Creatures of the Night


the phone only rang for a short time but then he answered just to hear his voice was such a delight to hear his sweet but manly voice, "hello Alex, what you want?" oh yeah I forgot I was using Alex’s phone I just answer with "Its not Alex, its ED, you still coming to the Halloween party tonight? starts at erm 7:30 maybe 8, can't wait to see you, and got to go, more people to invite...and bring Dan with you" kind of simple but gets to point. So after I rang like over at least 40 people (mostly girls) Alex came down with some horrible costume of a bin bag and some kiddies fangs, I knew I shouldn’t have trusted him to do it alone. But still his costume didn’t need that much, so after 2 hours of getting Alex and myself ready I looked at the clock and saw it was 7, at this point I was in a state of shock just thinking that my elf costume took just about a hour, I started to rush round Alex screaming at him to get sorted and ready for the guests to arrive. Everything was in order by quarter to 8 we both fell of the sofa tired after making sure there was enough food and booze to last until at least 3 in the morning, I duno why but Alex just came out with laughter “err ale are you ok?” at this point I was pulling a rather odd look on my face “yeah just an elf? It’s just kind of your perfect costume” once he said that I just jumped on him and started tickling him just to get my own back (I just cant hit him over that), about 5 minuets later I heard the door open it was just Ali looking rather cool in his pirate costume complete with a fake parrot on his shoulder just gave us a look which could only scream “what the hell is going on here!”. Me and Alex just froze when he came in both looking rather a scared look came on our faces, when Alex decided to fling me straight on to the floor and say “ed what the hell” I just had a plain look on my face but my eyes where planning so much revenge on that git, all I did after that was straiten my hat and just told ali what had happened but as always he just started to day dream half way though me talking. So after that little happening people started to come but 1st came teddy and Dan oh my what a sight when they both walked in teddy was a rather good looking zombie and Dan well he was a fairy, both me and Alex just bursted out with laughter Dan just gave us evils and Ali just walked off before Dan could start killing them for laughing. Although after we had both stop laughing he started on me coz of my costume and size I knew I shouldn’t of picked this, but as since teddy was the most brill guy ever he just told Dan it was enough. Later on that night bout 3 hours in most of us including Gary the smurf were all pretty much started to get rather drunk, Alex was getting stuck in with a girl called Vicky, ali was getting chatted up by a called angel and strangely enough Dan had done a disappearing act.
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ok i know this is likie REALLY long but still lmao

stoz next ^^