Missing One Inside Of Me

The Best Is Yet To Come

Jimmy’s POV

Matt drove to the venue, Brian was at the passenger’s sit and I was sitting lonely on the backseat, nobody said a word during the ride, as soon as Matt reached the lot where our bus was, I jumped out of the SUV.

“Jimmy wait” I heard Brian yelling behind my back.

“C’mon gates we have to get him” Matt said as he and Brian started chasing me, I just wanted to be alone, so I was not stopping.

I ran, and I ran, I was not planning on going anywhere special, just somewhere where I could be alone with my thoughts, but the guys kept running behind me, my legs were much larger though, so I lost them easily.

“Jimmy?” Brian’s voice echoed from the distance.

“Can you see him?” Matt asked gasping for air.

“C’mon Sullivan, we just want to help” Brian pleaded.

“I think it’s better to leave him Bri, he knows we LOVE him and that’s he’s NOT alone” Matt shouted making a special emphasis on LOVE and NOT, he knew I could hear him.

“we’ll be at the bus Jimmy, come back when you’re ready” those were Brian’s last words before I heard footsteps getting weaker, until they were no longer heard.

“why?” I thought.

“why tonight?” I whispered sadly.

“why Zacky?” I said hoarsly.

“why her?” I asked a little louder, at the verge of tears.

“why me?” I yelled angrily raising my fists in the sky, “what have I done to you huh?” I yelled again, tears rolling down my cheeks.

But I’m that lucky, that Jason heard me, “Jimmy is that you?”
I didn’t answer, the last thing I needed was JB, seeing me cry like a baby, “Jimmy?” he asked again.

I was trying my best to keep my sobs quiet, “C’mon Jimmbo answer to me”

But it was simply not working, the more I sobed, the closer I heard JB approaching me, until he found me behind a wall, crying uncontrollably, hugging my legs to my chest.

"jimmy" he said kneeling beside me.

"why Jase?" I asked sobing even louder.

"shh it's okay, i'll be okay" he said hugging me firmly against his chest.

"no, it's not okay, it won't be fuckin' okay" I yelled angrily trying to pull away but Jason was holding me with a strong grip.

"jimmbo ..." he trailed but I cut him off, "Let me go, let me go" I yelled trying to break his hold.

"I won't let you go James" he said calmly.

"Why are you doing this? what does this has to do with you huh?" I asked madly.

"How can you even ask that James Owen Sullivan?" he questioned angrily using my full name, "I've known you since we were kids, you've been one of my bestfriends for years!"

" I ... I ... I " That's all I could bable, words were flooding my mind, but I just couldn't speak.

We stayed there in silence, I was no longer crying, Jase was no longer holding me, but neither of us said a word, we stayed like that for about an hour, Jason presence made me comfortable, but I needed to talk with someone.



"I'm sorry" I said honestly with my eyes stuck in the ground.

"No problem buddy, want to talk about it?"

" It would be nice" I admited, Jason flashed me a smile, which I gladly returned, he helped me up, but I felt something wet hit my cheek, "what the fuck?" I asked confused, "Did you just spit me?"

"Yeah, I've just spat you" he stated seriously, I looked at him oddly, "Man, they're called raindrops" he joked playfuly.

"mmkay, let's go, I don't want anymore "raindrops" on my face " I said quoting raindrops, which by the way was not a nice idea, because it started raining real hard.

"C'mon Jimmy, Hurry" Jase yelled, while we started running to the closest building in sight.

"Quick, Get In" I said opening the door, so we could be safe from the pouring rain.

Jason quickly walked through the white corridor with lots of doors, it was as if he was walking through his own house, I stared at it confused, I've been here before, but I couldn't recognize the place, "Let's get dry" Jason said opening a black door.

"Where are we?"

"You can't really recognize this Jimm?" he asked looking at me like I had grown another head.

"Not really, why should I?"

"Man, you were here a few hours ago" He sighed "Right now, we're about to get to Avenged's Sevenfold dressing room" he stated pointing at the door he had just open, that's why it looked oddly familiar to me.

"I already knew it JB, I was messing with you" I joked, patting his shoulder and walking through the door.

"Yeah, right" he joked back, closing the door, "There's your stuff Jimmy, get dry, last thing we need is the drummer gettin' a cold" he shrugged, "I'll call my bro and ask him to get us"

"Thanks Jase" I smiled as he left the room, I got my wet clothes out, slipped a pair of boxers, a hoddie, no t-shirt, some jeans and sneakers, I really need to get to the bus, I need a hot shower.

I opened the door, and Jason was sitting on the floor shivering, "Jase, why are you still wet?" I asked confused.

"You dork, this is A7X dressing room, I don't have clothes here" he stated with a duuh tone.

"And so what? don't be such a pussy and take some of my clothes"

"nahh I'm fine, Matt's coming to get us, I'll change on the bus"

"No, I said get changed, the last thing I need is our roadie gettin'g a cold" I said quoting his previous sentence, and gettin' back in to the room, I grabbed a tee, a hoddie, jeans and all that stuff.

"Here" I said handing it to Jason, "Go get changed, I'll wait here for MB"

"Thanks Rev" he patted my shoulder.

I sat on the floor, waiting for Jason, man he's such a girl, why's he taking him so much, "Jase?" I asked trhough the door.

"I'm coming"

God I need to go to the bathroom, and he won't hurry "I need to pee" I yelled.

"Go pee then"

"I don't know where the bathroom is!"

"End of the corridor, first door to the left" he yelled back.

"Right, I'll be back" I said running through the corridor, and turned to the right, first door he said, so I opened the first door I found, "This is not the bathroom" I whispered as I noticed many monitors and a panel control.

I walked in the room and closed the door behind me, "Where in hell am I?" I asked confused.

"Security Room" I heard a female voice behind me.

"Holy Shit!" I yelled, turning around slowly.

Before my eyes, was a beautiful short girl, dark brown hair, with gorgeous brown eyes, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" her voice was smooth and she was dressed in a rainbow way, which fit her perfectly.

"No prob" All the words I manage to choke.

"Are you lost?" she asked kindly.

"Not really" I said cockly, god I'm such a dork.

"Ohh" she exclaimed quietly, "The name's Leana" she extended her hand.

"I'm ..."

"Jimmy, I said first door to the left you dumb ass" JB cut me off, as he entered the room, "I've been loking for you all over the place, Matt's here" he said gasping for air, not noticing Leana.

"Ahaam" Leana exclaimed, which caused JB to turn around.

"Ohh I'm sorry, didn't see ya" he apologized.

"It's okay" she smiled, "I'm Leana"

"Jason Berry" he smiled back, "I've seen you before, right?" he asked.

"Probably, I work at security at the venue"

"Ohh yeah, hot security girl Danny was talking about" he babbled, then realized what he said and blushed terribly.

"Well thank you" she grinned brightly, "Seems like you have to go," she stated.

"Ohh yeah right, he's here Jimmy"

"Kay" I said as Jason pushed me to the door.

"Bye guys" she yelled through the corridor as Jason dragged me to the exit.

The Berry twins left me in our bus, Matt and Brian were drinking coffee, sitting at the small table, the midget was nowhere to be spotted and I sincerely didn't care about Zach, "Jimmy" both exclaimed as I entered the bus.

"Hey guys" I greeted back and walked directly to my bunk, "Night" I said before getting in.

I was laying awake on my bunk, Matt's and Brian's voice could be heard though they were trying to whisper, "Do you think he's going to be ok?" Brian asked.

"I don't know, all I know is I'm going to fuckin' kill Zacky" Matt answer, then I heard the door bus open.

"Hey Johnn" both salute him.

"Where's Jimmy?" he asked ignoring their greeting.

"In his bunk, why?" Brian answered.

"I really need to talk to him" he stated.

"I don't think it's the time Johnny" Matt said kindly.

"But it's about Kimm" he complained.

"What about Kimmy?" I asked gettin' out of my bunk, tripping with lots of things in my way until I reached the living room.
♠ ♠ ♠
yup ... filler, I'm sorry guys, but next chapter Jimmy and Kimm are meeting again :D
yeah the title is by hinder, "The best is yet to come"