‹ Prequel: Looking Back
Sequel: You Forgot Your Duck

Fact Or Fiction

Fact Or Fiction

“Why did he want us to meet here? It’s Halloween. I want to go trick-or-treating.” Everyone looked at the youngest of our group. “What?” He returned the gazes in confusion.

“Johnny, baby, he said he has a surprise for us. Remember?” Lacey, Johnny’s girlfriend, rubbed his arm lovingly as she spoke to him.

My friends were dressed wildly for All Hallows Eve. Matt, having lost a bet with Val, couldn’t dress as a vampyre this year. Instead, he was costumed as a deathbat. Val countered him by dressing as his skeleton from the Live in the LBC cover. Johnny and Lacey went the naughty route as she played the slutty librarian to his high school football player. Zacky and Gena payed homage to PeeWee Herman, Gena taking the part of Miss Yvonne. Jimmy, always the jokester, dressed as Bridget from The Girls Next Door, and pleaded with Leana to go as Hugh Hefner (she gave in of course). No one had seen Bobbi Jo since last night.

“Where are we supposed to go? This is a huge abandoned warehouse.” Matt gestured to the grand amount of open space and took charge as usual, splitting everyone up to look for a clue. Gena was the one to find the flimsy paper arrow taped to the wall.

“This way guys. His shitty handwriting is on the arrow calling us losers.” She rolled her eyes as Zacky joined her. Once assembled, the group set off down the hall. Small chat filled the air, everyone keeping an eye out for another sign. The end of the hall approached quickly, and there was still no hint as to where to go. Jimmy leaned against the wall complaining that his feet were hurting.

“Then why the hell did you wear four inch heels?!”

“It’s part of the costume!”

Johnny deadpanned him for a few minutes before shouting, “THE BITCH WEARS SNEAKERS TOO DUMBASS!” Snickers passed around the group

“This,” Jimmy motioned to his outfit, “ is not a ‘sneakers’ outfit. That would ruin the look.” A collective face palm swept the group. What sounded like the stone groaning stopped anyone from replying verbally. The wall behind Jimmy suddenly dropped away, causing him to fall flat on his ass.

“Underwear Jimmy. Learn the meaning of the word.”

“You think I could wear underwear in this skirt?! Can we say VPL?” Leana massaged her temples as Jimmy added to the evidence of his insanity. Matt stepped over him and into the vast room. Rich purple velvet furniture was set in a polished Blackwood room. Flooring, chairs, desks, tables, everything was Blackwood. Lights clicked on and the door slammed shut as soon as everyone was in the opulent room. The girls jumped at the sound of stone meeting stone harshly.

“Hello friends! I see you’ve found everything okay.” The voice drifted from all corners of the room. Confusion seemed to be the general feeling at that point in time. Everyone turned in circles, attempting to spot the source of the voice.

“There.” Val points to the TV. So they’ve figured part of it out. Maybe they won’t fail as miserably as I expect. “Why is he on the TV? And is he dressed like Hannibal Lecter?” And she gets the outfit right on the first try. I’ll have to watch out for her.

“Have a seat, have a seat. Tonight is going to be a Halloween to remember. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.”
I shut the camera off and move to the control panel. Watching the monitors, I switch the station being viewed in the sitting room. The images begin immediately. I watch with them for a few minutes before leaving the control room. Three short corridors take me to the sitting room. I slip in the back quietly. Twisted events on the screen captivate everyone.

A young woman runs down the hall, looking frantically behind her. Steady footfalls chase her. She trips, her skirt ripping at the bottom.

“Is that? No. It can’t be.” Lacey glues herself to the screen. “It is!” She shrieks as she realizes something. “That’s Bobbi Jo! It’s Beej!!”

“No it’s not. How can you tell?” The rest of the girls crowd around the TV.

Lacey points to something, “There on her ankle. That’s her deathbat tattoo.” The girls gasps at this revelation. Caught up in the horror movie playing on the TV, the guys pull their girlfriends back to their seats.

Tears stream down the girl’s face as she screams for mercy.

“Is she dressed like Clarice from Hannibal?” Every male in the room shushed the girls simultaneously. Beej scrambles to her feet, continuing to run down the hall, shrinking in size as she moves away from the camera. Her antagonizer laughs viciously off screen. Shadows loom over Beej as she loses herself in the maze of corridors. About an hour into the chase, Bobbi Jo locks herself in the basement.

“Dumbass! Of course she plays the typical blonde in a slasher and does the stupid thing,” Matt rolls his eyes.

Beej moves to the wall, walking the perimeter of the room. Pounding on the door causes her to jump; she twists her ankle when she lands. Her soft voice spews swear words as she crawls to the center of the room. The door banging open gives her that one final scare and she falls down a black hole that no one had noticed.

“No!” The girls all scream at once.

“She always was a klutz.” Jimmy shakes his head.

A maniacal cackle drifts down the basement stairs. Whimpers sound from the hole while soft creaks echo from the steps. I watch myself appear on screen, smirking. I swing the basket in my hand as I approach the black abyss that has swallowed my girlfriend. The group is enraptured as I silently lower the basket into the hole. Beej protests when I order her to drink the liquid I sent to her so I pour acid down on her. Her sweet screams bounce off the basement walls and I laugh whole-heartedly. She drinks my offered beverage. This too makes her scream, but the glorious sound is strangled by the constriction of her throat muscles.

Kicking a block in the wall, I watch as the floor changes and Beej is slowly brought to the surface. Her face and arms are badly burned, her neck is swollen, and tears are pouring from her eyes. Eyes that are begging me not to do this. I smile softly down at her before swiftly bringing my foot into her side. I beat her violently, reveling in her beautiful purrs of pain. The cracking of bones only spurs my relentless driving swings. Just before she falls lifeless, I grab her brown locks- tangling my fingers in them as I’ve done during sex many a night- and drag her up the stairs to the main room. I giggle as the life begins to fade from her precious turquoise eyes.

“That’s this room!” Val jumps off the loveseat, looking around frantically.

I clap vigorously, alerting them to my presence. “Rousing film was it not? The cinematography was magnificent.” Tear stained faces meet my smiling countenance. “Too much blood? Not enough horror? Aw, don’t tell me you didn’t like your present.”

“That was our present?! You just beat your girlfriend of six years nearly to death! A better present would have been you proposing to her!”

I pout, “ Fine, I guess you won’t like the other part of your surprise.” I point behind them. There is Bobbi Jo, dressed in simple blue jeans and a white shirt.

“You just had to be an asshole and put me in a white t-shirt didn’t you.” She glares at me. I give her my best innocent face. Our flirting is interrupted by all the girls smacking me.

“Ow!” They scowl at me and go toward Beej. “Don’t touch-” Each girl throws herself at Bobbi Jo in an attempt to hug her, each girl failing horribly as they fall through her one by one. The group turns to me.

“Um, Happy Halloween?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Was it worth the wait?