Status: updating as much as possible! ((school sucks))

Dear Diary, I Hate Mikey Way


Today was the day Mikey was supposedly going to come and do our project. I was still in the hospital and I still had a week to. Every morning and after school Bert would come and visit me, which was nice. My parents have visited too. They only came once or twice but I know they miss me. My mother was worried sick, as my dad, but the best part is they didn't ask twice as how it happened because I'm know as being uncoordinated.

Bert was now sitting is his claimed seat he has been sitting in for all his visits. I looked around the room and saw my books. Oh god, don't remind me. I wonder if he actually might come. Highly doubt that. I told Bert not to come when he came, but he insisted he did just in case. Bert was very protective of me and he was like the older brother I never had.

I brought my hands to my face and rubbed my eyes. I probably looked like shit. I knew my eyes had huge purple bags under them from lack of sleep and my one shiner from Mikey. I shivered as a slight breeze came through the window. I took a glance at Bert and smiled to myself. He was reading Twilight with his big reading glasses on. (Note: he does have glasses in real life too ) He glanced up at me and adjusted his glasses as soon as I saw it I shielded my eyes.

For then I say his face. The face of my enemy. Bert quickly rushed to me and consoling me. He knew I was now emotionally unstable. He cooed in my ears solemnly and patted my back. I sat up suddenly getting over my anxiety. I looked up at the clock and looked back at Bert he was now in his regular reading position.
"Bert, you have to go to school.” I said after realizing it was later than I intended
"Awww...okay. Now are you sure you don't want me to stay." he begged at arms length
"It's okay Bert, I'll be fine." I reassured him
"Alright, but I'm still coming after school" he mumbled.
"Bye Bertie” I giggled
"Bye, Stormy" he said kissing my cheek just like he does every morning.
After a swift move to the door he was gone.

Hell, I was so bored whenever he left. I heard a slight knock at my door and gave a confused face to no one. I croaked a “come in" and then my doctor I'd come to know as Dr. Jacobs.
"Hello Stormy" he smiled
"G'morning" I said back
"How are you feeling?" he asked
"good, I can still feel that my bruises haven't gone and my head and neck still hurt"
"ah, yes that usually happens, but form what I can see your bruises are still eminent and your cuts are healing up well. I have a surprise for you." he said as he inspected my features once more.

"What?" I asked skeptically
"The nurses said you have been doing well so I decided you can get your neck brace off later this afternoon" he smiled; happy for me. Wow, someone happy for me. That's new.
"Thank you Dr.Jacobs." I smiled.
"You’re welcome, now I understand you are having another visitor today, correct?"
"Yes" i grumbled
"And, his name? The nurses have to make a pass because I understand he will be coming in and out of here." he stated
"Yes, It's Mikey Way, M...I...K...E...Y" i said, venom dripping from every word as my cut stung, I let out a small since.

He hesitated "yes, alright thank you, now get some sleep. The nurse will be in soon to give you some more pain medication." he said writing something down on his clipboard
"Alright" I said glaring at a horrible painting in my room. I heard the click of the door and I sighed, and then relaxed a bit. I slumped in my bed and tried to catch a few "Z's". My eyes rested for not to long until the nurse came in and change out my meds that were being inserted in me through a tube. My curiosity came over me and I looked up to see what my nurse looked like. He turned to look at me and all I saw was the face of my killer. My killer Mikey. I shielded my eyes and began shaking profusely.
"Dr. Jacobs!" he shouted
I heard another scurries of patted footsteps and an open of a door. I suddenly felt a sharp object pierce through my leg. Then it all went black.


I, again, woke up to a bright light in my eye. I could hear faint conversation.
"Stormy, Stormy, Stormy are you awake?" someone asked hurriedly
"y-yes?" i croaked almost as if I was asking a question. I blinked my eyes a few times before my vision was clear enough to decipher the person. It was my doctor and another faint figure in the background. There was a flashlight directing in my eye. I shut my eye in pain.
"Oh sorry, I was just checking your pupils" Dr.Jacobs said.
"W-what happened? It all just went black" I said on the verge of nervous tears.
"Dr. Jacobs, will you explain." I heard the angelic voice I came to know all too well say. My brother I never had, Bert.

"Bert!" I reached out my arms like a helpless child. I suddenly felt to warm arms wrap around my cold body. It felt good inside.
"Ummm...Miss Welsh..."whoa he's never called me that before. "you had an epileptic seizure as Nurse Will came in. He said you looked up at him and you started shaking uncontrollably. And Robert, here was the only one available” he smiled looking at Bert for a brief moment.
"I-I had a what?!" I choked
"A seizure" Bert hesitated.
"Am I going to be okay?!"
"Yes, of course you are stable now" he stated just before he left me and Bert alone.
"It was because you saw him again wasn't it?" he asked hesitantly
"Yes...the nurse looked just like him, I swear"
"Note to self, never wear glasses in front of Stormy again..." he mumbled pretending to write it on his hand. I couldn't help but suppress a giggle.
"There, that's the Stormy I like to see." he smiled ruffling my hair.
"Bert, uh don't you have to go back to school?"
"You were out for a while school is out. About..." he checked the clock "now"
"Oh shit" I whispered. "That means..."
"I'm staying. He was extra pissed this morning. I can't let you get hurt again. I heard Mr. Hayes is driving him here so he knows he comes." he said looking at his lap

I sighed, knowing there was no way out of this....
♠ ♠ ♠
i wanna give a shoutout to my best friend stormy, shes in finland right now and has a friend named ville...from what I hear he is pretty cool. But sadly he isnt ville valo :(


oh and sorry it took so long, school....