A Last Good Bye

Just Wondering


After we swam in the lake, Uncle Mirmo and I went to lay in the sand. We looked up at the forest and saw blue sky. I wondered what Mom was doing. I asked Uncle Mirmo what he thought Mom was doing. He sighed and stopping looking at the sky and looked at me.

“She is probably wishing she was here.”

I asked Uncle Mirmo wouldn’t it be cool if I could see what Mom was doing.

“I am not sure if that would be a good idea. She might be in a bad mood right now and you would not want to see that, would you?”

I shook my head. Mom isn’t very pretty to see when she’s mad. Her face gets all crunched and she looks all angry. Sometimes she scares me when she’s mad.

I thought of the Force and asked Uncle Mirmo if there was a way I could see her through the Force.

“Well, you could sense her through your bond that the two of you have and feel what she is doing.”

I told him that’s not what I wanted. I wanted to see her like I could see Uncle Mirmo.

“Tem, you are not trained enough to do that. What you are talking about is a vision and visions only show the future.”

I didn’t mean a vision either. I wanted to see what Mom was doing right now.

“I am sorry kid, but that cannot be done. If you want, we will go home and you can briefly visit your mom.”

I told him no. I just was wondering. I guess the Force can’t do everything.

We were quiet for a while. We looked at the puffy clouds that went over the green trees. Uncle Mirmo got up and said it was time to go back. I got up and he got all of our stuff. He then wiped the sand off of me.

We walked back to the temple. It was time for dinner, so we went to the cafeteria. Uncle Mirmo doesn’t like to cook a lot unless Mom made something for him to feed me. Mom doesn’t like eating the food at the cafeteria very much. So I only go to the cafeteria if someone other than Mom is with me. I don’t mind. I like the food, mostly.

We sat down at a table and then Uncle Mirmo got up to get me and him some food.

“Guard the fort, buddy!”

He meant I was supposed to sit there and make sure no one tries to take any plates if we had some. The cleaning droid likes to steal plates even though we’re not done with them.

I was sitting there, swinging my legs on the chair, not paying attention when someone came up.

“Sitting all by yourself, Tem?”

I looked up and saw Master Skywalker.

I told him that Uncle Mirmo was getting me food. Master Skywalker turned around and found Mirmo with his eyes. Then he looked at me.

“Do you mind if I sit down with you?”

I hesitated, but I said yes. Mom says I’m never to refuse Master Skywalker if he wants to talk or sit with us. Mom says we must respect him the most because he’s the founder and leader of the new Jedi Order. I told Master Skywalker he could sit down if he makes sure the cleaning droid doesn’t take anything we want. He laughed.

“Ok, I will watch out for that notorious droid. So do you like your class?”

I said, "Yes, it was fun. We’re learning all about the Force".

“So I have heard.”

I remembered my question to Uncle Mirmo and thought maybe Master Skywalker could answer it. I asked Master Skywalker if I could ask him a question.

“Yes, please do.”

I gathered my nerves and asked him if there was a way I could see my Mom just like I could see him right now even though Mom wasn’t here.

“You can use your bond to feel her and that is like seeing her.”

I shook my head. Why do grownups have to avoid my questions? I told him I wanted to see my Mom, not feel her. I wanted to see what she was doing right now. Like I was watching holonet.

“Hmm. Well, there is a way, but you are too young to try it. Come see me sometime and I will explain more about it. Right now, I see Mirmo coming with your food.”

Uncle Mirmo put down a tray of food in front of me. It was a good meal.

“Hello Luke. Hold on, let me get some food for me and then we will talk. Tem, wait until I have gotten some food before you starting eating.”

I waited, looking at that food, wishing I could eat. Uncle Mirmo came back soon and gave me permission to eat. Mom does the same thing with me. I don’t see why I have to wait. I think it’s one of those dumb grown up rules.

“So Mirmo, did you two have fun at the lake?”

Yep. Tem got some real action time with Super Jedi Master and Evil Droid.”

I piped in that Super Jedi Master won the battle. Uncle Mirmo laughed and Master Skywalker smiled.

“Yes, he did win and he got me very wet.”

I told Master Skywalker that Super Jedi Master used the Force to make a wave so big that it washed away Evil Droid.

“Actually, it was several waves and I nearly got wiped away too.”

Both Jedi smiled at each other. Master Skywalker changed the subject to grown-up stuff.

“Mirmo, you have not been on a mission for a long time. Perhaps, you should think about going on one. I think Karen could survive without you for a few weeks. There is a planet near the inner core that is experiencing some troubles with their upcoming elections and they requested a Jedi to smooth things over. I know you are very good at this sort of thing and we are a bit short these days.”

“Hmm you are right. I have not been on a mission of late. I certainly could use a change for awhile. What do you think Tem?”

I told Uncle Mirmo I didn’t want him to leave.

“I will only be gone for a few weeks. Just think. Uncle Mirmo will be like Super Jedi Master and help keep the peace. Would not Super Jedi Master be proud of me?”

I said, I guessed so. I still didn’t want Uncle Mirmo to leave. Master Skywalker started talking again.

“Think about it and let me know in a day or two. Otherwise, I am going to have to ask someone else. This cannot wait for long.”

Master Skywalker got up after bidding us good bye and left. Uncle Mirmo was eyeing Super Jedi Master and looked like he was in deep thought. Sometimes I wonder what deep thoughts he has.