Missing One Inside Of Me

I Caught Fire

Jimmy’s POV

We arrived at the pier, and I practically ran out of the SUV, pushing Brian and Johnny out of the way, and of course they complained like the big babies they’re.

We were there waiting for her arrival, honestly I really wish we were just Kimmy, the guys, and I going out for dinner, but stupid Matt Tuck had to mention going on a group date, I swear if he dares to touch her, I’ll kill him.

I was way too busy with my thoughts to notice that we were no longer the only ones in the pier, “ h-he-ey g-guu-ys!” she stuttered, Wow, she looks gorgeous.

“hey there!” Matt replied excitedly as he hugged her and shook hands with Mark.

“hey” she answered gaining a little of confidence over herself.

She passed all the guys hugging them and stuff and I was the last one, ohh what am I supposed to say? Hi I’m your lost father? God, what if she hates me?! Ohh I’m freakin’ out!!

“h-hey” she stuttered again.

Ohh she did looked gorgeous, her light brown bangs were covering a part of her face and her bright blue icy eyes were dazzling with the moonlight, she couldn’t be more beautiful.

I was nearly drooling, don’t get me wrong, I didn’t like her that way, she’s my lost daughter for god’s sake, it’s just that she looks so much like Katie, her hair, her face, and her tiny frame, and yet so much like me, she was as thin as a stick, and her eyes had the light mine’s used to have when I was happy.

Johnny gave me a slight punch in my shoulder, and I finally got the ballz to answer: “h-hey” I stuttered as well, god damn I couldn’t be any stupid, why in hell am I stuttering?

We both stared into each other’s eyes, and a light smile appeared at our lips, and she giggled as well, this seemed to be the perfect moment, but nothing’s perfect and you got to learn that the hard way.

Kimm’s POV

We arrived at the pier and Mark ran to the other side to open my door, “you know, not just because of my b-day you have to treat me this way Markie”

“but I want to treat you this way Kimms”

“thanks Mark” I said plating a sweet kiss on his cheek and he smiled.

Mark closed the car and we walked directly to the pier just to find out that the Avenged guys were already there, “ h-he-ey g-guu-ys!” I tried my best not to sound nervous, but it didn’t worked.

“hey there!” Matt replied excitedly which gave me confidence over myself, I was no longer stuttering.

Mark shook hands with Matt and all the guys, and I hug them all, but the last one was The Rev, “h-hey,” great my voice was breaking again.

He didn’t answer, he was scanning me all over, but not in a bad lusty way, he was just looking at me until Johnny punched him lightly in his shoulder, “h-hey” he stuttered as well.

Did I heard right? Jimmy “The Rev” Sullivan did just stuttered?

Neither of us said a thing and we both stared into each other’s eyes, they were so similar, a light smile rounded both of our lips and I giggled.

We were way too busy to notice that the BFMV guys were on the pier now, and I think neither of us would have noticed them, but Matt Tuck came around and placed his arm around my waist, as the other guys greeted themselves with the avenged guys and mark, a goofy smile appeared at my face, but The Rev’s face didn’t seemed so happy now.

“so?” Matt Tuck asked as his band rounded us, “where do you want to eat b-day girl?”

I saw Johnny’s Matt’s and Brian’s jaw drop, but I didn’t pay much attention to that, “umm I don’t know, you guys choose”

“ohh come on” padge said, “it’s your b-day, today’s a special day” he smiled.

“yes, you get to choose and also presents” Jay chuckled.

“ today’s your b-day?” Johnny asked shocked.

“yup!” I answered confidently, what is so amazing ‘bout my b-day, I really don’t get it.

Matt punched Brian and Johnny on the ribs so they would close their mouths, and they mumbled something I didn’t catch.

“ and well?” Padge asked.

“I really don’t know, you guys choose really”

“no, b-day equals you choosing” Zacky said smiling.

“C’mon Kimms” Mark patted my back.

“Kimms?” Brian asked.

“yeah a nickname for Kimmy” Mark answered proudly, and again the avenged jaws dropped.

“What’s with the jaw dropping?” I asked and I saw jimmy and Zack sent glares to Matt, Johnny, & Brian.

“okay so let’s get moving, or we’re never going to get dinner” The Rev said talking for the first time in minutes.

“yeah but were?” Mark asked.

“what ‘bout, Longboard Restaurant & Pub, there’s good food in there”

“so … everyone agrees?” Jay asked.

“yeah” was all we heard as we headed to the each one’s car and drove to the restaurant.

Once inside the restaurant, we were in a big, I mean big table for all of us, Mark was sitting next to me, Jimmy across, Matt and Jay were on both of the ends of the table, and on my other side was Zacky who won the sit to Matt Tuck who was about to sit next to me.

As the waitress came by she kept giving dirty looks to all the guys, scanning them in a lusty way especially Zacky and it was getting to my nerves, Zacky asked for a coke and when she set his coke in the table, she leaned so much, I could see everything.

I couldn’t take it anymore, I grabbed Zacky’s hand from under the table and I felt him tense a little, but then relax, I lift our linked hands, “I’m his girlfriend you know, so could you please stop scanning him?”

Zacky gave me a soft peck on the lips, the girl just nodded, blushed terribly and walked away, I put our hands back on the table, and I was about to let him go but he started rubbing circles all along my hand with his tumb, and I’m not gonna lie, I was in heaven.

“whooa!” Matt cheered high fiving me with my free hand, “you’ve got an attitude girl”

“did you see her face? She was about to die” Moose chuckled.

“that was awesome!” Johnny said grinning.

“you’ve got it Kimm!” Jay exclaimed happily.

“That was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen” Brian said between laughs.

The guys kept commenting on the incident and everyone besides Matt Tuck and Jimmy was laughing, what’s with those two?

It had been almost an hour and a half since we arrived at the restaurant, we were eating dessert, when Zacky’s cellphone rang, and for the first time in the night, he let go of my hand, he saw his phone and his face became as pale as a vampire, he excused himself and I saw him and Jimmy walk out of the restaurant.
♠ ♠ ♠
what's with Jimmy and Zacky??
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Credit: The Used - I Caught Fire