Status: updating as much as possible! ((school sucks))

Dear Diary, I Hate Mikey Way


I hadn't slept. I couldn't sleep, in fear of facing him again. Him taking advantage of me again. Him coming in here again for that matter. But I knew he'd be here again for our project.

Now I was awake and it was about 6:30 in the morning. Nurses and doctors were hustling and bustling with extra blankets, pillows, and food for all the patients. Bert wasn't here yet, I was waiting for him. Sadly, he'll be here in a half hour. I wasn't sure if I should tell him about Mikey or not. Mikey could even be worse if he found out I told someone.

I patted my fingers on my blanket while listening to my iPod. My only escape I could have from this madness. Just the music flowing through my eyes pulled me out of Earth it seemed. I looked back at my iPod and saw it was 6:55. Bert should be here any minute.

"Speak of the devil," I murmed seeing him in the waiting room, signing in.

He had his backpack slinged over his right shoulder, while quickly opening the door of my little matchbox of a room.

"Hey Stormy," he smiled, kissing me on the cheek.
"Hey Berty," I laughed slightly.
"So what happened with you and Mikey yesterday? He left pretty quickly, I guess you fell asleep," He laughed a little.
"Ha, yeah, I probably did fall asleep," I chuckled nervously. "So how long can you stay for?" I asked him, nearly pleading for a sense of secruity.
"'Till 8," he grinned childishly.
"Sweet!" I smiled, grinning ear to ear.
"Alright, toots, I'm gonna read my book, so you go and do you're thang," he said in a feminine voice.
"'Kay," I replied bored.

Bert then picked out his glasses from his book bag and picked up his book from the table. He crossed his legs, resting his elbows on his leg. I observed so quickly of him. Knowing all his motions before he even know what he was going to do. Yeah sure, tell me I have no life, but you wouldn't have anything better to do in a hospital, trust me.

It's only been 15 minutes since Bert decided he was going to read his book instead of talking to me. Hospitals were abosultely boring, especially when your on bed rest and can't even get up. I looked around spotting my diary. I quickly snatched it, stealing a pen from Bert's bag. He didn't even notice. Haha.

Wow, I haven't written in this thing for a while... I flipped through my pages of memories, seeing as I was going to enter a new one. I got to the page of my last entry. Wow, it's been a whole week, how unlike me... I began to read my last entry.

March 19

Dear Diary,
Today was horrible. They were trying to stick more needles in me, take more blood, I can't stand hospitals. I love having Bert here though, it's so nice to have some company, all the time. Haha. He usually reads or we talk, more of. My bruises are getting better, but I still need time for neck tissue as well as my ribs to heal up more. My neck brace is off, but it still hurts like hell and I wish I had it back on, ha. Mikey wasn't coming until later next week I think. I wasn't much looking forward to him, I mean I'll just probably get beat more. I hope we can get some studying done, I do want to keep my grade steady so I can pass the class. I've been thinking about Mikey a lot. I mean I always remember everything he's done to me. Broken my leg, my arm 3 times, fingers, toes, sprained my ankle, you name it, he's done it. (with boundaries, ha) Not to mention, all the countless scratches and cuts I've gotten. So I guess this is it for now, write soon.


Wow. I never knew how I was so enamored with Mikey. I mean I do remember a lot. Maybe because that's of the pain, but then I remember his smirk, his voice, his face, in perfect detail. Why? I have no idea. Everyone remembers the devil right? Well, I guess I'll start writing.

March 26

Dear Diary,
It's about 7:20 AM and I'm currently staring at blankness. Bert is calmly reading beside me, and for the record, I'm using HIS pen for this entry. How bad ass am I?! Haha. Yesterday Mikey came. On a more serious note, something bad happened. When I woke up there was a note from him and I found blood and liquid in my sheets. I was shock, and I started to sway back and forth, getting more and more glitches of what had happened when I was barely conscious. I finally realized what had really happened, I was knocked out from my medicine, and Mikey had in fact, raped me. I had so many things to ask him. Just why he did, why he does all this shit to me. That's always the one question he could never respond to. "Why?" I haven't told anyone, and don't plan on it either.

On a brighter side, my mother finally came to visit me 2 days ago, she brought me a teddy bear and a get well soon card. I felt so loved. Not by all, but by whom I want to be loved by especially.

'Till next time...


I shut my journal, disrupting the pages in Bert's book. He looked up and smiled, then noticing the book in my hand. His eyes widened and he tried to grab it out of my hands.
"NO!" I yelled clenching it to my chest. "BERT! NO!" I screamed at him with watery eyes.

He gasped and stepped back.
"I'm sorry," he spoke sincerely, barely audible.
I glared at him and held my diary tight. He looked like an ashamed puppy who made a mess on the carpet and the owners just yelled at him. I flipped on the my other side where Bert wasn't in view, holding my book to my chest. I heard some russeling and the zipper then a door slam. I turned my head and saw Bert, head down, walking down the hallway.

Now I felt guilty.

I sighed and set my Diary back in my secret place. I looked at the clock and it was only 7:45. I turned back on my side and grabbed a drink of water. I yawned suddenly feeling tired. I layed my head down on the shanty pillow, yawning again, soon falling asleep.
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with love, m