A Last Good Bye

Super Master Jedi and Evil Droid

Ch 8

I jumped up on Mom’s bed and told her to get up. Mom groaned. I jumped some more on her bed. Mom doesn’t like to get up. I told her I was hungry. She groaned again and lifted her head.

“Ok my little and very loud alarm clock. I’m up. Stop jumping on the bed or you’ll break it.”

I stopped bouncing and sat on the bed. Mom pushed her soft covers off of her and rubbed her eyes. Then she yawned really loudly.

“Ok Tem, let’s get you some breakfast and me some caf.”

I bounced off her bed and ran for the kitchen. Mom doesn’t let me make my own breakfast, even though I know how. She says I’ll feed myself nothing but sugar. So I have to wait for her to give me my bowl of cereal and blue milk.

“Here you are. Try not to pour all the milk on yourself.”

I did that a few days ago and Mom hasn’t forgotten it.

I ate my breakfast and watched Mom slowly sip her caf. I don’t like caf. Mom let me have some once and I didn’t like it at all. But Mom loves it. It helps her wake up.

“Do you know what day it is?”

I nodded and said it was Mom and Me day. We get this day once a week. I don’t have to go to school and Mom doesn’t have any classes. Well, most of the time she doesn’t have classes.

Mom and Me day is very special. Mom likes to do things with me that she can’t do any other time. We go out in the jungle or go to a nearby planet for most of the day. Mom will cook me special dinners and let me watch holonet.

“That’s right. And since you were such a good boy last night with Uncle Mirmo, I’m going to give you something.”

I got very excited and asked what she was going to give me.

“Let me go get it.”

Mom put down her caf and went to the closet. She unlocked the door and reached up high and got something. I couldn’t see what it was because she had it behind her back. She came back to the kitchen and gave me a bag. I opened the bag as fast as I could. I saw a toy at the bottom. It was a droid fighter from the Clone Wars. I yelled in happiness.

“Oh, not so loud Tem!”

I grabbed the little droid and ran to my room to get Super Jedi Master. He is a little toy Jedi Master from the Clone Wars. I really wanted a droid. Super Jedi Master needs an evil droid to fight. I started having Super Jedi Master clash his blue lightsaber to destroy the droid. The droid fought back, but he could not beat Super Jedi Master who has the Force and is better than everyone.

Mom came in and watched me finish the battle. She smiled at me. I got up and hugged Mom. She hugged back.

“Now I have some bad news.”

Uh oh. I don’t like bad news.

“I have a new student I have to teach. She one of the special students. So I’m going to spend the whole day with her. I won’t be able to have Mom and Tem day.”

I hate it when Mom gets a special student. They always take away Mom and put her in a bad mood for days. I told Mom I wanted to spend the day with her.

“I know you do, but the Jedi need me to help them grow.”

There was a ring at the door. I ran to the door, but I knew who it was. I could feel them. I jumped at the button to open the door, but I couldn’t reach. Mom came over and opened the door for me.

“Hey Tem!”

Uncle Mirmo was at the door. He picked me up and lifted me up really high. I laughed and he put me down. Then he looked at my Mom.

“Hello apprentice.”


I looked up and told Uncle Mirmo that Mom couldn’t take me to the jungle and it wasn’t fair!

He looked at Mom and Mom looked back.

“I know Tem. The temple is stealing her away again. But she has to do this. It’s very important work and your Mom is doing a really good thing.”

I told him I didn’t see what was so great.

“How about I take you into the jungle and we’ll go swimming?”

I brightened up at that idea. I love swimming. Mom says I’m getting really good at it. I asked if I could take Super Jedi and Evil Droid with me.

“Evil Droid?”

“I gave him the action figure he’s been bothering me non stop for.”

“Ah. Well sure you can Tem. Maybe they can have a battle in the water with you.”

I yelled again and ran back to my room.


I got Super Master Jedi and Evil Droid and ran back to Uncle Mirmo. I showed him Evil Droid. Uncle Mirmo was very impressed.

“Oh, that droid does look evil. I hope he doesn’t defeat Super Master Jedi.”

Mom laughed and muttered something about boys and action figures. Uncle Mirmo looked at her.

“Now, now, we men need our action figures! You girls have your dollies. We have our own version. Come Tem, let’s get ready and not let Super Jedi Master hear of this talk!”

I laughed and went back to my room to get my bathing suit on. Mom went with Uncle Mirmo to gather up what we'd need, like a towel and lunch. I brought my toys with me.

When we were ready, Uncle Mirmo led me out of the temple. We had to stop though because Master Skywalker saw us and said hi.

“Mirmo, Tem. Good Morning! Off to somewhere?”

Uncle Mirmo bowed his head. I looked at Master Skywalker and then remembered to bow my head. Mom says it’s important that I do it. It’s a sign of respect and respect is very important with the Jedi. But Mom doesn’t. She says she never grew up doing it and it’s uncomfortable to her. Mom says that the Jedi know she means respect.

“Good morning to you too. Yes, I am taking Tem to the lake. Karen is watching over the new student, Dilela, so I volunteered to take him out.”

I took Evil Droid out of my pocket and showed him to Master Skywalker. He took the little droid and looked at him very carefully.

“Are you sure the droid is evil? Not all droids are evil you know.”

I nodded and said yes. Evil droid had attacked Super Jedi Master.

“Then indeed he is evil. I hope your Jedi Master has the Force with him.”

I said he did and the Jedi had already defeated him once, but he came back to life. Master Skywalker smiled.

“I gather you two will have a great time and I shall not keep you any longer.”

He left and we kept walking to the lake. We picked a spot and took off our outer clothes.

“Race you to the water!”

I yelled and ran as fast as I could to the shore. I almost won, but Uncle Mirmo was a bit faster. We jumped into the lake and made a big splash. Then we got into a splashing fight.

I hoped Mom was having as much fun as I was.