Status: Finished.

I'm Not Okay Until I'm With You Again

A Visitor

**RECAP** your mom is away on a business trip for a month and there was a strange knock at the door

"who is it?" Mikey said
"huh" Mikey, Gerard, and Frankie looked at each other in a questioned look and so was I until I realized who it was, my favorite cousin from England! :D :D
"open up the door Mikey!"
"oh my god Madi have you've grown!" I gave my cousin a big squeeze hug
"I haven't seen you in ages Emily!"
after you said that you happened to look over at Mikey and he looked like he was love struck he was also blushing...
"who is she Madi" Frankie asked
"this is my favorite cousin, Emily from England!"
"Madi, will you introduce me to your darling friends"
*points to Frankie* "this is Frankie he lives down the street and he is REALLY hyper right now"
"nice to meet you" she said as she shook his hand
"uh-huh" he said
*points to Mikey* "this is Mikey he lives next to me"
"nice to meet you Mikey" she said as she shook his hand"
"ummm...ya um its a..a. pleasure to meet you"
"its a pleasure to meet you too"
*points to Gerard* "this is Gerard, Mikey’s brother"
"nice to meet you Gerard, Gerard...that’s a lovely name"
"thank you"

Emily was one year older than me had black hair with dark purple tips with fair white skin and blue eyes. she had a nice British accent and she was wearing skinny jeans with sum suspenders hanging from her pants and an Anthrax band tee

"so are you visiting or what, Em"
"I’m coming to move here before I can get my own place"
"oh cool"
"hey, where's your mum"
"she’s on a business trip for a month if it goes well if not I don’t know how long"
"oh ok I guess we're on our own"
"don’t forget about....Sky"
"oh yes where is the little cheeky monkey"
"sleeping in, his school hasn’t started yet"
"oh and there is a present in my bag for your birthday"
"Ugh!Why did you have to say that!"
"I don’t want to make my birthday a big deal"

"Madi it's your birthday today?" Gerard said
"we can't let our bestest friend not have a 13th birthday party" gee said. then gee, Frankie, and Mikey hugged me until I couldn't breathe
"alright, alright we'll have a party at my house tonight only you guys and u can invite one other friend"
"yes!" they all cheered"
"now, lets get to school" I said

we walked out the door and started to walk
"Madi, I can't let you walk on your birthday, let me give you a piggy back ride!" he laughed
I didn't think he was serious till he picked me up and put me on his back
"weee!" I said! he laughed and gave me that one of a kind of smile
Mikey and Frankie were listening to their iPods so they weren’t paying attention
"I rested my hand on gee's chest and I leaned my head on his"
people were staring at us when cars passed by but we wouldn't care gee would just flip them off :D
we got finally got to school
"next stop math class!" gee said
ha ha I laughed
he wouldn't put me down till we got to the door
we bid our goodbyes to Mikey and Frankie and we walked into our math class
we both sat down in our seats and we opened our journals and began to draw on a black piece of paper and I could see it was some sort of birthday card :D
then he got a wide grin on his face and got up and whispered something in the teacher's ear but then he went back to his sweet with and evil but sweet grin

"I have just been informed that it's someone's birthday today"
I suddenly felt so embarrassed and looked at gee and he was smiling I gave him an evil look and put my head in my arms and quickly ran out the classroom then his expression changed to a worried look and he followed me out the teacher didn’t seem to care since she knew we were the best of friends
I steamed out the door and to the courtyard
"why'd you have to do that, you knew I didn’t want to make it a big deal!" a small tear ran down my face
"I’m sorry I thought you'd li--
"well I didn't"
"I’m sorry, Madi"
he quickly hugged me and kissed me on the forehead
"I’m sorry, its just I’m already the school 'wierdo outcast' and that just makes it work"
"I promise ill make it up to you by lunch"
"what did you want to do for all the teacher knows we're still out here talking"
"I like the way you think ;)" I gave him a wink and we were off hand in hand
"lets just go to the liquor store and you can buy whatever you want I’m paying"
we got to the liquor store and I bought a chocolate cupcake pack with 2 inside
"hey Madi, ill meet you outside here ill go pay right now"
I couldn't see what gee bought but whatever
he finally finished paying and ran outside with the cupcakes"
"here you go and happy birthday"
"thanks gee"
"it's almost 2nd period we better get going"
we started to walk and got back to school and picked up our journals and for me my backpack too gee already brought his

RING!!!! RING!!!!! RING!!!!!!!! "bye gee!" I said as I waved him goodbye
"bye Madi"
"hey Mikey"
"hey Madi"
"how was PE with Mackenzie?"
"gahh! it was horrible before I got to the locker rooms I saw her talking to her preppy friends and saying like she met this cute guy, cute guy being me *he smiled* and she was saying like she doesn’t like to read and she can't even play the bass and she was only saying that to impress me"
"oh wow"
"we were partners again and I invited her to your party anyways to make her spill her secret"
"alright, she didn’t sit right with me since the first time I saw her"
"hahaha" he laughed
we saw Bri and sat down with her
"hey Bri"
"hey Madi, hey Mikey"
"hey did you happen to see our friend Frankie at our lunch table yesterday, ya know the short one with short black hair"
"oh yeah he seems nice"
I should see it in her eyes that she thought her was cute
"he kind of sort of, think your uhh...cute." Mikey finally said
"REALLY!!" she almost screamed
"oh well that’s nice maybe ill talk to him later" she said trying to play it cool
"alright" Mikey said
"hey today I’m having a little get-together for my birthday want to go, Frankie will be there"
"alright its at 6 o'clockish"
I gave her my address and before I knew it, it was time for lunch!
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longest yet!