The Secret Life Of Nerds

At Home.

"Hey Papa." Ari called, dropping her heavy backpack on the ground.

"Hello Papa! Hey, Ari watch you drop your backpack! It hit my foot. And your driving is crazy! Why can't you let moi drive? I'm sixteen! I'm legal; I have a license, a responsible manner, and no habit to hurt things with my car! Listen to me, dame folle!" Audrey had made her entrance, and now was nursing her foot, as Ari did drop her backpack on it.

"Welcome home, my loves." Mr. Kosonovas boomed in his strong French accent. He worked at home all day, on his laptop, for some big company and was some hotshot there. However, here, at 1386 South Ebony Lane, in Crawford, Connecticut, he was known as Mr. Kosonovas, or Papa to some. He had gone to the United States to go to collage, and there he met his wife, who convinced him not to move and stay where they are now. So, he taught all of his daughters French, which was the more commonly spoken language in the household. Mrs. Kosonovas was actually a professor French in the nearby collage.

"How was your day?"

"I had the pleasure of interviewing a stupid, pompous ass!" Audrey said, her anger making her switch to English.

Ari sighed. "Was he a stupid, pompous and hot?"

Audrey rolled her eyes. "Yes." She admitted finally.

"Those are the worst kinds, sadly." Ari declared.

"Take note, darlings." Mr. Kosonovas joked. "All men are idiots, until...maybe thirty years old."

"Except for you, Papa?" Audrey hugged her father, then looked up into his eyes.

He laughed. "No, I was an idiot. Your mother...she put it with it reasonably well."

"I did what?" A voice emerged from the doorway. Then finally, Mrs. Kosonovas emerged from the doorway. In almost every way, she resembled a stereotypical French teacher. A blond hair cut in an anti-symmetrical bob, a black sheath dress, with unusual tights and scarf. Her glasses seemed to be askew, and behind her hid the sulking Viv.

"Kept me line when I was stupid." Mr. Kosonovas responded.

She looked up and gave a fierce look- that was comical, because she was five three, and Mr. Kosonovas was six foot- and said. "You're right about that. I found Viv after her basketball practice, coming out of the pizzeria." Casting a scolding look at Viv, "Well?"

Rolling her eyes, Viv countered, "You never said I couldn't."

"You still know you shouldn't!"
Dropping her bags like her daughter had done only minutes before her, she said, "What did you all learn today?"

"Guys are confusing."

"Guys who are hot shouldn't be stupid."

"Girls are bitches."

Mr. Kosonovas laughed, and Mrs. Kosonovas nodded worldly. "I see, dears." Mrs. Kosonovas pursed her lips. "Now, do your homework, pick your bags, or help me make dinner."

There was a sound as all the girls picked up their bags, hung them up on the coat rack, and hurriedly picked a table where they could get to work. Any threat Mrs. Kosonovas made was not one to be treated lightly.
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Meh. I didn't update because, well, having zero readers for like, ever, was kinda depressing. So, I know this one is short, but I'm going to update soon. Hmm..Comment?