

I woke up to gentle shaking from Joey. He grinned when I woke and pointed at the rest of Slipknot, smirking and stood in our bedroom. I sat up, keeping the blanket covering me, and glared at them all.

"Why are you in my bedroom?" I sighed.
"Because it's time for us to get back on tour, merch biatch." Sid grinned.
"And that entitles you all to wake me because?"

"I didn't think so. Now if you don't mind, I'm in my underwear." I smiled. When no one moved, Joey narrowed his eyes and shooed them all but Mick, who turned him back to me and walked away laughing. I laughed at him and he glared.

"I just did you a favour and you're laughing at me?" he pouted.
"Aw, I'm sorry." I smiled, hugging him.
"I forgive you." he grinned, leaving me to get dressed. I stood up and pulled on some new underwear, then some ripped jeans and a green shirt. When my socks were on, I walked into our en suite bathroom to do my hair and teeth. As I walked back into our room to do my make-up, I found something on the bed. I looked around me, I didn't hear anyone come in.

When I sat down next to it, it had my name on it. I picked it up and felt it. It was squishy. I wondered what it was for a second, then opened it. There was an outfit. I pulled out the black outfit to find a skirt and a jacket, with number -1 on the shoulder. I screamed and looked back at the wrapping to find a mask, as well. It was so cool. A white kabuki mask like Joey's, but with grey scratches instead of black, and a love heart on the top of the cheek. I couldn't contain my second scream, and ran out the room to find the guys, they all looked at me like I was crazy.

"WHO THE FUCK PUT THAT ON MY BED!?" I yelled, excited.
"Wasn't me." Sid smirked, raising his hands.
"It was from everybody." Joey smiled.
"You sure you ain't a hooker?" Sid asked Joey, laughing.
"It's so awesome, I love it. I can't believe it. I have a number!" I squealed, hugging everybody tight. Kay grinned at me.

"I got one, too. Negative 8." she grinned wider.
"Negative 1." I grinned back, high fiving her.

"You do know you've gotta pack, right? And you have exactly.. 47 minutes to do so." Shawn laughed from the corner of the room. I looked at the clock and cursed, running into our bedroom and grabbing my suitcase. I opened my clothes draws and put all my tops and trousers in the suitcase, then put in my underwear, too. Once my clothes were in there, I had about 30 minutes left, so I put in my make-up and accessories as well as my hair straighteners and hairdryer. When that was done I was pretty sure I had nothing left to pack, so I put my new jacket on over my top and then changed from my jeans into the skirt. When I was changed, I put my jeans into the suitcase, too. I could wear them tomorrow.

Soon Kay stepped in and asked if I wanted to go help her with her suitcase.
"Sure." I replied, smiling. She grinned when she saw me wearing my Slipknot suit and signaled for me to twirl. I did so and she whistled.

"Sexy." she smirked. I winked and blew a kiss, giggling.
"You know it, baby." I replied.
"Shall we go? Joey can take care of your suitcase for ya." she grinned, holding out her arm. I linked my arm in hers and took my keys as we left the house and walked to the Taylor's. When we got in there, their suitcases were already packed, and Kay's suit was set out on top of her bed. She quickly got changed and I went and took hold of Corey's case, which weighed a tonne. I had to use both hands to pick it up.

"What the fuck does he have in here!?" I asked Kay when she walked back.
"Honestly, I've got no idea.. Jesus." she replied.
"He could have Jesus in there. He did say, 'I'm not Jesus, Jesus is in there.'" I smirked, playing on the lyrics. Kay laughed and picked up her own suitcase, and we walked out the front door, she locked it and then we continued back to mine and Joey's, finding a tour bus when we arrived.

Joey placed my suitcase in the cargo hold gently, then lobbed Shawn's in after, avoiding mine. I laughed and he smiled, taking Corey's and attempting to lob it but failing miserably. I giggled and we both took one side each, lobbing it in easy. We did this with every other suitcase except Kay's and Joey's. When we pushed the door for the hold closed, Joey noticed me in my Slipknot suit and smirked.

"That looks gorgeous."
"Thank you. I love it." I smiled, hugging him and kissing him softly. As we pulled apart, we were ushered onto the bus, and away from home. Away from comfort and into the world of Slipknot. I was more excited than the last time we did this.

Since I had been woken early, I decided the first thing I'd do was get into a bunk and sleep. Joey followed me there, claiming he would miss me. I giggled and hugged him, then slid in there up to the wall, patting the space next to me. He slid in after me and snuggled close. With his arms wrapped around me and my head in his chest I fell asleep, listening to his heart beat.
♠ ♠ ♠
Check this badboy out; Cursed.
It's Lewis' new story.
I love it, and you will, too. ;D


I like this chapter, it makes me smile.
Hope it makes you smile, too.

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