Creatures of the Night

Teddys POV

As Ali walked out I gave a look to the door and then back to Ed whose expression was the state as mine, ignoring what I was doing, I relocated my shirt. Sitting up I pulled it over my head, making my hair messy again “Ted what you doing” hearing Ed’s voice as I stood up fastening my belt I smiled down at him and replied grinning “I’ll be back soon, and no self fun” winking as I left the room. It didn’t take long to find Ali who was leant against the wall opposite the room I had just left, going over to speak to him I made sure no one was around “Ali look I can explain me and Ed erm” as Ali smiled he shook his hair from his eyes “Ted you don’t need to explain to me, if you and Ed want to be fuck buddies, fair enough”. “So you don’t care??” as Ali shook his hair from his eyes again, I started turned to go back to the room, pausing slightly I turned, smiling slightly at the thought I just had, “Hey Ali…would you care to join us, I heard what you said, and why not, we could use to some extra company”. Failing to notice Dan watching us from the end of the corridor I Grabbed Ali’s hand, and pulling him back towards the room, As my hand touched the handle Ali turned me around roughly, planting his lips against mine, as his tongue brushed my lips. I allowed him to explore my mouth as I moan heartily into the kiss, trying to relocate the handle to the door. Which would lead us to more privacy, and to Ed. Failing to notice Dan watching us from the end of the corridor
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alice next