Heart and Soul


Storm Bringer

Dylan pulled up to a hotel, parking in the spot farthest away from the doors. I quickly leaned over the seat and graved two hats handing one to Dylan and the other to Ian, when Ian took the hat our hands brushed and it was like all my nerves ends had suddenly been cut off.

I looked up and gulped as Nina came back to the surface. What was that?

Nothing. I supplied quickly looking away from Ian.

Didn’t feel like nothing. her voice was a low mumble almost…jealous?

“I’ll be right back.” I said as I exited the van, as I walked to the glass doors of the two story hotel, I practiced what I was going to say.

The wind blew making the nearby tree’s leafs shutter the flowers decorating the front of the hotel swayed easily. It wasn’t complete dark out but enough to get an eerie goose bump raising feeling.

I pushed open the door plastering on a face smile that soon changed to panic. Because there stood a group of three seekers. All had on the official blue and black clothes, there badges shined nicely, an oval shaped silver that simply said Seeker on it.

I breathed and prepared myself to turn around silently. But just as I turned a man opened the door hitting me straight in the face, a loud crunch signified that my nose broke. The man dropped the boxes he had been caring that had prevented him from seeing me, and rushed the three steps towards me.

“I’m terrible sorry, that was my mistake.” he looked away his brown soft eyes full of worry. “Do you have a healer?”

All three seekers where now surrounding me, one a woman the other two both male. They held the same worried expression. I felt something trickle and I hesitantly lifted my hand to swipe away the blood.

My nose throbbed.

“Well take you to the hospital it’s not far from here.” The women seeker said smiling brightly at me.

I forced the smile onto my face and nodded, “thank you.”

What the hell are you doing?

I can’t tell them no they’ll ask why.


“I’ll come with you I feel terrible about this…” the man trailed off looking at me smiling that dumb smile that was always on there lips.

“Icing Flower.” I supplied smiling slightly back. The name rolled off my tongue easily.

Where did that come from?

She was a very close friend of mine for many years, most time we went to the same planets together…she didn’t come to earth, it’s been some years now, she always promised she’d come and visit when the time was right. my thoughts where sad as I thought of my friend since childhood.

She was my…you call them best friends.

Like Dylan to me.

I couldn’t help it I laughed inside my head, No, not like that.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you my name is Rain drop.” He said taking me by the arm and pulling me out the door the seekers following.

What kind of name is rain drop?

Shh I’m thinking.

I glanced over to the van where Dylan sat mouth a jar. He kept glancing at the steering wheel. Then water boy leaned over grasping what most have been the keys, and the engine came on, at first he looked like he was going to turn in the opposite direction of me.

But then the car shut down Ian now leaning over the seat, saying something to Dylan lowly, Dylan also responding.

He wouldn’t have. But her voice was not assured.

No he wouldn’t have. I agreed and then added, At least as long I’m part of you he wouldn’t.

“Are those your friend’s sweetheart?” a male seeker asked glancing at the van and then back at me.

I thought about the question and then nodded explaining, “I was checking in well the parked, they can take me to the hospital, if you don’t mind I wouldn’t want to trouble you anymore.”

“Of course it’s fine, have a good day Icing flower.” All three seekers nodded to me a smile still on there faces, as the walked back into the hotel.

“I am so sorry about your nose Icing flower, it was a pleasure meeting you even under these circumstances.” The man said smiling brightly at me as he reached down to pick up a cardboard box and made his way back inside.

The breath burst out of me in a loud spurt as I made my way over to the van, my nose felt like it was on fire, I could feel the blood running down my chin. A Gurgling came from my stomach but for the need of food.

I slipped into the van, and then into Ian’s waiting arms.