Skies Do Fall

Same Mistake

First off, I absolutely loathed returning to school after every summer. I hated the ridiculous school shopping. I hated the awkward meet-and-greet routine. I hated all the rootless new teachers. I hated the stale new classes. I hated the whole formidable scenario.

So when it neared time for the first day, I wasn’t in the highest of spirits. My mom had taken me and Tristan school shopping for clothes, which mostly just consisted of buying longer shirts and jeans for my brother due to his constant growing-spurts. During this torment of boredom I was forced to endure, I recieved a deceiving phone call.

I had been waiting in line for a pretzel while my mom had rushed Tristan off to Foot Locker in search of a new fitting pair of sneakers, when my cell phone gave off tingling vibrations against my thigh. Tugging the device out of my jean’s pocket, I peered at the caller I.D and immediately answered.

“Hey! Long time, no see. How was Detroit?” I greeted into the phone.

My ears were welcomed with a stream of drawn-out and miserable sobs, making my voice drop in concern. “Sids? Sids, what’s wrong?”

“Oh, Robin!” cried Sids from the other line. “Robin, it’s so horrible!”

“Come on, Sids. It’ll be okay, just tell me,” I cooed encouragingly.

“Robin…I…I’m moving!”

My heart faltered in its unaltered pattern of beating as I whispered in disbelief, “What? Moving? Moving where?!”

Sids continued to sob mournfully. “ Detroit! Fucking Detroit, Robin! My fucking parents liked fucking Detroit so fucking much that we are fucking moving there in two fucking weeks!”

“T-t-two w-weeks?”

“Two weeks!” repeated Sids. “Robin, I don’t want to move. I mean, I really don’t want to move. I hate that fucking state and I damn well do not want to leave Vegas, to leave our school, to leave my friends, to leave you.” Her despairing sobs began to rise once more now that she was no longer sidetracked by words, and the tragic sounds only echoed my own mood.

“Sids, you can’t leave. I…I have no one else…” I whispered pathetically, blinking back urging tears.

Her gloomy sobs rang out louder as Sids cried, “I know, Robin! I know! And I’m so sorry, but I can’t do anything about it! I hate them! I hate my goddamn parents for putting me through this shit!”

I had moved aside from the line of people waiting for pretzels and was now sitting on a nearby bench, totally torn from the breaking news Sids had brought upon me. I had my hand pressed to my forehead in a desperate manner, crestfallen about this rueful situation I was in.

Sids couldn’t leave because she was practically my only friend. I loved her like the sister I never had and, with her gone, that left me Tristan as my only friend, which was beyond unacceptable and sad. Sure, I still had that broad group of girls at school to hang around with, but none of them knew me like Sids knew me. It was just a lifeless world without Sids there to keep me thinking logically. Who else would I complain to about my love-life issues? (like I had them anyways) About my family problems? (besides the whole dad situation that I strictly kept to myself) About life? (which sucked at the moment)

And that left one more person to abandon me. One more person who cared about me leaving me torn and broken. One more pill to take to keep down the pain of heartbreak.

Sids continued to sob until her mother pried the phone from her weak hands and told me that they had to go pack for the move. I sat and listened to the dial tone's monotone melody until Tristan finally found me.

Tristan smiled when he spotted me, his lips spreading into that wide, brotherly grin as his blue eyes sought me out.

When I didn’t return the favor, Tristan turned worried and, with concern, asked, “What’s wrong, Robs?”

I shook my head, shut the cell phone still glued to my sweaty hand, and stood up. I sniffled and let the escaping tears slid down my face as Tristan took me into his warm embrace. Nuzzling into my brother’s shoulder, I found a tweak of comfort inside the blackness of sorrow that had enveloped me moments earlier.

My life was in a shitty state, but there was still some hope for happiness in there somewhere.
♠ ♠ ♠
Fuck it.
Two can't hurt.