It's Like Catching Lightning.

It's Like Catching Lightning.

Date:Friday. February 14th.
Time: Seven-Thirty.
Occasion: Valentines Day Party, From Your Friends At Hollywood Records.

We invite you and your valentine to come and join us for our special valentines day dance. Come fall in love with us. We hope you see you on this special night. Lots of fun surprises. Come dance with us.

Hollywood Records.
500 S. Buena Vista St.
Burbank, California. 91505

Kevin sat his phone down after he called and R.S.V.P'd saying that he and his two brothers, Nick, and Joe, would be attending the event along with their dates.

Kevin got up from his place on the couch and walked to the front door, grabbing his jacket, being in California it was surprisingly cold. He pulled it on and walked out the front door and got into his car, starting it up and backing out of the driveway of his California home, one destination on his mind. Her house.

He pulled into the driveway and put his car in park, before bolting out and up the front steps, knocking a few times and waitingimpatiently. Before the door opened up and revealed her, his love, the one he wanted, yet he didn't have yet. Best friends, since she moved to California, but Kevin wanted so much more, and he planned on Valentines day as the day he would finally reveal his passionate love to her.

A small squeal came from her mouth as she threw her arms around the tall boys neck. Kevin chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist as he buried his head in her neck, as they just stood there for a few moments. Both feeling that feeling of pure, honest love.

"Kevin, I missed you." She said as he held on to her.
"I missed you too, Lily." He smiled and pulled away as much as he didn't want to.


"What did you want to talk to me about?" She asked as they walked into her living room and sat on the couch.
"Well, as you know, Valentines day is this Friday. And there's a party, being held by Hollywood Records, and I wanted to know if you wanted to come, and be my date, and valentine. That is, if you don't already have plans..?" He asked casually, as her heart jumpped into her throat.
"You want me to go to the party? Me, Lily?" She asked as she turned to him.
"Yes, you. Lily, I want you to come. Please?" He asked.
"Duh, Kevin! Do you honestly think, I'd pass up this kind of opportunity? Do you know me?" She giggled.

Kevin smiled, happy that she was his date, and he was determined to make her his forever, on Valentines day. Lily happily got up of the couch and took his hand absentmindedly, and drug him up the stairs.

"Now its you turn to come and help me decide what to wear! Cos we all know, I'm the most indecisive person in the world." She said pulling him into her room and straight to the closet, starting to frantically go through the many dresses that were hanging.

"Lily." Kevin said softly, yet no answer from the girl before him, who was talking amongst herself, pulling dresses left and right.
"Lily." Still no answer.
"Lil." Again, no answer.
"Lily!" Kevin said a bit louder causing her to spin around and face him.
"Yes?" She asked, her voice small.
"This dress is nice. It's simple, and it looks perfect on you." He said handing her the little black dress she had thrown before, causing it to land on his head. A blush crept it's way to her cheeks and she felt her face growing hotter.

"Okay, the little black dress it is." Lily said as she took it from his hands and laid it on his bed.
"Shoes." She said softly to herself, unknowing that Kevin had already picked up her white heels.
"These." He said sitting them on the bed beside her dress.
"I don't know what I'd do without you Kevin Jonas." She smiled as she sat on the bed and straightened her dress out, not wanting to get wrinkles on it.
"Oh, you'd still be talking to your self and throwing clothes around." he chuckled.
"True story." She smiled.


"Okay Lily, time for me to get home and see what kind of damage Joe and Cheyenne, have done to the house, you know, those two, were made for each other. Nick and Shelby, finally got together, they are cute and and in the awkward stage, its very cute." Kevin said laughing a little.

"Yeah, have fun with those four.." She said giggling a little to herself.
"I will, and I'll pick you up at seven on Friday, Lil." Kevin said as he turned to walk down the steps, Lily nodded.
"Okay. See you then!" She smiled and went back into the house doing a brief happy dance before running upstairs and getting on the Internet.


The next day Kevin smiled and got into his car, turning up the radio, which coincidentally had a love song playing. Kevin smiled a little to himself, cranking up the volume a little and sang along with it. He didn't care that he looked like a fool, he was so close to having her in his arms, so close to being able to call her his, so close. Kevin turned the corner to see Lily outside on her front lawn with a boy, whom Kevin did not know, Lily and the boy were sitting awfully close, giggling and laughing having an all around great time. Kevin drove past the house, not turning his head to even look her away, he turned the music down and sighed softly to himself.

"So close, yet so far away.." He said softly as he turned his car back into the direction of his house.

Kevin walked into the door of his house, and into the living room, where Joe and Cheyenne were sitting, Cheyenne laughing as Joe was being his usually dorky self, and tickling her.

"Fine Joe! Okay! Tell me!" She yelped out.
"Nu-uh only if you promise to say yes." He said calmly as he sat on top of her and continued to tickle her.
"Fine fine fine! I'll say yes, Joe! I'll say yes!" She laughed.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you. No need to have a Joegasm" He smirked and got off of her.
"You are such a douche." She said sitting up.
"Now are you going to tell me? Or not?" Cheyenne said as she kicked his thigh a little moving him away from her.
"Yes, I will. I was wondering if you would go to the Valentines day party with me. A-as my date?" He asked, his voice low. Cheyenne smiled a little and nodded.
"Of course Joey! I'll go." She gigged throwing her arms around his neck and kissing his cheek, although they were just friends. Joe's face turned a bright shade of pink after her lips left his skin.
"Okay good." He laughed and then began to tickle her sides.


Today was the day, today was Friday, today was the day Kevin would ask Lily, and today was the day that his world would be crushed, or enlightened, the day was in the hands of Lily. She, of course didn't know this, but Kevin did, and Kevin was hoping she felt the same as he did.

Kevin, his brothers, and his brothers dates, Cheyenne and Shelby, were all in the limo, heading to Lily's house, to pick her up. And when they finally arrived to her house, Kevin's palms immediately started to sweat, and he kept wiping his hands on his pants, anticipating this moment, tonight, where he would finally ask her to be his. The car came to a stop and he got out, walking to the front door, as fast as he could without seeming eager.

He reached the top step and rand the door bell once, and when the door flew opened, to reveal a stunning Lily, and no I'm not talking about the flower, Kevin's heart leaped into his throat. He then pulled a flower from behind his back, it being a single red rose, and handed it to her.
"For you." He smiled. Lily blushed lightly and took it from his fingertips. She smelled it and sat it down on the table by the door, before grabbing her purse and exiting the house. Linking her arms with Kevin's in the process.


Once the car reached the building, Kevin got out, holding his hand for Lily, Followed by Joe, holding his hand out for Cheyenne, and then Nick, holding his hand out for Shelby, all three Jonas boys, being pure honest gentleman tonight. Kevin lead the way with Lily by his side.

And finally when they all reached the big room the party was being held in. It was more romantic than anyone could have imagined, Lily softly gasped as she walked in, Kevin smiling down at her, without her knowing it.

Cheyenne smiled and leaned her head on Joe's shoulder, because even though they weren't dating, they were best friends, and shared everything. Joe smiled at this little gesture and slowly leaned close to her ear.
"Wanna dance?" His voice low, and she could sense the smiled in his voice, she nodded and he took her hand again, leading her to the dance floor.

Shelby smiled when she saw the room, looking up at Nick, who smiled down at her.
"Wanna dance, Nick?" She asked, her brown eyes sparkling.
"Okay, but I'm not that good." He smiled leading her to the dance floor.

The two couples twirled and swayed as the soft music continued to play. The dance floor slowly filling up, as Kevin snuck a small peak at Lily, whom was sitting in her chair, honestly, waiting for Kevin to ask her to dance. Kevin had no knowledge of this, yet, when he did ask her to dance, it would be one of the happiest moments of his life, because thats when he would finally tell her how he felt.

Kevin finally stood up, taking his chance now. He swiftly grabbed Lily's hand and pulled her up, causing her to giggle.

"What are we doing, Kev?" She asked, as he slowly lead her to the dance floor. Kevin finally found a spot and pulled her close, resting his hand on her waist and in return she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Can I have this dance?" Kevin asked, his voice low, as he flashed her a gorgeous smile. She blushed lightly as she nodded and scooted a little closer, resting her head against his chest.

Kevin felt his heart beat quicken as his skin came in contact with hers. He took a deep breath as they slowly started to sway. Instantly a slower song came on, and it being a 'Hollywood Records' party, and 'Hollywood Records' being affiliated with 'Disney'. It was a sweet, slow song from one of their movies, which Lily happened to love.

Kevin swayed with Lily, slowly and sweetly, he eventually worked up the courage to press his cheek to hers, with his lips lingering close to her ear. He was planning on it happening soon, and he couldn't be more excited. Lily's cheeks flushed with the sudden contact of their faces, so close. Kevin softly started to sing to her, the song that was playing over the speakers in the room. Lily smiled at the sound of his voice in her ear, she knew she was the only one who was hearing his soft words, she knew that she loved it. Yet, she was confused why he was singing to her.

Kevin hoped that song would just last forever and he could just say right there like that with her. That, alone, tells you how much he wanted to be with her. He loved her, and he knew it. He knew this was true love, he knew the way he always thought about her, and the way he couldn't breathe when she laughed, and all the times shes left him speechless, that it was true, honest love, and Kevin was not about to let her slip through his fingertips. Just thinking about losing her, caused Kevin's hands to grip more tightly to her, he pulled her closer to his body, as his palms continued to sweat and his pants tightened a little.

Lily, when she was with Kevin, felt beautiful. He made her feel things she had never felt. He could instantly make her blush, even by just the way he looked at her. Lily rested her hands on the back of his neck, running her fingers through the luscious curls on the back of his neck, slowly and softly, to make it seem less noticeable, and thats when Kevin lost control. That was the moment when Kevin could not take it any longer. He lifted Lily's chin softly with his index finger, making her look him in the eyes, before softly speaking.

"You know, I'd never hurt, or lie to you right?" He asked, getting a nod from her, he, in return nodded and then ducked his neck down, to whisper in her ear. He spoke softly, causing some of his words to come out as whispers.

"Then you know that what I'm about to tell you, is not a lie, and its probably one of the few things, I'm even sure of anymore." He said as they swayed, Lily nodded, his soft words, making her legs feel like Jell-o.

"Lily, I have been trying to figure out the perfect time and way to tell you these things. I need you to know, because." He stopped as he kissed her cheek softly and pulled her even closer, if that were possible.

"Because I have fallen in love with you, and I cant stop thinking about you. I want you to be mine, and I want you to feel the same way, because I need you. Even if you don't think I do, I do. I want you as mine. I promise you, that I will be the best man, I can be, and I promise that I will love you, unconditionally, forever." He said still speaking softly, knowing he may have went over board with the speech, making it too long, yet he felt he needed her to hear those things.

Lily couldn't form words to speak, so she just nodded. Kevin lifted her chin and gazed into her eyes for a moment, before licking his lips and pressing them to hers, in the most passionate, romantic, beautiful kiss he has ever had. They swayed as they kissed on the dance floor, the song hit the climax and, just as planned, the rose petals fell on the dancing couples.

Kevin pulled away as the guests who weren't dancing clapped, he looked up to see a few rose petals still falling, before looking down at Lily who's smiles was brighter than ever. He then pressed his forehead to hers and rubbed her cheek softly with his slightly calloused thumb.
"I love you, Lily." He said softly, she smiled.
"I love you too, Kevin. I always have." Kevin smiled and kissed her forehead before softly kissing her lips one last time.


It was now, twelve forty-five in the morning and Kevin and Lily were just getting to the Jonas house, and with Mr. and Mrs. Jonas out of the house with Frankie for Valentines day, and Nick, Joe, Cheyenne, and Shelby, at the beach, cuddling with their best friend, or boy friend, looking at the stars. Kevin asked Lily to stay over.

Kevin unlocked the front door and laced his fingers with Lily's, as he pulled her into the house and up the stairs to his room. When they finally entered his room, he locked the door, not wanting anyone to interrupt his time with Lily.

Kevin sat down on the bed beside his love and planted soft kisses along her shoulder up to her neck, Lily giggled a little closed her eyes, tilting her head to the side, letting him get better access to the bare skin on her neck. He then, slowly proceeded to lay her back on the bed, and swinging one leg over her, and getting on top. He pulled off his suit jacket and threw it to the floor, as he leaned forward to kiss her lips. Lily kissed back as she slowly slipped her hands underneath his shirt to feel his toned abs beneath her finger tips. He lightly blushed and pulled away, a smirk painted on his beautiful face.

Lily, blushed a little as he began to unbutton his shirt. He finished undoing the last button on his shirt and pulled it off, throwing it to the ground in the process. Lily pulled him down, to meet her lips with hers again, as she slowly and swiftly snaked her fingertips to his belt buckle. Kevin smiled a little, kissing her, knowing exactly what she was doing, and he didn't mind one bit. He had waited for his night since the day he laid eyes on her.

In one quick second, his belt was unbuckled and pulled from the loops, being discarded to the floor, and Lily's fingertips slid into his tight jeans, their lips never parting. A sudden pressure was relieved in Kevin's pants, as the button was unfastened. He quickly kicked off his shoes as he lifted his hips off of Lily, letting her slide his pants to his ankles and then off to the floor. Lily blushed a little, as Kevin repositioned himself on her, his bulge rubbing against her, causing friction between the two.

They continued to kiss as Kevin reached for the zipper on Lily's dress, pulling it down, removing the dress from her body. He pulled away from her lips for a moment, taking in her beauty and loving the way she looked right there. Lily smiled as a blush crept to her cheeks and she wrapped her arms around his neck, playing with the hair on the back of it as she looked up at him, trying to read his face. Kevin broke the comfortable silence between the two, as he ran his hands up her sides.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked, keeping his voice low, not wanting the romantic and beautiful moment between them, to end. She nodded and blushed a little more. Kevin nodded, and kissed her neck softly as he snaked his hand to her back and unfastened it with one hand in a quick second. Lily arched her back a little letting him pull it from her body and throwing it blindly to the floor.

He then sat up, scooting back a little as he kissed the skin over her hip bone, softly nipping at it and then moving his lips to the inside of her thigh, kissing it a couple times, and softly biting some of the skin, leaving his mark on her body. A few soft noises escaped the back of her throat as Kevin kissed to her pantie line. He smiled a tugged on them, removing them from her body and onto the floor, before kissing up to her lips.

Lily's cool hands slipped inside Kevin's boxers and pushed them off his body. Kevin blushed a little, from the fact that no one has seen his, parts, since he was a kid and his mom was the only woman. Kevin continued with his work and kissed her neck softly, nibbling here and there, before he began to suck on it.

Kevin continued to suck on her neck as he blindly reached into the drawer beside his bed. Soft moans escaped Lily's throat as he pulled out a condom and pulled himself free from her neck, sitting up on her. Lily smiled at him, as he tore the wrapper open and pulled out the latex device, he then slid the condom on his member and leaned forward, pressing his lips to hers in a very loving passionate hungry kiss. Kevin pulled away slightly.

"You ready, baby?" He asked looking into her eyes, as she nodded. Kevin saw no signs of her just saying yes, because he wanted it, he just saw love. Kevin slipped off his purity ring, sitting it on the table beside his bed, before he smiled and kissed her lips softly, letting himself enter her body, to explore the love of the great beyond. Kevin took a deep breath as Lily ran her hands up his sides. He began to thrust his hips into her soft, and slow, the tight feeling of her around him, captivating and pulling him so much deeper in love with her, then he ever thought was possible.

Their bodies continued to move in the motions as whimpers, and moans left the back of their throats. Kevin loved Lily, and Lily loved Kevin, and this just made being in love, so much better. Kevin felt her body, every inch of her body, he ran his fingers softly up it, making this gentle and loving. He kept thrusting his hips, speeding up a little, and going a little harder with each thrust, and Lily's soft moans becoming loud cries of pleasure. Kevin, hearing this, blushed a little, as his their thrusts became more in sync and they were both feeling wonderful, passionate pleasure. Kevin's white bedsheets being ruffled and messed as they explored the love, and the covers completely kicked off, as sweat rolled down Kevin's body, as he kept thrusting into her, getting his name screamed, seemed to turn him on more than anything.

Just the way Lily's voice sounded when she said his name, was sexy, it was amazing and hot, and Kevin wanted more of it, Kevin kept thrusting, moans coming from his lips.

"Whats my name?" Kevin growled, not realizing his words were lustful.
"Oh! Kevin!" Lily moaned a little louder. Kevin licked his lips as his thrusts became harder and faster, feeling himself ready to let go, but wanting to hold on to this rush of pleasure for so much longer. Kevin's thrusts slowed and softened, before coming to a complete stop, as Lily's body shuddered and tensed before completely letting go. Kevin then, got off of her, pulling her on her side and so close to him, as he just laid there, not removing his member from her body, just wanting to be close to her, forever.

Lily didn't care he was still inside of her, she didn't care about anything at this moment, she only cared about how much she loved the man before her. Kevin kissed her sweaty forehead and pulled her head close to his chest, stroking her hair, as their breathing began to regulate.

"I love you, Lily." Kevin said softly as he kissed her lips softly, once.
"You know, I love you too, Kev." She smiled as her eyelids fluttered closed.
"Get some rest, baby." Kevin whispered as he continued to stroke her hair. Lily nodded and buried her head in his chest. Kevin, then remembered his purity ring.
"Baby, wait." Kevin said, as he reached behind him, and grabbed the ring off the table, and undoing her necklace. He then slipped his ring on her chain and refastened it around her neck.

"I want you to have that. To remember this night, and how much I love you. I need you to be able to look down at that ring, and know that my love is for forever, and its unconditional. I promise to love you for the rest of my life. Thats my promise. To be yours, and always stay true." He rambled, loving the look on her face as she played with the ring.

"This is the best thing you could ever give me. Because I know it means so much to you. I know you aren't lying when you speak. I love you. You mean the world to me. And I'm glad to finally be yours. And I know that when I look at this, I will always think of you, and this night." She said softly, as she looked down at the ring and then kissed his cheek softly.

"Now, you may sleep, beautiful." Kevin said with a smile on his face as he held her in his arms. Lily nodded and shut her eyes, almost instantly falling into a slumber. Kevin watched her sleep most of the night, or, morning, smiling at her, smiling at finally having her to call his own. Around five in the morning, Kevin finally let his eyes close and fall asleep, but not one second before he whispered how much he loved her, into Lily's ear.

"It's like catching lightening, the chances of of finding, someone like you. It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do, and with every step together, we just keep on getting better. So, can I have this dance.."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay this is for Lily-pad.
She wanted the sex scene :]

hope you guys loved it.