Let Me Stitch Your Broken Heart

The Realm

Carly and Colton fell into what appeared to be a living room. They collapsed on top of each other in a messy heap. The two kidnapper creatures landed lightly on their feet and towered over the couple, their orange “mouths” glowing. Carly gasped. The contrast between their orange mouths and red and black skin had a terrifying effect. Colton looked over at her with a panicked look in his eyes. He’d heard her scream as they plummeted down the portal and the gasp she’d just let out would prove to the creatures that her mouth seal was gone. One of them turned on her.

"Kareltje, kijk! Die ene sprak juist! Ik dacht dat ik je gezegd had hun mond te verzegelen!

"Dat heb ik ook gedaan! Maar je weet dat ze verliefd zijn. Je gezond verstand heb je toch nog? Ik wil wedden dat ze aan het kussen waren op de achterbank, net als wij aan het kussen waren op de voorbank."

“Argh! Waarom moeten alle vampieren nu giftig zijn? Ik heb je nog gezegd dat we beter een Rogue hadden gekozen hiervoor!"

“Yasmijin, je weet evengoed als ik dat een Rogue haar uitgezogen zou hebben. En trouwens, zij zijn ook giftig.”

“Maar ze zijn harteloos! Ze zouden nooit verliefd zijn geworden en dan zouden ze niet gekust hebben en zou haar mond nog verzegeld zijn!”

“Hm. Ja dan zeker. Maar een Rogue zou haar nog altijd uitgezogen hebben.”

Colton had all the while been scooting closer to Carly. He grasped her hand tightly. He pecked her cheek as reassurance. She turned her head to him and kissed his lips lightly. Her eyes told him all he needed to know. She was terrified and wanted out—now. Looking quickly about the room, Colton plotted an escape route. He jerked his head toward an open window, then motioned for Carly to follow him on three. One at a time, Colton flicked each of his fingers upward. On the third, he pulled Carly up and raced to the window with her stampeding at his side. Her vampire speed was beginning to kick in. Colton pushed her through the window first. He was just climbing out when one of the creatures caught hold of his ankles.

“Idioot!” The creature laughed cynically.

“Jij bent de idioot, Kareltje! Het meisje is ontsnapt!” The other creature raced from the room.

“Carly!” Colton screamed as loud as he could. “Run! It’s coming! Run for all you’re w—”

The creature had clasped a bubbly-skinned hand over Colton’s mouth. Using the other hand, it knocked him unconscious. It wrapped its right arm beneath Colton’s arms, across his chest. Carly’s love was then dragged from the room, down a flight of stairs and into a contraption resembling an elevator.

Carly began to panic when Colton was ripped back through the window from which she’d just escaped. He’d yelled for her to run, so she did. She ran through the unfamiliar land: over hills, around craters, behind vegetation, and under looming stone overhangs. Carly thought she heard lumbering footsteps not ten yards behind her, so she picked up her speed and didn’t stop. Her sides housed a piercing pain that was nearly intolerable and her breath came so fast, it almost didn’t come at all. Soon, the sound of footsteps disappeared. Carly didn’t slow down, but she did pause her rushing thoughts for a moment to listen. All was silent and the valley she was racing through appeared empty. The swords in her ribs stabbed sharper and her breath threatened to leave her completely. Carly had no choice but to stop and rest. A nearby rock was the perfect size for a momentary bench. She placed her head between her knees and forced herself to breathe deeply. After a few minutes, the pain in her sides began to soften and her breath slowly returned to normal. Once all was calm, Carly considered the situation at hand. Colton was with those nasty, terrifying creatures and she was in the middle of nowhere, in another realm, all alone.

Colton awoke to find himself in a cramped metal box. He glanced around groggily, trying to identify his surroundings. “Transporter!” Colton spoke it like a curse word. Being in a transporter meant he was going somewhere. Waking up in one without any memory of how he got there meant he was going somewhere he wasn’t going to like. Slowly him memory of the past twenty-four hours crept back: the creatures, baseball bats, portals, thirst, blood—delicious blood from a human, a beautiful girl. “Carly! Oh, God! Carly!” He looked around for an escape. There was something odd about this transporter. There were no keypads, windows, or doors. The dirty gray walls were completely void of anything useful. He looked towards the ceiling for an emergency exit but found it bare as well. The edges were fused to the tops of the walls, leaving him no rational options since the floor was fused as well. Colton knew what he had to do. It was going to hurt, but at least he’d be able to get out and find Carly.

Carly had just settled down for a short rest when she heard a branch crack. She jolted upright and turned towards the noise. Two large red eyes were focused intently on her from the woods she’d come through about fifteen minutes before. “Who’s there?” She knew those creatures didn’t have eyes, but she knew nothing of the other animals that might call this realm home. All she knew was that giant red eyes were always bad in movies. She backed away from the shadowy figure that was beginning to creep closer.

“Stay back! Go away! My boyfriend is on his way back. He’ll be here soon! He’ll kick your ass if you try to hurt me! I swear!” Carly lifted a small branch from the ground and poked it towards the eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Many many thanks and loves to Caramel.Envy from Quizilla for translating the monsters' language to Dutch. Everyone tell her thanks if you're a Quizillian, too.

Here's the English version of the monsters' dialogue:

“Kareltje, look! That one just spoke. I thought I told you to seal her mouth!”

“I did! But, you know they’re in love. Surely your sense hasn’t gone. I bet they were making out in the backseat, just as we were doing in the front.”

“Argh! Why do all the vampires have to be venomous? I told you we should have picked a Rogue for this!”

“Yasmijin, you know as well as I do that a Rogue would have drained her. Besides, they’re venomous, too.”

“But they’re heartless! They never would have fallen in love and then they wouldn’t have made out and her seal would still be in place.”

“Hm. I suppose. But a Rogue still would have sucked her dry.”

...blah blah English blah blah...

“Fool!” The creature laughed cynically.

“You’re the fool, Kareltje! The girl has escaped!” The other creature raced from the room.

This one is shorter for a reason. I do have the rest written, though. However, it won't be posted until....duh duh duh duh....COMMENTS! There are 2 comments on this story and way more subscribers and readers. So, I know you're out there! All you have to do is comment on here. When ten comments are posted, I'll post the next chapter. 10 + 2 = a total of 12 comments (Originally, it was all one chapter, but it was super long, so I broke it up.) Also, if someone were to send me an awesome banner, I might post even faster. (hint hint) Yay! Hope you like the story!