Status: Finished.

I'm Not Okay Until I'm With You Again

The Day We Met...

"No mommy I don't want to go!" I said pulling at my Mom's hand
"I'm sorry sweetie you have to."
"Mom, Noooo!"
As I saw her drive away I shed a tear. It was my first day of Belleville preschool. And I wasn't very happy about it. I had no friends, and I didn't know anybody there.
"Come on sweetie let me walk you to the playground for recess." the teacher said.

She walked me out to the small field where there was a swing set and a jungle gym. All the boys were throwing rocks and other poor girls. I was not interested. So I sat under a tree and ate my packed lunch. I finished my PB&J my mom packed me and I decided to go get a drink of water. I slurped the water and wiped my chin and went back to recess. As I was walking back I noticed an empty classroom with all but a little boy with black hair almost past his ears and fair white skin. He was wearing all black but his gray converse.

"Hi." I said cheerfully
He was drawing a picture of what seemed to look like a dog. His head was hutched into it so I still couldn't see his face.
"Hi" he responded
"It speaks,"
we both giggled in unison. "What’s your name?” I asked.
He finally looked up and I could see his face now it was a pale white with big hazel eyes.
"I’m Gerard; you can call me Gee for short. And you?"
"My name is Madelyn, but you can call me Madi"
"Ok, hi Madi"
"what are you drawing?"
"A dog"
"Cool dogs are my favorite animals"
"Me too!"

"I like you; your not like the other boys. your nicer then all them other ones"
"Thanks Madi, I-I like you too"
"Here" he passes me the drawing of the dog.
"Thanks Gee"
we both blushed a bit as he gave me a quick peck on the cheek.
"I think it's naptime now" Gerard said as we walked to the front of the classroom.
"Welcome back from recess children, and how was it?"
"Good," we all answered in unison except for me and Gerard.
"Now it's naptime. go get your mats from the back of the classroom"
him and I were sitting next to each other and he held my hand to go get a napping mat, and we were the last to get there and there was only one.
"Mrs.Lempert, I don't have a mat."
"Oh dear, well it looks like you've come accompanied with Gerard so well I guess you’ll have to share with him for today."
Gerard is already waiting for me by the mat with hiss sweet smile. We lied down next to each other and soon fell asleep. For about 20 minutes until.......

I woke up to a kindred spirit yelling "GEE, GEE, GEE!!!! WAKE UP IT'S SNACK TIME!!!!!!"
"Wha-?" as he said in a sleepily voice while rubbing his eyes.
"Madi, Madi, are you awake?"
"This is my brother, Mikey... I think he had a little too many cookies; he's a little hyper right now. Mikey this is my friend Madi"
"Pleased to meet you Mikey."
"And pleased to meet you Madi"
"Let's be friends forever and ever.”
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sorry so short, find me on quizilla it has the same stories but slightly different titles