Through Thick and Thin

Guardian Angel



God, I bet she's gay.

No kidding.

Janet heard the mean whispers of the students as she saw the lonely girl walking down the hall with her face down in shame.

She couldn't believe how mean the students in this school were. This was her first day at here, before she used to go to an all-girl school and she was fine with that. The girls there were like her little family, everybody new each other there and they always had each others back.

Sure there was drama, but what school didn't? The fact was that nobody talked to each other with such disrespect and got away with it. Even the teachers at this school looked the other way as she saw more of the whispering getting louder.

"That's Sarah, she's such a freak," the girl who was supposed to show her around the school said. Looking at her annoyed, Janet decided to ignore it for now.

Is this where she had to spend her last two years of high school? Her mother's job had to get shut down. Stupid economy, hope Bush dies for this.

Looking back towards Sarah, she saw one of the jocks come up to her and push her books out of her hands towards the floor, then push Sarah herself down, too.

"That is enough," Janet said loudly, causing everybody to look at her, even Sarah.

"What? I'm just having some fun," the jock said, then looking behind his back with a smile, as he heard his friends laugh.

"You think pushing a girl down is fun?" Janet said standing in front of Sarah and facing the jock. Right now she caught the whole school's attention. Everybody held their breath as they saw the newcomer stand up to one of the most popular guys in the school.

"Do you have any idea who I am?" the jock said, narrowing his eyes at her. "I'm Brian, star of the football team, you should watch who you're talking to."

"I don't care if you're God himself, you never push a girl around," Janet hissed getting closer into his face. "Tell me, how long will it be before you start hitting girls, huh? You have some nerve being disrespectful like that. I'm sure you're mother taught you better."

Brian took a step back at how loud Janet was becoming. Faintly, she heard the guys snickering behind him. She looked at them and her eyes narrowed in anger. "You think this is funny. Where do you think all these shootings and suicides come from?"

"Woah who said anything about that? It's like what Brian said, they were just having some fun," her "tourist" said nervously.

"That's what they all say and look at what happens. This school is such a disgrace. How can you all just do that to someone?"

"Look, bitch. I don't see how this is any importance to you?" Brian said, taking a daring step towards Janet.

"Oh, the big tough guy is going to hit me?" Janet growled. "I dare you. Just know this, I know how to fight and if I have to, I will bring you down with me. You think you're such a hot shot now, let's see where you're at five years from now. Now leave, I'm getting sick and tired of seeing your face."

Pressing his lips tightly, he turned around and left, with his other friends running after him like little puppies.

"And you can leave, too. I think I can find my way around without you're help," Janet said coldly to girl. She looked at her with wide eyes and quickly left in fright.

Looking down, she saw Sarah looking at her with bright eyes. Bending down, Janet picked up her books and gave them to her.

"Twilight fan, huh?" she asked as Sarah grabbed them and looked down, hiding her face away from her. "I have all her books at home. You should come with me to the theaters this weekend, I'm going to go watch the movie with a couple of friends."

Looking up quickly, Janet saw that she was surprised. "Really?" she asked as she stood up.

Janet stood up also. "Yep, I'm a major fan of Stephanie Meyer's work. You can say I'm a bit of book geek," she shrugged. "They're like my children."

Sarah smiled and nodded her head.

"Great, now care to help me find my classes? I have no idea where anything is," Sarah laughed and grabbed Janet's schedule.

"Wow, you're in all honors and AP classes," Sarah said whistling. "Well that's good, I'm in all your classes, including lunch. I just have to say, you don't look like it."

"What, smart?" Sarah nodded. "Yeah, I like to dress up...a lot. Don't worry, when I'm done with you, you're going to have not only brains but beauty also."

"I don't know," Sarah looked away. She noticed that all the other students were still looking at them.

"Oh come on, you're pretty. We're just going to enhance it and make you gorgeous," Janet said ignoring all the looks the other kids were giving them. "By the way we're going to have to work on that confidence, too."

"You really think I'm pretty?" Sarah said softly.

"Yep and if anybody says anything otherwise, then they're just jealous," Janet said. "Now let's go, I don't want to be late for lunch."

"You can't be late for lunch," Sarah said with a soft smile.

"Tell that to my other school," Janet said grudgingly, but with a smile on her face. "By the way, my name's Janet."

"My name is Sarah. Now let's go, the cafeteria is this way," Sarah said walking down the hall, feeling happier than she ever felt in her life.

"Oh, Sarah?"


"You have got to meet my mom, you're going to love her, trust me," Janet said skipping down the hall. "Come on, I'm hungry."

Laughing, she ran down to catch her, but then all of a sudden she tripped and crashed towards the floor. Looking up she saw it was Brian, again.

"Don't think this changes anything," he hissed at her.

Looking behind him, she saw Janet mouthing 'stand up to him'. It looks like her friend was already training her to become more confident.

"I think it does," Sarah said getting up and wiping off any dirt that may have got on her. " You can't mess with me anymore, Brain. I'm done with you."

Walking away from him, Brian had his mouth open in shock as well as the rest the school. For the first time in her life, she stood up for herself and it felt good. She could now walk with her head held high and not be the scared little girl anymore.

"So, you said you were hungry?" Sarah asked Janet.

"Starving was more like it," Janet grabbed Sarah's arm and dragged to the cafeteria. "And Sarah?"


"Step 1 is now complete. Next stop, a whole new look for you."

And just like that Sarah found her guardian angel and maybe a best friend as well.

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I had this story in my head for quite a while now. I thought I should finally put it down in writing. Thanks for reading. ^_^