Status: updating as much as possible! ((school sucks))

Dear Diary, I Hate Mikey Way

Hell Is What I Like To Call My Life

I groaned as I knew today was the day we had to discuss 'our' projects tomorrow. Thanks to my fucking GREAT history teacher my fucking partner was Mikey. I got up and decided to take a shower. If I was going to be partners with Mikey I might as well smell good so he won’t make fun of me for that. I stripped my self of my clothes and looked in the mirror. I saw all my scars and bruises.

"Fuck!" I said as I remember I forgot to write in my diary last night. Ya cheesy as it sounds I do have a diary. It's just a way I can dump all my feelings out because I don't have any friends. Then I looked at my body. Covered in still healing bruises and cuts. I looked at the "M" and the "W" cut on my wrist. It was just only beginning to scab. I traced my fingers along it and winced as I touched a sensitive part. I felt a small drip of water fall on my foot. I looked up at the mirror and noticed I was crying. I sniffed and then jumped in the shower.


I finished brushing my medium length raven black hair. I noticed my look in the mirror and saw that I didn't dress that differently from Mikey and his 'gang'. I shivered at the thought of his name and my new cuts on my wrist pained suddenly. I grabbed my Jansport bag and swung it over my shoulder. I saw my mom cooking breakfast and my dad reading at the table. My dad was cool, but middle-aged with a shaved head and dainty glasses while he read.

"G’morning dad" i smiled at him
"Morning, love" he smiled brightly looking down from his paper
"Do you want breakfast honey?" my mom said looking at me
"No thanks I'm not hungry"
She was silent after I said that. I heard her slightly sigh and go back to tending her eggs. My dad sighed also? I looked back at both of them for a second then shrugged it off before I opened the door to leave, before I left I heard my mom say,
"What has gotten into her, Tom?"
I sighed knowing she didn't know all my horrible problems. Well I think there more of people then problems. I buttoned up my trench coat because a swift breeze flew by. I looked up in the sky and there was a fusillade of black clouds.
"Great" i moaned to myself because I remember I forgot my umbrella

I walked the next few blocks alone with only a few cars passing by this early. I felt a presence pass me and suddenly trip me. Triggering a hard fall to the ground.
"Hey you fu--" i stopped myself as I saw the figure turn around to reveal a familiar face.
"What were you just about to call me?!" he stormed up so close to me i could feel his breath on my face. He was much taller than I was so i didn't look up
"Oh s-s-sorry M-M-Mikey" I stuttered i tried to apologize as I thought an apology would make him to hurt me anymore.
"Good, now I have a nice surprise for you in the halls before first period" he smiled evilly pushing me down. I then picked up my lost papers and books and scurried, almost ran the rest of the way to school. I walked into the Mid Wing and sat down in the hallway by the water fountain. People stared, laughed, pointed, and whispered things about me as they passed. Let’s just say I was never the really popular one. I felt a shadow near me and I looked up into 3 pairs of fierce eyes.

Frank. Gerard. And Mikey.


"Hello darling" Frank greeted nastily
I stood up ready to run. I began to run and Mikey's enormous arms chastened me. He threw me back against the wall. I knew he would get me back.
"Now, today I am going to beat you up a) because we have to be partners b) because you spit in my face" he snarled the last 4 words. I gulped and looked at all of them in fear.
"Heh. Look she’s scared of us" Gerard came closer.

I suddenly got a hard kick to the shin. I winced because I had a bruise there from last week. Then I got bombarded with punches from multiple limbs of theirs. I started crying when I fell to the floor. Helpless. Alone. Gone. No one helped, everyone just laughing their asses of and pointing and cheering them on. One of them suddenly, forcefully kicked me in the back the head with what felt like a steal toed boot. I let out a slight scream. That hurt like a mother-fucker.

I put my only non-wounded hand on the back and felt a gooey liquid. I then noticed they stopped and the bell had ringed and no one was around me any longer but Mikey. He stared at me eyes dry and cold. I stared back at him with water-filled eyes and fear. He came closer to me looking me down and getting to my level. He got right up in my face.
"I hope you die" he snarled then he slapped me full force on the opposite cheek he did yesterday.

I heard him walk away and then I door slam near me. It was like my shining light. A savior for my pain.
"Oh my god." his angelic voice whispered intending to my current state.
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just a filler. ps: im sorry I haven't updated in a while I'm currently visiting New Jersey and I've been really busy.

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