He Who Does Not Understand Your Silence


How it happened, I don’t know. Ever since that woman told me we had to destroy this world, I didn’t speak. She sewed my lips shut with an imaginary thread that connected to someone’s left pinky. “When you find the person that’s has this thread wrapped around their pinky, you will regain your voice,” She said to me. Then she disappeared and left the needle in my upper lip. At first, I panicked and cried. Desperately trying to get out of this situation, I clawed at my lips but felt no sign of stitches. In fact, I spoke but the only people that could hear me were that woman and myself.

Willow Peak High was not the high school of my choice. I had to go there or else I’d be destroyed along with everything else that exists. Every night, I’d close my eyes then instantly feel Sleep wrapping itself around me with a different message every night. “The other creator will come to you soon,” Sleep would say.

I was thankful for the information it gave me. It told me that the creator’s name would be Giovanna. Then it told me that everything would come to its end on January 2nd, 2015. I could never ask Sleep questions because it made the night go faster. Sometimes, all I had to do was close my eyes, listen to its message, then wake up. Usually, it felt like all I had to do was blink and I would get my 8 hours of sleep.

I had gotten used to the routine and involuntarily absorbed the information that Sleep gave me. I thought they were dreams at first until it actually told me its name was Sleep. I’m not completely sure if it will get destroyed along with everything else. I wasn’t sure if it was a part of my conscience or if it was actually some other life form that could tap into people minds. It was ridiculous what my head had been coming up with for these past five years.

At Willow Peak High, I had a reputation for being the mysterious and beautiful man that would not speak at all. Some people actually investigated and found out that my school information had put my name down as “Ezequiel --- Feral Child.” No one knew my last name. I didn’t even know my last name. I never paid attention to my past or who raised me. I don’t even think I know. Rumor has it, I was a neglected child raised by fairies and I only spoke in Latin.

On that day of destruction, the thread that the woman used to sew my lips shut finally glowed red. I stared at it at first wondering what it was until I actually started following it. It led me to the cafeteria. The string slowly started to disappear once I saw that it connected to a girl’s pinky that was sitting by the window. I stood there, looking out of place amongst all the bustling students. Everyone had been talking about her, even that girl Jessica and her friends. I eaves dropped and heard one of them ask her name.

“That must be Giovanna,” I stuttered. I touched my lips and shivered at the feel of my vocal chords vibrate. My voice was barely audible and the only thing that Jessica’s friend heard was the name that Sleep gave me. I slowly walked towards her, ignoring the glares that I got from Jessica. The last bit of string was visible on Giovanna’s pinky then it slowly vaporized.

She looked up at me with the same expression that I had. She wasn’t as awestruck as I was, but she seemed happy to see me. She touched my face and I touched hers. Maybe we were both checking if we were real so that we would prepare ourselves to leave and forget this ever happened and then wait another five years. I don’t know what that moment was. She kissed my lips and parted them to see if there was any trace of the thread left.

“Hello, other Creator,” Giovanna whispered.
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I'm sick and it's Saturday so let's get this show on the road.

Helpful notes:
Sleep is a messenger.
The "thread" in this story is similar to the thread that is tied to the pinkies of soulmates. However, that idea is a little twisted in this story since it's invisible at first. The thread is supposed to be red. It is also connected by Ezequiel's lips and Giovanna's pinky. It's half correct.