Missing One Inside Of Me

I Can't Wait To See You Smile ... Again

Zacky’s POV

We watched Kimm and Mark walk away until they were out of sight, Jimmy just stood there, and it scared me shitless, his eyes had a mixture of happy and angry tears that were dwelling to fall.

I placed my hand on his shoulders, “you okay Jim Jim?”

He chuckled softly at the nickname, and ignored my words, “Do you really think it’s her Zack?”

“I really think she’s the one” a light of hope appeared at his eyes and a small smile rounded both of our lips.

We stayed in silence for a few minutes, I turned to look at him and we burst out laughing, we were laughing so hard, we almost pee our pants, we were rolling in the ground and people that past our way would give us all kind of funny looks; this was our Jimmy, the one we lost 16 years ago, and he’s finally back, can’t wait to tell the guys.
The guys! God we’ve to get ready for dinner!


"it's 8 o'clock guys c'mon!" Jimmy yelled impatiently pushing Johnny into our black SUV.

"god Jimmy" short shit defended himself.

"calm down man" Matt said getting into the driver's sit.

“Don’t tell me to calm down you fuckers, we’re already late” Jimmy complained.

“You better shut up” I said snapping Matt’s arm playfully.

Nobody complained after I gave them the look, everyone knew Jimmy was happy, they didn’t knew why though, but they were not going to ruin the first time they saw him happy in 16 years.

Matt drove to the pier and we were the first ones in there, but not for long.

Mark’s POV

“wow” she exclaimed as we climbed in my car.

“what babes?” I asked as I pulled out of the venue’s lot.

“what?” she asked shocked, “Markie are you kiddin’ me? This is the best day ever!” she
said bouncing up and down.

I laugh at her sillyness, “yeah it is, because it’s your b-day, nothing more, nothing else”

“We’ve just met our idols and you care about my b-day?” she questioned with a “wtf?” look.

“When are you going to understand Kimms?”

“understand what Markie?”

“That you’re way more important than going to a concert or any other shitty thing”

“well Evans you don’t get to meet celebrities everyday” she said defending her point-

“ You’re right, I get to meet someone even better” I said patting her leg

“Mark” she exclaimed getting on my lap and hugging me.

“I’m driving kimms and we’re gonna crash”

“I don’t care, I love you”

“love you too kimmsy”

* * * * *

I was sitting downstairs waiting for Kimmy to get ready, I took a look at my wrist and my clock read: 7:45, if she doesnt hurry up we're gonna be late

"Kimm hurry the ... " mom sent me a dirty look from the kitchen, "the fast off"

"the fast off?" she asked from the stairs, and mom went to talk with her.

I followed her voice and when I saw her my jaw dropped, she looked drop dead gorgeous, she was just wearing her usual black skinny jeans and a stripped gray & white t-shirt with a loose white hoodie, but god did she looked amazing.

Jack went to sit next to me, "close your mouth bro" he chuckled.

I didn't pay attention to his words and he followed my gaze, his mouth dropped as well.

Jayden stared at both of us for a minute until he finally decided to go and sit next to us, "What is so amazing I don't get it?" Jay said following both of our looks.

"ohh" he exclaimed as his mouth formed an "O" shape.

"she " Jack said.

"looks" Jay continued.

"amazing" I sighed.

"guys ... guys ... guys!" mom's voice snapped us from our trance.

"huh?" Jack asked.

"how long were we off?" Jay questioned.

" 'bout 1 minute" she chuckled.

"wow" I said.

Kimm smiled at my reaction, "Markie let's go, we're going to be late" she said kissing each of the twins' cheeks and grabbing my hand pulling me to the door. Boy did she looked gorgeous.
♠ ♠ ♠
Filler ....
I'm sorry ... it's just I'm going through a writer's block and stuff
But it will get better eventually.