Creatures of the Night


I can’t believe I just came out with that I just walked to an empty room where I know he could find me but no one else could, I was sat for ages just thinking of what could happen. Just the thought of losing him as a friend would kill me. After I don t know how long it was I heard a knocking at the door but I just sat wondering who it could be Alex? Ali? Or even worse teddy, I would say worse but bed well not even bad good in a way just to see him but all this could end because of my mouth. Oh no who ever it is, is opening the door ok this is it phew it was drunk Dan, “Dan where have you been everyone was looking for you?” sounding abit panicky. “oh ermmm just ermmm well I got to go bye” tripping over thin air as he left, someone is at the door again “hang on hang on don’t come in” I tried to make it sound like I was busy, “ed you there? we need to talk”.
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sorry for the long wait i had exams >.<
so here it is

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