Missing One Inside Of Me

Explanations Make it Way Better

Kimm’s POV

We arrived toMark’s, our house and I noticed a cab right behind us, as I was walking to the door, I saw Johnny getting off the cab and so did Mark, “get in the house kimm, I’ll be there in a moment” he said and I nodded.

I walked into the house leaving Johnny and Mark outside, I climbed the stairs silently and saw the twins bedroom’s door open, I sneaked my head in they were lying on their beds with Gunner in between, snoring softly, I grabbed two blankets and placed them on each twin, Gun did noticed my presence and went to greet me.

I just walked to my room and Gun followed, I climbed silently into my bed and he crawled next to me, “Hey Guns” I said sadly ruffling his hair as he licked my hand.

I was lying on my bed, thinking on all the things that happened today, it started being the greatest day of my life and ended up like this, how could everything vanish so quickly? It just fades leaving me alone again to notice I don’t have anything or anyone to relay on.

I was lost deep on my thoughts when gunner started barking at the door, then I noticed Mark and Johnny standing on my doorway, “Mark?” I questioned, grabbing gunner by the collar so he wouldn't rip johnny apart.

“Kimmy” he sighed, “Johnny wants to talk, you don’t have to, if you don’t want to” he assured me and Johnny nodded.

“it’s okay Mark” I smiled

Mark smiled back and was about to walk away, “would you stay with me Markie?”

He went to sit next to me, so did Gunner, never taking his eyes off Johnny who was slightly afraid of the dog, he was still waiting at the door frame, “you can come in you know” I said and Johnny walked in with his head down.

He sat at a little couch in front of us, and as the minutes passed an awkward silence fell upon us, I really felt the urge to break it, “so?”

“so …” Johnny trailed, he was playing with his feet, eyes locked in the ground.

“what’s so interesting down there?” I asked trying to get Johnny to the point.

He blushed terribly, “I’m here to talk about what happened earlier” he said, still looking down.

“what about that Johnny?”

“what they told you is true, Jimmy is your father” he said nervously afraid of the answer he could get.

As upset, angry, confused, and everything I was I couldn’t take my anger against Johnny, “is not, my parents are dead” I assured him calmly and I felt Mark squeezing my shoulder lightly.

“Why would you think that kimm?” he asked, carefully picking the right words, his eyes filled with curiosity, kindness and care, wait care? Why does he care about me?

I softened up a little bit, “they abandoned me Johnny.”

“they did not, Kimmy” Johnny said and started telling me a story.


“I think this it’s not meant to be told by me kimmy” Johnny explained after finishing his previous story.

I didn’t knew what to say. “did Jimmy really lost his wife?” I asked sadly.

“yeah” he said at the verge of tears.

“I don’t mean to be rude or anything Johnny, but what does this story has to do with what happened earlier”

“I think it would be better if you asked him Kimm” he sighed.

“but I don’t even know Jimmy, I mean I just spend an evening with you
guys and …”

Johnny cut me off, “if you want to talk with Jimmy, he would be glad, trust me”

“you sure?” I asked nervously.

“more than sure Kimmy-doo” he smiled.

“kimmy doo?” Mark chuckled, “seems like we have a new nickname to add to the list”

“so are we cool kimmy?” Johnny questioned, getting up from his previous sit.

“we never had a problem Johnny” I smiled and he grinned.

“it’s good to hear that” he said happily, “now Mark and your doggie here, won’t have to kick my ass” he said pointing to Mark and Gunner who was now waiving his tail at Johnny.

A slight laughter erupted from all of us, “I guess I don’t have to” he said tending his hand, Johnny gladly took it and they shacked hands.

“ohh fuck that” Johnny said embracing Mark into a hug, which was quite hilarious considering the difference of heights.

When they let go, Gunner approched Johnny slowly, he kneeled and started ruffling his hair, at athis Gunner jumped causing Johnny to fall to the ground, Gun didn't miss the chance and got on top of the poor Johnny boy and started licking his face.

After the Gunner incident we walked Johnny to his car, “it was nice to talk with you guys” he assured us.

“thanks for everything Johnny” I smiled lightly.

“no problem sweetie” he said returning the smile, next I knew he was hugging me, which I gladly accepted.

He opened the driver’s door, after the millionth time of saying goodbye, and got in, we were about to close the door, but Johnny stopped us, “I almost forgot” he said handing me a paper, “here, that’s my cellphone call me tomorrow and I will talk to Jimmy tonight.”
♠ ♠ ♠
A chapter!!! Finally!!!
sorry guys I've been busy but this week i'm updating my stories, thanks for satying loyal and waiting, really thank you for your patience.

this cahpter goes to all of you (: