Creatures of the Night

Ed's POV

I leapt as I saw the door open and Alex stood shouting, me and teddy where really in it now. We just watched as Alex slammed the door and Ali come out of the dark corner, we all scrabbled to get cloths on and try to find Alex before he told everyone about our feelings for each other, teddy was surprising the 1st one dressed and ready so he ran out looking then me and finally Ali who had lost a shoe. We all ran round screaming for Alex but someone had said that he had got in his car and drove off, we all jump in my Peugeot 106 of course I was driving I wouldn’t trust Ali and teddy is to tall for my small car. After 3 hours we where all tired but we had to find him, we finally found Ali’s jeep its not very hard to spot but it was just by Ali favourite place. As we stopped Ali saw his phone and saw a text from Alex so I grab his phone and saw what I thought was worse than me and teddy
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yes im back ^^
very short because its a school night as well soo
hope you liek and !!!!!!COMMENT + SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!!!!