Missing One Inside Of Me

She's Gone, Nothing Will Take Back Time

Zacky’s POV

We saw jimmy pick Katie up in his arms and started running through his car, the guys and me followed him, but we couldn’t stop him, he was running to fuckin fast, we chase the car like 2 blocks, but we couldn’t reach him. We climbed into matt’s car, matt was driving, val in passengers sit & in the backseat: Brian, Michelle, Johnny and I, Matt drove as far as he could to the hospital, when we got there, they were taking Katie into emergencies and Jimmy was arguing with a random nurse.

"I want to go in with her" Jimmy complained

"sorry sir you can’t" the nurse said

"but please, please, I Beg you let me go with her" Jimmy pleaded

"Sir. I’ve already told you I can’t do that, now please calm down"

"how the fuck are asking me to calm down if I don’t know if my girlfriend is alright" Jimmy spat angrily

"Sir please, calm down, or I will have to call security"

I walked to where jimmy was talking to the nurse, and pulled him out of the hospital for a moment, "Jimmy, calm down, everything’s gonna be alright" I assured him.

"how can you ask me to calm down Zacky, if I don’t know what’s wrong with Katie!" Jimmy yelled.

"I know man, but look, if you don’t calm down" I said putting a hand on his shoulder "those motherfuckers are gonna call security and then we’ll have to leave!"

Jimmy stared at me with tears in his eyes threatening to come out at any moment, "I’m sorry Zack, it’s just that Katie is everything to me, and I don’t know what I’ll do if I lose her"

In that moment, I hugged jimmy, and he break down crying, he was 1 of my bestfriends and I hate to see him this way, he was right, Katie was his everything, and I don’t know how jimmy will take it if something really happens to her, "you’re not gonna lose her buddy, katie’s gonna be alright" I said hugging him even more as he soaked my t-shirt with tears, "now c’mon, lets wait for a doctor to tell us what’s going on"

"s-sure" Jimmy’s voice was cracking, and he started wiping away the tears from his eyes

When we came in, everyone was silent, I just went and sit next to the guys, jimmy was walking all along the room, again and again, and he wouldn’t stop or talk to anyone, he was just walking, we waited to what seemed to be forever, till finally a doctor came out …

"are you here for Katie Evans?" a doctor asked

"yes, I’m his boyfriend, how is Katie? Is she alright?" Jimmy asked impatiently

"calm down sir, I need to tell you something" the doctor said

"is everything alright?" Jimmy asked confused

"look sir, when Katie fell she hit his head ... " The Doctor said not finishing his sentence

"and? Is she alright?? Please tell me doctor, I need to know" Jimmy said tears filling his eyes

"well I don’t know how to say this, but she"

"she what!?" Jimmy asked cutting the doc out

"she’s got a brain dead, I’m really sorry sir"

"no, please, there’s gotta be a problem, she can’t … please" Jimmy said

"I’m so sorry sir"

" but… but noo, she can’t … please … this can’t be real, not her"

" I’m so sorry sir, we could save the baby, but we couldn’t do anything for her" the doctor said

"nooo please! Nooooo!"

"I’m really really sorry sir "

" where’s the baby?" Jimmy asked sobing

"the nurses are cleaning her, but you can’t take her with you" The doctor said looking down

" what? My wife has just died, and I can’t take my daughter home?" Jimmy asked anger filling his voice

"I’m sorry sir, but in cases like this, we’ve checked your record and you’re not suitable to be a parent"

"please doctor, you can’t do this to me, please, she’s the last thing I’ve got " Jimmy begged

"I’m really, really sorry sir, but I can’t do anything, those are laws"

"please, please " Jimmy pleaded but that’s when jimmy couldn’t stand it, no more … he collapse down on his knees and started crying and sobing

"why? Why her and not me? Tell me! Why!" Jimmy asked punching his fists to the ground

"Jimmy, buddy" Brian said putting a hand in Jimmy's shoulder

"noo please doctor, please, I beg you, I’ll give you whatever you want but please let me take my daughter with me, please, she’s all I’ve got, without my wife & my daughter I don’t know what I’ll do"

the doctor shook his head, "sorry sir, I can't"

"well at least, can I see her… please" Jimmy asked, his blue eyes, were all red and puffy, and that light of happines, that just Jimmy's eyes used to have, was completely vanished

"sure, when you’re ready, come and tell me, and I’ll show you your daughter "

Jimmy was in his knees crying on the floor and he wouldn’t move, I didn’t knew what to say and neither the guys, we were feeling as bad as jimmy, Katie wasn’t just jimmy’s girlfriend, it was 1 of our bestfriends since elementary school.

Jimmy’s POV

Deadly lost this can’t be real, can’t stand this hell I feel, nooo please, I gotta be dreaming, I’m stuck in a dream, a nightmare full of sorrow, And I need to wake up, please, please god! If you are real! Don’t do this to me, she’s everything I’ve got left …

"Jimmy man" I heard Johnny from behind me

"please Johnny, please tell me this is a nightmare please" I said and Johnny remained silent.

"Jimmy c’mon man stand up" Brian said taking my arm and trying to pull me up

"noo I don’t want to!" I said trying to break away, "She’s everything to me, she can’t be gone"

"we can’t do anything more jimmy … I’m so so sorry man" Matt said crying

"yes we can! Cuz this is just a fuckin nightmare! " I said " she's not dead, she can't be dead"

"Jimmy, man I know how you are feeling, she was our friend too" I heard Zacky said

"no" I screamed, "you don’t fuckin know how I’m feeling Zack, I was gonna propose her tonight! I’ve got here the fuckin ring! And now is useless, she’s gone, and it’s all my fault! I should have never let her go to get that beer, is my fault, it’s all my fucking fault!" I said angrily

"Jimmy I’m so sorry but it’s not your fault, it was an accident" Val said sweetly

"noo it wasn’t val! It was my fault!" I complained

"Jimmy! You’ve to stop blaming yourself!" Michelle said wiping the tears from my eyes

"but I can’t! look at me" I said getting everyone's attention "I’m nothing without her, and now! The last piece I’ve got left from Katie, is my daughter! and I can’t even take her home!"

" we’ll find the way so you can take her home jimmy" Matt said

"but how!? How matt!? If those fuckers say I’m not suitable to be a parent! How!?" I asked crying even more.

"we’ll think of something jimmy " Johnny said

"I don’t know if living it’s worthless, I mean I can’t even take my little girl home!"

"don’t even say that again Jimmy, we’re here for you & we’ll get through this" Brian said helping me up, this time I didn't refuse

"but how! How!?" I asked confused

"we’ll think of something jimmy, we always do, I promise" Zacky said

"thank you guys, you and Kimmy are the only ones I’ve got left" I said hugging Michelle, we were both crying

"who is Kimmy? " Michelle asked rubbing my back

"my babygirl, Katie wanted to call her Kimmy" I said remembering that day, as if it was yesterday

"okay Jimmy, so let’s go and meet little Kimmy" Matt said putting his arm around me

" yes, at least I want to see her for the last time" I said, "but I swear guys, I won’t give up till I find her, I fuckin swear it"
♠ ♠ ♠
yeah, so second chapter (:
credit for many of the phrases and the chapter title:

Fade to Black - Metallica
I won't See You Tonight Pt. 2 - A7X