Skies Do Fall


I immediately ended my flaring limbs and piercing screams and allowed the heated crimson’s warmth to creep up and bloom onto my cheeks. My eyes were still very much wide but this time with shock and surprise rather than my previous aghast intentions.

Of course, as if our past affairs hadn’t been any stranger and more awkward, Brendon Urie had been the culprit. Even if there were more victims around I still could have made an accurate guess from the way he was cowardly seeking a hiding place away from my startled gaze.

Once it was obvious that there would be no more harmful acts of defense from my side, Brendon finally relaxed his gangly frame and sighed with relief, muttering, “Jesus,” under his breath while doing so. He flexed one lanky arm across his forehead, wiping away the pearls of perspiration that had formed from my outburst.

Then, Brendon fixed his naturally-vast, immersed brown eyes on me, most likely expecting an apology or some other form of explanation.

I waited until the tension became unbearable before Brendon finally made an attempt to get me talking. “So, how about those Red Sox, eh?” To add to the completely unrelated topic, he acted out his own little performance of him hitting a baseball with an invisible bat, a stereotypical show of a baseball player.

Maybe it was because I had endured a very bad night and morning. Maybe it was because I hated when I was interrupted during mid-song. Hell, maybe it was because I was one determined bitch, but whatever the reason, I didn’t laugh or more-or-less acknowledge Brendon’s small tirade.

I just stared at him blankly like I had been doing for the past two minutes.

Brendon chuckled at his own joke but quickly became confused and a little concerned when I remained in my frozen, hateful state.

Twisting his face in confusion, he asked, “Are you okay there?”

“Spectacular,” I muttered through gritted teeth.

“Are you sure because you seem a bit…frustrated?”

“Maybe I am. What’s it to you?” I shot back, cocking my eyebrow in a challenging manner.

Brendon frowned, tucking a bit of his cushioned bottom lip inside his mouth in either nervousness or confusion.

I hated being like this. ‘This’ meaning an arrogant and heartless witch. And it clicked that if this was how I was going to be for my first day in junior year, then my day was going to be way short of good.

So, with a thick swallow of pride and a straight spine, I shook my head and broke from my intimidating glare. Running my fingers through my still-moist hair, I sighed heavily. “I’m sorry, Brendon. Here I go, living up to be the next Queen Bitch again while you try to amuse me out of my storm cloud.”

Brendon chuckled, a grin in his voice. “No, clouds are sometimes good, you know. It keeps that damn Sun from getting too cocky.”

Smoothing back my overgrown bangs, I peered up and made eyecontact with Brendon. As soon as our line of visions touched, we both broke out with light giggles.

With just a slight change of heart and mood, I was already on my way to mending my torn heart again.


“So, the Sweater Song, huh?”

I whipped my head around to give Brendon a confused expression.

Frowning, I replied, “Sure. I mean, if you feel that sweaters deserve a tune then be my guest-“

Brendon laughed and shook his head in denial. “No no, Robin. I’m talking about Weezer here. This morning you were listening to Undone, otherwise known as The Sweater Song.”

I felt my cheeks beaming red as I gave a meek laugh of my own. “Oh, right! Undone, sure sure.”

Brendon smiled. “You’re into Weezer then, huh?”

“Yeah, well I’m into a lot of music but they’re definitely among my favorites.”

“What do you mean by ‘a lot of music’? What bands are your favorites?” Brendon questioned me, a touch of eagerness mixed in beneath the curiosity of his tone.

My eyes ignored the wondering great brown orbs that were staring at me, waiting for my answer, and instead darted about the school’s hallways filled with early risers.

Vaguely, I answered, “Well…Marcy’s Playground, Nirvana, Radiohead, Green Day, Third Eyed Blind, No…”

“No?” Brendon repeated uncertainly, puzzlement contorting in his boyish facial features.

I was going to say No Doubt, but something, or rather someone, caught my eye. Someone who had slipped my mind during these past few weeks. Someone who looked insanely familiar yet strangely unknown at the same time…

And then it hit me.

In a blink of an eye, my raging anger had arisen from its extinguished state