly like Alex, only a bit taller, and his hair was longer, his eyes were also a little blood shot. He eyed me, scowled and sent a questioning glance at Alex who was scowling right back.

" Valee, this is Amy." Hope giggled twirling around in her spot....have i mentioned how cute she is?

" Hi. Nice to meet you." I held out my hand and smiled.

" Get your hand away from me you filthy thing." He hissed suddenly. " I thought you'd never get another pet Alex." He sneered eyeing me.

I raised my eyebrow, " filthy? Are you friggin blind. And I'm not Alex's fucking pet, speaking of which do i look like an animal?"

Valen's face lit up in amusement, " she doesn't know? Oh how fun this will be."

I looked at Alex to find him staring at the table, " Amy, can i speak to you in my office?" He asked not bothering to look up.

I nodded wanting to know what the hell was going on. He stood up and led me out of the room, I let out a frusterated groan since i had to pracitcally jog to keep up with his fast pace.

" Okay, I don't know how you'll take this, so sit down." He said pointing to a black leather chair.

I rolled my eyes, " honestly, how bad can i be?" I asked as i sat down and crossed my legs.

He laughed as if I said the most stupidest thing ever, " very bad for a human to believe."

I raised my eyebrow confused, " one, your human to, two, what crawled up your brother's ass?"

He laughed at the last part, " everything crawls up his ass, now calm down so i can tell you this."

I sighed, " okay cowboy."

He looked at me, " your a very odd woman."

I smiled, " thank you Captian Obvious...now what where you saying?"

He sighed, " okay then. Amy, well, we're vampires."

I laughed, " okay and I'm the Trix rabbit.

He let out a low snarl, " Amy."

" Come on Alex, I'm not an idiot although I act like one."

He sighed and walked closer to me, something about his breathing made me start to shake, it took me a full three seconds to realize his eyes weren't the same, they were small and bright silver.

" I am a vampire, don't make me bite you to prove it." His ego coating each word with pride, he leaned down and flashed me a fang smile...i did the natural instict...screamed like I was being murdered...
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