Write Me A Love Song,Dear

December 20th, 2007

I had most of my souls. I only needed four more, and I would be back to hell. I didn't want to go though. No way was I going back. I'd lie to Molly and tell her I had a few more, and would have to stay the full amount of time I received. Rudy had really wanted to get my parents' souls, but I stopped him for a while. I told him when I got down to a few, I would consider it. He was stunned that I even let him hesitate for a second. Even though they had beat me and raped me, and caused me to take my own life, I still felt bad that I was going to kill them. I knew for a fact they deserved it, but I just didn't have the heart to do it.

I noticed that with every passing day my reflection became clearer and clearer. I wasn't sure why, but I think it has something to do with the fact that everyday my want to stay on Earth became stronger. I fell in love with Rudy, and Earth was so beautiful. The vivid colors, the changes in the weather, it was all so different from hell. Hell was...well...hell.
Rudy and I started our hunt for my parents today. I didn't really want him to, but he said even if I won't take their souls, he at least wants to get a headstart on tracking them. He had very good tracking methods for a normal human.I remember when he had brought it up to me in his Jeep.

"You really need to make up your mind, Rain. I love you, but, after what they did to you, I think we should just find them and take their souls. See if they like hell. They deserve it."He said, not taking his eyes off the road. I folded my arms over my chest and huffed.
"Rudy you know how I feel about this. They may have mistreated me but they are still my parents, they made me!"
"But they also destroyed you!"He exclaimed, almost yelling. I flinched at his harsh words and brushed my hair out of my face to keep me from hitting him. I had become oddly stubborn and rude lately, but Rudy had kind of taught me to be that way. He said if you were going to live your life without getting your butt kicked, you had to be tough. He said I'd be called a pansy, but then again, I am a girl.
"I don't give a damn if they destroyed me Rudy!They're my parents!Now turn the car around and take me back to the hotel!I want to go to bed!"I shouted, he slammed on the brakes and looked at me. He was stunned, but so was I. I'd never been that way to him. I immediatly felt bad and unbuckled, then scooted near him.
"Rudy I'm sorry...I'm just...I'm under so much pressure right now. I...I want to get my revenge on my parents, but...I don't want them dead. They still have their life that they need to finish, but I don't. I'm just here to...to do Molly's chores. I'm going back, whether I like it or not, but...they still have a while before they die and face the crap down there. Please, let's just wait a bit longer."I explained, he looked at me and caressed the back of my neck with his hand. I blinked and let a small tear slipped, and he kissed it away.
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Sorry it's so short.
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