The Secret Life Of Nerds

Everyday, three girls out of one family went to school. There were exceptions, but that was the main of their life; go to school. For the most part, most of their life happened within their lives in a building within an 8-hour time period.
  1. Calculator Problems
    Where we meet Ariana. (Ahri-ana. She's very fussy about that.)
  2. Interviewing Prince Charming
    Where we meet the second sister, Audrey.
  3. ...So, the Force would win?
    Now, we meet Penelope Violet. And her friends with the salt shakers...
  4. At Home.
    Where we all see how they interact at home.
  5. Dreams and Nerds
    In which we learn what the title means.
  6. They Almost Called Me Toaster, Y'know.