Skies Do Fall

Black Sunday

“Robby?” my brother questioned for the third time, concern and a hint of fear unraveling in his tone as he took my shoulders into his warm hands.

I had moved my eyes back to Brendon after Tristan had introduced us, and was now blankly staring at the skinny boy as if he were hypnotic. Brendon had been staring at me too, his wide eyes taking in my casual appearance; until he finally allowed the fright to sink in and he upturned his frown to a twinge of what I thought was a smirk. Had the creep planned this?

I knew I had to at least respond to Tristan or else he would probably call the authorities for help, so with much effort, I pried my eyes away from Brendon’s smug expression to look at my concerned brother.

“I-I’m fine, Tristan. Jesus.” I tore my shoulders out of his snug grip and walked away from the pair, praying to God that this was all a dream...or more appropriately, a nightmare.

Tristan followed behind only two seconds later, and as he slung a protective arm over my shoulders, he harshly whispered in my ear, “What the hell was that? Could you have been any ruder?”

I snapped back in a hushed voice, “You want to know what the hell that was? It was something you should have done when you first meet that weirdo! You should have just walked away and never invited him to hang out with you. Tristan, he is a total creep!”

Tristan’s teal eyes glittered with disappointment, something that made most siblings want to scream apologies, and then he said it…“Robin, I must say, this surprises me. Judging people before you even met them? You know, Brendon is having a tough time in his family right now and he is actually a very nice man for all he is dealing with at the moment. The least you could do is show some respect. I never would have expected this, especially from you.”

With that, he gave a disapproving shake of his head and slipped his arm away from the guardian-like position upon my shoulders, walking away from me as though I were a dangerous ant-hill.

My stomach deflated, slumping against my abdomen, and a flock of embarrassed butterflies swarmed into the crushed internal organ.

Tristan suddenly turned back to me, never once looking at me in the eyes as he handed me something brisk and weighty, murmuring, “Here is the keys. Just go home, Robin.” And then he wounded back to dart over to his colleagues, among them an all-too curious Brendon Urie.

I ignored the quizzical looks Brendon was sending me and sniffled back the tears of regret stinging the backs of my eyes. I didn’t feel like staying here any longer than necessary so I began to speed-walk in the other direction, towards Tristan’s car.

I probably shouldn’t have said that about Brendon. I know it shouldn’t have been such a big deal as I was making it out to be and I should just get over it like all normal siblings do, but with Tristan disappointed at me on top of my family’s happiness secured under my watch? It was too much stress for one sixteen year-old to handle.

Once the first urging wave of tears overwhelmed me and I had successfully held them back, there was really no more to worry about on the whole public display of hurt. The stinging of tears subsided as I climbed into the ancient car once more, yet there was still a cage of regretful and embarrassed butterflies nesting inside the depths of my stomach.

I was such a bitch, hating Brendon like that without barely even knowing the kid. Sure, he had cost me big bucks with all the damage his hands had created, but it was stupid to just avoid him without accepting his well-thought out and heartfelt apologies. I should give him a chance.

There was a sudden tap on the car’s window and I flickered my eyes to meet the sound’s direction.

Surprised to see Tristan evilly smirking at me from behind the glass divider, I rolled down the window and waited for Tristan to say whatever he had to say.

Tristan’s smug smile expanded and the tense silence between us was finally broken as I exasperatedly sighed. “Tristan, what are you smiling about?”

My brother let out a meek chuckle, the small noise somehow sounding corrupt, and his bright, blue eyes twinkled as he answered, “I’m just glad to see you haven’t left yet.”

Confused, I began to wonder how long I had been sitting in the parking lot so I turned my gaze upon the unfocused digital clock set on the dashboard and let out a surprised gasp.

“I’ve been sitting here for ten minutes? But-but how?” I asked myself out loud.

Even though my question had been rhetorical, Tristan answered me nonetheless. “That’s what I was wondering. But you did seem to be in deep thought when I walked up here. Something on your mind?”

The question wasn’t pressured or demanding, but the way Tristan’s eyes melted with ease as though they would accept any deep secret I had (which I did happen to have a lot of at the present moment) made something inside of me break and for a moment, I was sure I was going to pour my heart out and tell Tristan the whole issues of how our family was going to fall apart at the seams. Of how our father was fucking some girl behind our backs.

But then I caught myself. I didn’t want Tristan to have to deal with this pressure, stress, and sorrow too. It certainly wasn’t a pleasant gain of knowledge to obtain and I couldn’t allow myself to tear Tristan’s world apart the way I had momentarily been planning to.

So, holding my tongue cautiously, I did pour my heart out, but sharply avoided the subject of our father completely and opted to focus on Brendon. I feebly answered. “Yes, Tristan, there is something on my mind.”

Tristan, being the caring brother he is, fixed his blue eyes on my own, ready to take on anything I was going to confess.

I cleared my throat and continued. “You see, I was just thinking about this whole Brendon thing, and I’ve come to realize how stupid I am being. I know it was such a bitchy thing to say about him and I’m willing to try and get to know and even befriend Brendon…no matter how creepy the dude is.”

Tristan suddenly began to glow and he gave me the most massive smile I have ever witnessed from him. It felt good to see that he was proud at me for my change of mind, but at the same time, I felt out of the loop. There was something underneath the rows of shimmering, perfect teeth. Something I wasn’t understanding.

Before I could ask, Tristan spoke, “Well I’m so glad you’ve come to your senses,” I smiled back at him and he continued. “…especially since your going to drive Mr. Urie home this afternoon.”

Confused, I grunted in disbelief, “Uh…what was that?”

Tristan smirked and repeated brightly, “I said that you are driving Brendon home. You see, he tried to do a 180 Aerial and came down wrong. We think he sprained his ankle. I came here to drive him home in Grey’s car, but seeing as you’re so willing to befriend him and I still want to skate, it seems that this is no longer necessary.”

Before I could sputter out an objection, there was a faint call in the near-by distance and both Tristan and I turned to see a hobbling Brendon waddling over towards us.

Tristan greeted Brendon warmly. “There he is! The man of the hour!”

Brendon chuckled, “That’s me, alright,” and then turned to fix his great brown eyes on me.

Tristan followed his gaze and, winking at me, he declared, “Well I better get going! Can’t keep the guys waiting. Drive safe!” Before Brendon could mash his thick eyebrows together in confusion; Tristan was already sprinting back towards the skate park.

I groaned inwardly as Brendon turned back to me and asked, “So are you driving me home or something?”

This was my chance to make up for being a complete asshole earlier, so I fought back the sarcasm dying to make an appearance and smiled politely. “Yep, hop in.”

Brendon seemed to be taken off guard at my sudden diplomatic attitude, but quickly got over the shock. Grinning wider, he exclaimed, “Sweetness!” before limping over to the passenger side.

Once he was safe inside, sitting happily at my side, I switched gears and started the long car ride home.
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I'm sorry if there's millions upon millions of grammatical errors.
My editor called in sick today.
Sorry for the wait as well.
Thanks for reading despite all the conflicts putting this one out caused!