Creatures of the Night

Teddys POV

"hello, earth to Ted", being brought
back into reality slowly as I replied
"whats up Minto, the Aliens had my
attention" smiling cheekily as he shook
his head I invited him to continue
"halloween party, me you the guys and if
your lucky ladies", put off by the idea
of ladies, I agreed to go, had nothing
better to do and it meant I was able to
be with Minto for the night, but not in
the way I wanted him. Finally leaving Ed
sat at the small table, I clambered
around the other tables, disturbing the
other couples that were glued together
for warmth. Exiting the small cafe, I
breathed in the cold air, decidng to go
find a costume for Ed's halloween party,
I set off for the town avoiding the
small group of girls that had gathered
outside, hearing the giggles increase, I
froze as they approached me quickly all
speaking at once, forcing a smile I
looked at the smiling faces that
surrounded me. Signing what ever they
thrusted into my face, I waved them
farewell as I decided going to town
wasn't the best idea.
♠ ♠ ♠
"Hope you enJoy.. more to follow"
