Status: updating as much as possible! ((school sucks))

Dear Diary, I Hate Mikey Way


I was drenched in sweat. Everything was black. I was awake but my eyes were refusing to open. I hadn't remembered much. My memory was fuzzy, but I began to try and remember.

He backed away again slowly staring at me with an evil grin. He stopped and stood in front of my bed with his arms crossed. I stared back at him with the best and evil glare I could muster up. He grinned evilly and turned around for a second. He turned his head to smile at me once more then looked back through the window. All of sudden he closed the blinds. I swallowed and began to panic.

He roared a evil laugh. "Now there's no way you can get out now, is there?." hesmirked covering the other window and locking the door. I gulped.

That was the last thing I remember.

I began to panic once more. I looked around the room frantically and saw that the lights were out and everyone in the ICU was gone for the most part. Even Bert had left, without his book too. I picked up the book and flipped the cover page, a note fell in my lap. I gasped, surprised.

"What the-?" I whispered picking up the crumbled piece of paper. I unfolded the lined paper and read it.

Feel anything? -Way It read in messy script.

"Feel anything? What?" I questioned out loud.

As soon as my brain recooperated, I felt sharp pains on my thighs and lower regions. I pulled up my little hospital blanket and was stunned. There was blood and lots. I thought I was cut but saw no wound. I gasped seeing my sheets wet aswell with some sort of liquid. I shut my eyes tight and brought my wet and pained legs to my chest. Swaying back and forth with my sweaty face resting on my knee caps.

My eyes twitched and I got flashes of pictures.

I saw me, totally out of it, flailing my arms aimlessly to the body on top of me. He was going swifty in and out of me. Using me. I couldn't recognize his face.

Later I saw flashes of the person pulling his pants up. My face and his drenched with sweat. The blankets were strewn about around the room. There was white sticky substance around me and my hospital gown was pulled up, revealing my body, naked.

Last, I saw his face. His sweaty face moving on top of me. His face smirking at my unconsious body.

My heart rate was increasing, an anxiety attack about to hit. My eyes wouldn't open. They were flustering back an forth, frantic, looking for some light. My breath was short. My eyes bulged open I regained my breath in a grasp for air.

Everything was clear now.

Mikey had raped me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, I know, but I'm writing the next one right now, i just felt this needed to be seperate.