Status: updating as much as possible! ((school sucks))

Dear Diary, I Hate Mikey Way

The Sun Comes Up

I woke up to the bright sunlight peeking over the tall trees an hills beyond. I checked my watch as it read 6:02. I yawned, then noticing where I was. Bert and I were laying together on one of the park benches, his arms still wrapped around my waist tight. I smiled and stroked his hand with my thumb to try and get him up. He mumbled something I couldn't understand in a cute like slumber followed by light snoring like a cute baby pig. I giggled as he perked up more.

"Ah, good morning sunshine," He smiled with a raspy morning voice.
"Morning to you too," I poked his nose.
"Where are we?" He asked then waking up more, sitting up straight.
He rubbed his eyes then furrowed his eyebrows looking around.
"We stayed here all night?" He questioned.
"Yeah I guess so, thank you," I smiled.
"For what?" he laughed a girly giggle.
"Never leaving my side," I smiled, embracing him in a warm hug.

As I wrapped my arms and laden them on his shoulders I breathed in his scent. He smelled like a mixture of cigarettes, cologne, and I noticed his clothes where slightly damp. His parents smoked I presumed because his clothes reeked of nicotine, but I love it.

"Shit," he mumbled suddenly getting up.
"What?" I asked worriedly.
"We should get you home, I don't want your parents mad. They must be worried sick," he looked down at me with careful eyes.
"Alright," I agreed, being pulled up to my feet by the welcome of Bert's hand.

We began our walk along the crisp sidewalk, enjoying the purple sunridden morning sky. The trees blew with a slight wind, with few clouds in the sky. Bert's hand awkward rubbed against mine, as if he wanted to hold my hands. I jittered and pulled my hand to my side and folded my arms against my chest nervously.

Bert's point of view
"Why are you clothes wet?" Stormy had asked suddenly.
I swallowed deep in my throat nervous.
"Uhh..." I stuttered, "It started raining when you were sleeping during the night and I put my jacket over you so you wouldn't get cold." I smiled nervously for a sign of approval. She suddenly stopped and walked in front of me, facing me. I grew nervous.
"You really did that for me?" She asked with an emotionless expression.
"Yeah..." I sighed disappointed. Her voice and expression then changed to a soft, angelic like state, and her big blue eyes melted.
"But...why?" she asked almost confused, yet appreciative.
"I...I don't know, I didn't want you to get sick...or cold, your so precious," I smiled, looking down, nearly rose red. She didn't say anything for a moment, I kept my head down. She then hugged me, and softly brushed her lips against my cheek. I blushed again, but quickly walked in front so she didn't see.

"Hey what's the rush?" she laughed catching up and grabbing my arm for a second.
"Nothing, I just wanted to get you home on time," I glanced down at her, pulled a piece of hair out of my face and placing it behind my ear.

Stormy's point of view.

We walked to my house, occasionally exchanging smiles and looks. The sky was now blue and it was about 7:00 am. We weren't that far from my house, at least we were on my street now. Not long after, we finally got to my doorstep. I hugged Bert once more before going inside. My parents were already up and making breakfast.
"Hey honey!" My mom called from the kitchen.
"Hey mom," I jumped up on the counter.
"Does your friend want to come for breakfast? I bet you can catch him before he starts walking!" she smiled cheerfully. I was surprised she wasn't worried, I guess she hadn't remembered I got out yesterday.
"Oh! Yeah sure, hold on," I jumped off the counter and ran to the door. I ran to the end of the sidewalk and turned to look for Bert. he had only just begun walking so I ran up behind him.
"Hey!" I said tugging at his shirt, "My mom wanted me to ask you if you'd like to stay for breakfast?" I grinned.
"Oh wow...I wouldn't want to impose..." He trailed off.
"It's fine, come on!" I grabbing his arm and started running towards the house again.

"Oh wow, it smell's delicious Mrs. Welsh!" He cheered as my mom set his plate down in front of him. I smiled looking how happy everyone was.
"Oh it's nothing sweetie, it's so nice having Stormy finally make some nice friends!" She replied with a warm smile. Bert quickly looked up at me concerned seeing as my mom stated I was finally making friends. I smiled back, before returning to my breakfast.

"Breakfast is great babe, " My dad kissed my mother on the cheek. I looked at the two of them in desire. It's wonderful how two people can just fall in love and stay together forever.
"So Robert," mom began.
"It's Bert mom, " I spoke nearly in a grudge.
"Don't worry Storm, my mom still calls me Robert, I don't mind," He smiled with his bright blue eyes. I looked down feeling my cheeks get red.

"As I was saying, how did you two meet? I haven't seen you around the neighborhood before?"
"Oh, well I just moved here, in fact, me and Stormy here met on my first day at school in the hallway," he put his arm on my shoulder and rubbed my back.
"Wonderful, you seem like such a well manored boy!" she spoke.
"Thank you," he smiled back, finished his toast.
"Hey babe, I gotta run, HR has been on my back all morning," My father got up, checking his cell phone once more.
"Oh, alright," my mom spoke before recieving a kiss from my dad. I then noticed Bert had gotten up to dismiss my dad.
"It was a pleasure meeting you sir," Bert smiled, shaking my dad's hand.
"Well m'boy, it was a pleasure meeting you as well!" My dad kindly smiled back.
"You two have a nice day at school, have fun!" My dad rushed out the door before grabbing his car keys off the hook.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry this is just a filler, ill update tomorrow its like 2 am and i decided to start another chapter! :) have a nice sleep my lovelies!

oh! and feel free to send me a new banner :) ill pick the best one and put it on the story page giving credit to the winner of course

love and comments? :) subscribe and ill give you a donut O: if you dont like donuts....ill update then!

Oh! and check out some of these stories by the author by the name of 'the used.' her stories are great heres her link: :) shes awesome, give her some feedback and tell her i sent you! :D