Status: updating as much as possible! ((school sucks))

Dear Diary, I Hate Mikey Way

That's What You Get You Bastard

I walked to the locker rooms looking around to make sure no one would attack me from behind. I walked around the last corner and there they were, smirking, just waiting for me. One of them, the short one, Frank, gave a whistle looking me up and down. Just teasing me.
"Well, well, well Stormy, it looks like we've met again, now would you like your beating now? Or later?" Mikey charmed.
"No, please Mikey--" I begged
"Now? Okay" he said smirking.

Before I could even shut my eyes I got a rough blow to the stomach. I clenched my stomach and fell to the ground. Coughing, trying to catch my breath. I heard there laughing and footsteps pass me. No one even cared; no one stopped and asked me if I was alright, of course. The bell rang but I didn't dare to move, I was in too much pain. After I was strong enough to regain my power, I slowly got up leaning forward, clenching my stomach, stumbling down the halls. I had to use the middle walled crown molding to keep my balance.

I finally pushed the door opened and walked into the locker rooms to change. I always covered my body in tights a long-sleeved under shirts so no one would contradict me for my wounds. I pulled on my shirt and shorts and slowly walked out the doors slightly limping. I leaned against the wall and looked up at the sky just wishing I could leave this school. Suddenly I felt 5 presences around me; I slowly pulled my face down to see what they wanted. I put my head down not daring to look them in the eye

"Hey stormy, baby" Mikey's older brother smirked with and evil grin. All of them took a step closer towards me. I put my hands up against the wall trying to find a way out of my situation.
"Leave me alone" I said sternly under my breath.
"What was that?" one of them with a deep voice said
"Bob, she said to leave her alone." one of them I came to know as frank said teasingly, obviously not ready to leave me alone
"I said leave me the fuck alone" I said a little louder
"If you say one more word I will personally punch you in the stomach again" Mikey said loudly forcefully pushing my head up against the wall.
I swallowed a gulp of air.

"Now, what shall we do to her boys?" Mikey bellowed taking a glance at all of them.
I was praying inside my head someone would say something. But my stupid school couldn't afford advisors for PE so lucky me it was a free for all bone picking.
"Let’s tie her up and each take turn with her" frank growled eyeing me seductively
"Silly frank, let's just torture her until her whole body is bruised" Mikey’s brother mused. I now had silent tears streaming down my face.
"Awww look she's crying." the one with the big afro said in a baby voice

I looked up at them and wiped my eyes. Eyeing all of them with all the bravery I could muster up.
"Whatcha gonna do, punk?" the one with the blonde mohawk said
I swirled my tongue in my mouth and pursed my lips. I then spit a large lugey of spit right in Mikey's face. As soon as I did it, I regretted it. All his friends gave a nervous chuckle, not sure what he was going to do. Mikey looked down, red with anger. He looked back up at me and wiped the think liquid off his angry face. His arm raised with his hand flat ready to attack. I shut my eyes and prepared myself for the blow. His hand hit my pale cheek with indescribable force.

My raven black hair moved with my face and fell over my cheek. The bell rang and they all walked off, Mikey still giving me a death glare. All the pain from my past bruises of the week was now on my cheek, my stinging read cheek.

I went back inside the locker room and changed quickly. I walked into the west wing of the building and found the closest bathroom I could find. I went into one of the stalls and sat down with the toiled seat down. I put my bad down and grabbed the tiny razor from a small bag I had inside my bag. The beatings have gotten much worse lately and I decided to carry it around to make my life easier. I pulled up my sleeve and looked at my clean, pale wrist. I put the razor up against my wrist and cut the letters M and W to show that this is my life, my living hell. Mikey Way. There were tears dripping down my face and I was weeping silently so no one would hear.
"That’s what you get you fucking bastard." I whispered intending to Mikey

I watched the crimson blood ooze down my white wrist and cried until the passing bell rang signally lunch. I left the stall and cleaned up my arm and put the gauze I had been bringing to school lately because of Mikey. I walked out of the bathroom and walked outside to the tree I usually sat at and began to eat my lunch alone in silence. Mikey and his group walked by, he was the only one to notice me and gave me the sickest look anyone could give. I guess the term 'looks that can kill' can be defined by that but not in a good way.
The rest of the day went by with Mikey glaring at me and me trying to ignore him. But now I was in my last class and only Mikey was in it so it wasn't that bad considering my classes with all of them was hell on its own. My teacher, Mr. Hayes was now picking partners for our project on the Roman Empire. I wasn't listening until I heard my name called.

"Stormy Welsh and Michael Way" he spoke in a bored voice.
My jaw dropped and my face could be easily read with anger, scared, and 'wtf'. I turned back around to look at Mikey in his chair his expression was almost the same as mine. He was glaring at me with all the evil in his head. Then the teacher began to talk about the project so I pretended to listen again. But my mind was still focused on being partners with my enemy.

"The project will begin next week, you will prepare with your partners tomorrow, and yes, you will have to work at each other’s houses" the teacher said.
Great I can't wait for tomorrow. Me, Stormy Welsh having to work on the boy that has been treating me like shit forever, Mikey way.
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thanks for all the comments and the subscriptions i love ya