He Who Does Not Understand Your Silence

For millions of years, we have lived in a world that was created by a supernatural being. Some call this being God or others call it something else depending on their beliefs. However, Willow Peak High school has recently received a new student known as Giovanna. She has appeared out of no where and seems to have a relationship with the boy who has never spoken since a faithful night five years ago. Together, they discover their powers and combine them to create a new universe. Maybe this time, there wont be as many mistakes as there were in the previous creation.
  1. One.
    “He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words.”- Elbert Hubbard-
  2. Two.
    The difficulty is old, but none the less real. An omnipotent being who created a world containing evil not due to sin must Himself be at least partially evil. -Bertrand Russel-
  3. Three.
    Every beginning is a consequence - every beginning ends some thing. -Paul Ambroise Valery-
  4. Fin.
    “We are things that breathe and bleed. But something allowed us to love, think, and hate. Science can’t prove who.” -P-