Missing One Inside Of Me


Zack's POV

"Zack?" Jay said, moving my body a little, trying to wake me up.

"Zacky, Wake up" he tried again.

"C'mon Zach, it's already 11 o'clock" he complained, my mind was listening to everything Jay was saying, but my body simply refused to obey.

"Zachary James Baker!" he yelled on my ear, wich caused me to fall off bed.

"Sweet baby Jesus!" I half-yelled, half sighed as I rubbed the back of my head.

"I'm sorry Zach, you were not supposed to fall off bed" he apologized.

"No prob, Jay"

"I wouldn't have woke you, but you have soundcheck at 2:00, so I figured out, you couldn't be late right?"


"No, soundcheck" he said playfuly.

"Dork" I smiled.

"But you love me" he said throwing clothes at me.

"What's this?" I asked confused, as I held a tee, and some other stuff.

"You don't want to go on yesterday's clothes, do ya?" he questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Good point"

"Go take a shower, I'll see you downstairs, kay?" he said closing th bedroom door.

I took a shower and went downstairs, Jay was waiting for me with a table full of food, but I was not hungry, I just wanted some coffee.

"Morning sleeping beauty" he joked.

"Morning, knight in shining armor"

"Want some breakfast?" he asked as he took a bite out of his apple.

"I'm not really hungry, thanks Jay"

"It's okay, let's go, or we'll be late" he said grabbing his jacket and walking to the car.

We drove back in silence, Jay was still eating his apple, which kept him busy, we were close to the venue when we found a starbucks, perfect, "Jay, would you mind stoping for a bit?"

"Starbucks?" he asked

"Suup, want some?" I questioned, as I stepped out of the car.

"No, thanks."

"Okay" I was about to enter the starbucks, when I remembered I didn't have my wallet., I ran back to the car, Jay was just finishing his apple.

"Jay, do you mind lending me $20 bucks? I'll give it back at the venue"

"Here" he handed me the money, "but hurry up, we're already late"

"Why don't you just go ahead, I'll meet you there" I suggested.

"You sure?" he asked.

"Sure, I'll walk or something" I assured him.

"Okay Zach, I'll see you there" he said.

"Bye Jay"

I walked away from the car as I saw it dissapear, I entered the starbucks, just to find her there, she was with a guy, but it was not Mark, and she didn't look okay, her eyes held confusion and fear?

The jerk, was tugging at her arm, and she was fighting to get free from his grip, " J-ja-ake, le-et m-me-ee g-go" she pleaded.

Jake, so that was the asshole's name, I quickly started walking in their direction, "You're h-hu-urtin-ng m-me-e" she stuttered.

"Didn't you heard her, let her go" I said stepping between, the so called Jake, and Kimmy, which caused him to let her go, as I grabbed his arm.

"This is none of your businness" he defended himself, yanking his arm away.

"It is my businness, cause you're bugging my girl," I said, placing my arm around Kimm's waist, "Plus your parents didn't showed you how to threat a lady?"

"I'll threat her, the way I want, asshole" Jake tried to punch me, but I grabbed his arm just in time, I guess fighting in bars does help.

"Look, Dick" I smiled, "I won't break your baby face, right here, right now, because I'll end up in jail for hitting a kid, but you better dissapear before I change my mind"

I freed his arm, and he just backed away, he reached the door, but before stepping out, "This is not over Kimm, you heard me?"

Kimm was speechless, my arm was still at her waist, "You okay Kimm?" I asked concerned.

"Y-ye-eah" she babbled.

"You sure?" I questioned again.

"Yup" she stated, "Thank you Zacky," before I could answer, her arms were wrapped around me, I didn't complained and did the same.

We were still hugging, "You really scared me, kid."

"I'm sorry" she apologized, none of us wanted to let go. We fell on a comfortable silence, enjoying each other, but something ripped me apart from her.

Before I even had the chance to react, someone punched me straight in the eye, and I quickly ended at the floor, what suprised me was not the punch, but the puncher, I was expecting everyone, even Jake who would probably be back for revenge, but not him, not my bestfriend, not Jimmy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Poor Zacky, he was just helping.
C'mon guys a comment takes a just a minute.
Thanks to the ones who actually comment, but thanks to Secrets-That-Die for the last comments :D