Heart and Soul


Storm Bringer

I let Nina take over without hesitation when we were approaching a small store. Nina seemed to have been fighting over her emotions. I felt bad for talking to Ian it was obvious that she liked him, I just wondered how much…

It was easy to walk into the store; Nina went through a check list in her head of everything she needed. Most times I won’t take over till we get to the check out; I think she likes the idea that grocery shopping is normal. She’ll zone out and hum a un recognizable tune and just walk up and down the aisles like she did when she was kid.

At these times I felt the most horrible about what I was and what I had done to them all. Because I could see what her life used to be, and I could feel how much she wanted it back. And although it wasn’t only me standing in the way to prevent it from going back.

I was the one making the already messed up situation even more messed up. Now she can’t even pretend to be normal because she has a worm in her head.

Your not a worm Stormy. Her voice was gentle, pulling me away from my world. To realize that we where standing in front of the cash and Nina was getting nervous.

Just breath. I thought and then took over.

Thank you.

I smiled at the casher who nicely put my food and other supplies into a bio degradable bag.

“Beautiful day out today.” She said, looking out the store window the light went directly into her eyes, they flashed silver.

Is that really what my eyes look like now? Nina asked her thought easily portraying her freight.

Yes. I told her accepting the bags as the casher passed them to me.

“It is a beautiful day, I’m getting ready for a picnic actually.” I told the casher.

“Sounds like fun, have a great day.” Her voice had no sarcasm in it, it was purely happy like all souls.

“You too.” I tried to mirror her tone, it didn’t work.

There so happy. Nina’s voice was full of wonder. Why are you not like that?

Never before had she asked me that question, it was one of the topics that where decided without discussion that we were to never talk about. There where two others, being a mother and why we are able to switch.

I was silent I didn’t fully know why, although I used to when I occupied another body on another planet it was all crystal clear. But now it was all jumbled into one, I couldn’t make any sense of it and there was no use trying.

Finale I said, Because there’s something wrong with me.