Creatures of the Night

Teds POV

Noticing Ed straight away as I walked into the room, I couldn’t help but stare as Alex and Ed bursted into laughter, glancing over to Dan who looked ready to kill them both, I gasped quietly a he started taking digs at Ed, “Dan that’s pushing it, enoughs enough, plus I think Ed makes a good little elf, unlike some one I know” as I looked blankly towards my younger brother, he glared, disappearing into the living room. After 3 hours, people were getting drunk left, right and center, watching as Ed got swarmed by most of the girls I felt strange, as if I was jealous, turning to look in another direction, I noticed Alex in the corner practically eating someone called Vicky face off, Ali stood gawping at a girl called Angel, and strangely enough, i couldn't see my brother in the crowd anywhere. Looking back over to where Ed was stood, I saw him staring as he looked away quickly, I frowned staggering slightly towards him, I purposely leant on the girls who surrounded him and grinned, showing off my teeth. "Alright minto, getting plenty of attention here aren't you" as he looked away awkwardly, I frowned again he was acting weird asking the girls to go look for my brother, I pulled Ed to the nearest corner, looking into his deep brown eyes, i felt butterflies in the pit of my stomach. "Ed whats wrong?" I asked calmly "Nothings wrong...I I just needed to get away from them girls" as guilt swept across, Ed's face the butterflies stopped, questioning him again playfully I continued, "I thought you liked all the attention, something your not telling me mister Minton". As he took a breath, he blurted out "TED i like you, and i don't want this to wreck our friendship". Leaving the room quickly, I couldn't believe Ed about how he felt towards me .
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more interesting parts to come

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