Missing One Inside Of Me

See Pass The Rockstar Image

Zacky’s POV.

“I’m guessing you don’t have a place to stay right?” Jay asked as we drove back from the restaurant.

“uhh , yeah” I answered ashamed of myself, I couldn’t go back to the bus they would bang the shit out of me and then throw me outside.

“let’s stay at my parents house Zee, I would invite you to our bus, but I doubt they let us in” he sighed and I blushed, I did fucked everything up.

“your parent’s live here?” I asked confused, as long as I remember Jay’s parents live in the U.K.

“umm no, they have a summer house here” he stated.

“that’s awesome”

“yeah, actually I doubt they are home, I’m sure they’re on the U.K. they only come here on

“that’s cool man, I remember our last summer on the U.K.” I chuckled.

“yeah, those were good times” he smiled too, remembering our summer, it was the only time I could see Jay, when my family would go on vacation there.

The rest of the ride was quite awkward, just boulders by new found glory playing softly on the radio, and the lyrics were killing me: “With the weight of the world on my shoulders
Crushing on my head are boulders ...”

“Don’t worry Zacky, It’ll be okay” Jay said snapping me of my thoughts as we parked in his parent’s driveway, I just nodded and followed him.

As soon as we were inside, her mother came rushing through the door, “Jason!” she yelled happily embracing him with a hug and covering his face with kisses, Jay was blushing hard while I just stood behind them laughing quietly.

I was lost in my thoughts as Jay’s mom continued with the greeting, until I heard my name: “Zachary! Look at you” she said repeating Jay’s process with me, “you’re so
handsome!” she exclaimed happily and I blushed a crimson red, now it was Jay’s turn to laugh.

“thanks ma’am” I said as I saw my foot and played with my shoes.

“no problem sweetheart” she said smiling kindly, “but c’mon take a sit, I’m sure you boys are tired” Mrs. James took both of our arms and guide us to the living room, where I took a sit across from Jay and his mom.

“so how was tour kids? And Jason James! Why didn’t you told me you were going to be on California!?” she asked playfully.

“let’s exchange the question mom,” Jay said, “Why didn’t you told me you were going to be on Cali!?” he chuckled.

“well I needed some fresh air and a little bit of sun” she answered with a smile.

“it’s okay mom” he smiled back, “where’s dad?” he asked.

“he decided to stay, you know he loves the chilly weather” she stated and Jay nodded, we’re going to crash, we’re tired, night mom” Jay said standing up, kissing her mom’s cheek and
I followed him.

“night guys” she said sweetly as we headed upstairs, “C’mon Zacky, you’re so slow” Jay complained.

“ohh shut up Jason” I said closing his bedroom door behind us.

“you shut up Zach” he chuckled, “you’ll stay on my bro’s bed” he said pointing to the bed next to his.

“Jay?” I asked as he lay on his bed.


“thank you” I said honestly.

“no prob Zee” he smiled and I fell asleep.

Johnny’s POV

I got into a cab, “Follow that car” I ordered, pointing to Mark’s car which was disappearing on the highway.

“yes, sir” the driver answered.

“make it quick please” I said, as we followed the car close.

After the whole ride, I saw Mark’s car turn and park, I pay the driver and stepped out of the cab, as it drove away, I saw Kim getting into a house and Mark following behind.

“Mark, Mark!” I yelled, Mark turned around and as soon as he saw me, he told Kimmy something I didn’t catch, she went inside and he started walking my way.

“look Johnny, I don’t mean to be rude, but please leave” he said calmly.

“But you guys have to hear me out first” I complained.

“Johnny, Kim’s crushed, I don’t know what’s the purpose of this sick joke but … ”

“that was not a joke” I cut him off, “you listen kid, I don’t mean to be rude either, but Kimmy must know the truth”

“what truth are you talking about Johnny?” he asked angrily.

“what Zack and Jimmy said was true” I stated.

“ Look her parents left her long ago, then a stupid adoptive family made her live in a hell hole for years, I finally took her out of there and now you come and remind her all of that? He spat madly, “in her fuckin’ birthday?”

“hey Mark, I’m sorry about all of that, I’m really are, but you don’t know the hell we’ve been living either …”

This time Mark cut me off, “hell? For god’s sake Johnny, you’re Avenged Fuckin’ Sevenfold, what hell could you be in?” he questioned louder.

“For 2 seconds Mark, just for 2 seconds see pass the rockstar image” I yelled, “we’re humans too, we cry, we smile, we hurt, just like you do, okay? So now shut up and let me tell you the truth.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Kinda short, but it's an update right?