Status: updating as much as possible! ((school sucks))

Dear Diary, I Hate Mikey Way

Tick, Tock Goes the Clock

tick, tock, tick, tock...

tap, tap, tap, tap, tap...

drip, drip, drip, drip...

I was about to lose it knowing he'd be here soon. I tapped my finger on my bed side table and took out my respirator for a minute to take a drink of water. My throat cringed trying to swallow the liquid after a long drought. I laid back down. You couldnt really consider it laying because the bed was put at a sat up level. Which I liked because I could see everything around me then.

I looked around the room.

The clock.

The little sink.

The ugly painting.

Everything the same, I missed home.

I looked ou tone of the two small windows in my room. It was looking into the little waiting room. I could see Bert sitting in the waiting just as nervous as I was. Whether it be him being scared of getting beat up or me getting beat up. I'm glad someone cared now. I also was anticipating everything.

He kept staring at the clock and shifting in his seat constantly. I looked back up at my clock now watching that little annoying ticking secondhand. It was close to passing the minute hand. I swallowed with the last, loudest tick.

It was now 3:30. This is when he's supposed to get here. I swallowed hardly. Bert seemed to realize too because he also stiffened up. I tried tothink happy thoughts.......nothing. I shut my eyes for about a minut to try and make it go away. My attempt escape hadden't worked, sadly.

Bert's Point of View

I sat in the waiting room watching the clock strike Mikey's time. I glanced down at the main hallway not seeing him yet. Thank God. I tried to watch the news. I tried to read a magazine. I tried to read my magazine.Hell, I even tried drawing, and I can't do that to save my life...I twiddled with my fingers and played with my greasy hair. Ew. I wiped my fingers on my pants and played with a loose string on my shirt. I began to hear growing footsteps.


I stared, wide eyed, at Mr. Hayes with gigantic Mikey behind. Mr. Hayes was a very small portly man so Mikey looked so much older than a high schooler. I stared at Mikey Way. He was looking at the ground while he walked with an indescribeable walk of evil and threat. He looked up at me for a second and I quickly glanced away from his venomous glare.

They were now in the area in the waiting room and Mr. Hayes was talking to the secretary. Mikey was glaring me down and I glanced back up and down figeting. He smirked and let out a low chuckle.
"Oh, thank you. Room 80B" Mr. Hayes nodded to the woman.
He walked swiftly toward her door and stopped suddenly.

"Oh, why hello Robert." Mikey chuckled by him calling me by my full name.
"Fancy seeing you hear, have you been giving Stormy her work, then?" He smiled.
I nodded slowly cracking a small smile.
"This way Mikey" Mr. Hayespointed to her door.

He looked back at me smirking before turning the door handle. I swallowed imagining the worst.Mr. Hayes sat down next to me and I shifted all the way to the other side in my seat, Obviously not wanting conversation right now.

Stormy's Point of View

I stared wide eyed at the crack in the door about to open. And as planned he walked in cocky as ever, swiftly walking to Bert's seat. I shut my eyes again in frustration. That was Bert's chair, it's like by him sitting on it he's cursing it with his fat ass. I supressed a little laugh. Stopping immediately.

"What are you laughing about you little bitch?" He snarled looking at me.
My hands began shaking as I glanced up at him again and again.
"N-n-n-n-nothing" I stuttered out. He let out low chuckle that made a chill go down my spine.
"A-a-are we going to wor-" I stopped looking up at his raised eyebrow at me like I'm an idiot.

I looked back down at my shaking fingers. I could feel his glare burning through me. We stayed like this for an hour until he broke the silence getting up.
"Well, well, well I finally got you into the hospital, did I? Little Berty boy over there save you, eh?" he came closer now. His face was just inches away from my face. I could feel his hot breath on my face, I began to panic.
"Well don't count on it again sugar, because he'll end up in here for a long time soon enough" He smriked.

He backed away again slowly staring at me with an evil grin. He stopped and stood in front of my bed with his arms crossed. I stared back at him with the best and evil glare I could muster up. He grinned evilly and turned around for a second. He turned his head to smile at me once more then looked back through the window. All of sudden he closed the blinds. I swallowed and began to panic.

He roared a evil laugh. "Now there's no way you can get out now, is there?." hesmirked covering the other window and locking the door. I gulped.
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sorry i havent updating in like EVER! but i finally moved and its cold so have pitty wherever you are where its warm. :P im cookins up a new story too!
