Status: updating as much as possible! ((school sucks))

Dear Diary, I Hate Mikey Way


I walked down the crowded hallway with my arms clutched to my chest. I just felt cold, just completely violated. I felt as if everyone was staring at me, staring under my clothes, and seeing me. I scratched my jaw and neck as a nervous habit as I walked into my first period class. I wasn't late which was rare, so my teacher looked briefly up from her papers and gave me a sincere smile. I weakly smiled back and slowly walked to my seat. I sighed and lifted my head up feeling relief of not being picked on already. I still kept one eye open.

Through the rest of the class I was getting the usual looks, pokes and glares, and of course the snickering behind me from the Way brothers and the rest of their "clan." The bell rang and I sprung to my feet to get out the door quick enough. Apparently not that quick enough.

"Hey baby cakes," Mikey whispered in my ear making me jump.
"H-hi," I whispered.
"So, are you excited for our study date?" He pushed my head into the locker. I didn't say a word as my head was being held in lock slammed against a locker.
"To be honest, my love, I'm definitely looking forward to it," he snarled in my ear. He then pushed my hair once more before pulling me back up by my black locks.
"See you later," He spoke looking back as he walked to the gym locker rooms.

I went the long way to the locker rooms, trying to stay away as much as possible. I was swiftly walking through an empty hallway when the bell rang. I panicked and started running for the door to get to the locker rooms. I ran in and quickly changed to my gym pants and sweatshirt. I noticed while I was gone the school was finally able to fund some advisers for PE. Hence, we 're having organized sports from now on. From what I heard over the announcements, my period was learning sets, bumps, and spikes for the sport of volley ball.

I sat down on my newly designated number and listening to the butch lesbian teacher in jean pants, and a sport jacket.

"Today, we are going to be drilling. Sets, Bumps, and Spikes. Now, does anyone know what that is?" she paused for a moment and looked around for hands, as did I, and a lot of the kids. "...Alright," she continued, "Way, get up here," she pointed to Mikey. He groaned and hastily went to the front.

"Okay kid, listen up. Hold the ball flat on your right palm, then make your left arm in a fist. Swing your arm back and hit the ball off your hand." She displayed bumping the ball to Mikey as he caught it, looking very bored.

"Way, toss the ball back and we'll do this again but this time you bump the ball back to me by clasping your hands together and putting your thumbs flat." Mikey adjusted his glasses and tried to form the hand, but couldn't. And I couldn't help but laugh. He immediately looked down at me with a disgusted look.

"Okay, I'm ready," he spoke, adjusting in a stance. The PE teacher bumped the ball lightly as Mikey decided not to bump back. He decided to spike it at my head. I hadn't even see it coming. It hit me square in my forehead and knocked me back a bit. Everyone laughed at me and I grew self conscious and started crying. I tried to get up before the PE teacher called my name.

"Way and Welsh pair up, the rest of you find a partner," the teacher spoke firm, before grabbing another volley ball the PE teacher pulled me and Mikey to the side, firmly placing her hands on each of our shoulders.

"Now look, I don't want any fighting between you two or it's straight to in school suspension for a week," she poked us in our chests.

"Fine," we both glared at each other.

We began doing our bump drills. Mikey the whole time had an expressionless face the whole time. He did not speak. I decided to break the silence.
"I ran into your brother at the park yesterday," I said quietly hitting the ball back to him.
"Oh," he said just as loud.
And that was all he said for a while. We kept hitting the ball back and fourth, only us missing a few times or going out of bounds.

"Okay kiddies, switch it up, now try and set the ball back and fourth. Remember keep the ball high and spread your fingers popping the ball," the teacher yelled.

"Okay," I trailed off beginning to set. It was really hard at first and hard for both of us to get. Mikey kept just slapping it upwards the sky upwards, causing me to just walk up and grab it. On my next set I pushed the ball up a little too high to where tried to dodge it and flail my hands in my face. After I heard the ball bounce I opened my eyes slowly, I looked back at Mikey and he was slightly chuckling and sporting a sincere smile. Not a horrible wicked smile but...I smiled I've never seen. I felt the urge so smile back, as I did, his face turned back to emotionless as he sniffed and pushed up his glasses, looking the other way as if it never happened. Though, I'll always remember it happened.

Today after school Mikey offered to give me a ride to my house for our project. I was surprised by this but I figure his mom had arranged for him to. I shyly agreed and sat in the back of the beat up Subaru XT while Mikey fumbled with the radio and argued with Gerard. It seemed as if they'd forgotten about me. I coughed to see if they recognized me.

"Oh, what street do you live on?" Gerard asked not looking from the road.
"Uh, Salter Place," I spoke in a quite voice. You couldn't blame me, I was extremely intimidated.
"Oh wow, I hadn't realized you lived on the same street as us," I almost thought I heard a smiled in his voice. I've never seen them like this before. I wonder what it is? I mean, the other night Gerard was about to beat me and Bert at the park before that cop saved us. I stayed quiet after that other then to point out what house I lived at.

"Bye, don't be late for dinner Mikey," Gerard drove off.

I grabbed my key out of my pocket before unlocking the door to be greeted by my mom.

Mikey's point of view

I watched Stormy's hands closely as she fiddled with her keys and pushed them into the key lock. She pushed the red door open and her mom greeted us with a warm smile.

"Welcome! And who is this fine young man?" Her mom brushed her arm against mine briefly.
"His names Mikey and we're working on a project together, come on," Stormy grabbed my arm to pulled me up to the stairs. I was shocked how angry she was with her mom, I guess it was just me.

"Pick or choose, you can sit on the floor or on my bed," she mumbled dropping her bag on the floor. I slowly took off my bag and set it against her bed frame. I awkwardly sat on the edge of her bed. It was quite comfortable actually as I got more comfortable sitting up against her headboard. I put a smug expression on my face to bug her. She looked up at me.
"Nothing, nothing," I spoke in an angry tone.
"Whatever, let's get to work on this damn thing," she grudged, tossing her books and papers next to me on the bed.

"So what was Alexander the Great famous for again?" she asked trying to get me enthused in the project.

"I don't know, the Roman Empire?" I said bored, playing with my pencil.

"Ugh, look, you haven't written anything down on your notebook ever since we started this damn thing. I'm going to go to downstairs real quick, there's the book, If I don't see any notes on it when I get back, I'm telling Mr. Hayes to give you a 0 for your part of the grade," she spoke firmly, trying to be confident.

"Whatever, Mrs. Welsh," I nagged in a mocking tone after she shut the door behind her. I took a deep breath in and looked around her room. It was pretty cool if I say so myself. She had a few posters from The Smashing Pumpkins, The Misfits, and The Cure that I liked, otherwise she had a few girlie touches. I sighed looking on her bedside table. Curious, I looked through her drawers. I rummaged through finding nail files, polish, some makeup, and other things. I got to the bottom of the deep drawer to find a small black little book labeled 'Diary' on the front. I picked it up, suddenly glancing at the door to see if she'd come back. Curiosity got the best of me as I picked the lock and began to read.
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hey lovelies! sorry its a bit late, surprisingly i get urges to wite at....3:30 in the morning :}

have fun, give feedback, comments, subscribage! <333

oh and again check out the used. she writes rad stories, I recently messaged her about them and shes super duper nice :) and from Norway! isnt that fucking awesome?! Me mums nordic as well! except my dads english, haha, i bet none of you cared, im just babbling now o-o
